Copyrighted by Tiger.

KISS is property of KISS. For fan entertainment only. No infringement intended.
The Four Watchtowers
By Tiger


Diana was running with her mother, trying to hide and
escape the Hunters. Her father was dead, killed by the
same hunters that were hunting them. "WE must get to
the WatchTowers, we will be welcome there." Both
Mother and daughter continued to run, hearing the
hounds on the backtrail. Finally they arrived at the
Gates and cried out for help. They were soon
surrounded. A sudden crack of lightning split the road
where they stood, causing the Hunters to back off "YOU
DARE TO HUNT THESE TO THEIR DEATH?" thundered an angry
voice. "I THINK NOT!" With a burst of angry red
lightning that killed several of the hunters, it
cleared a path into the entrance of the Watchtowers.
"Be welcome here" the voice said warmly and they were
allowed into the shelter and safety of the Towers.*end

Diana shook her head, clearing it. That had happened
so long ago. She was now a grown woman, a top rank
swordswoman and mystic. Tomorrow was the Initiation,
or Day of Decision. She had met the Powers once and
that was when she and her mother found safety there
and was still dazed at the first meeting. Eight
figures dressed in black robes with their heads
covered had carefully and gently questioned her and
her mother as to why they were being hunted like
rabbits. The answers had enraged the Powers. One
looked at both and said "You will find safety and
wisdom here. IT is not our way to torture and kill
those who are different. Rather it is our way to
encourage such diversity." Shivering a little, she
remembered what she had been told about the Four
Watchtowers. One great Watchtower to each Direction,
but two Powers living in the WatchTower. Celestial and
Hawk, in the East...King Of Beasts and The Hunter of
Night in the North, The West was The Star and The
Flame, and the South was the Demon and the Warrior.
Well tomorrow she would make her choice. She returned
to her mother and the two women spoke at length
Finally she was so tired that she had to go to bed...
She just could not stay awake any longer. As she fell
into sleep, her mother whispered... Blessings on you Daughter.


She was up before sunrise. Her mother was awake and
smiling. She listened as her mother spoke.
*Today is your Initiaion, or Day of Decision..You have
been brought up ethically and with people who love you
for you and not for your Gifts. Today will begin a new
phase of life for you* She answered the door and the
old monk, Scharde entered. Both bowed to the Keeper of
the Fortress. "Come with me young one and listen as I
explain to you what is going on." She nodded following
the monk to a circle made of stone."Each standing
stone is a doorway to one of the Four WatchTowers. Go
through any one that you feel drawn to, or" he
motioned with his hand "Go through the doorway at the
center of the circle and serve all the Powers. Very
few reach this point, or even care to... It is enough
knowing that they are safe and will not be harmed
here. But back to you. Each doorway will lead to
seperate doorways that are marked by each Power, with
their Sigil. Again, choose wisely and ethically little
one." She wore a plain robe of black and entered the
Circle from the East and walked around once. The sky
grew cloudy and different colored lightning began
raking the sky as the wind rose. Walking to the exact
center, she waited swordpoint earthed for the pull to
guide her to where and who. The pull began. She waited
until it was so strong that she could not resist. Her
steps took her north, and the doorway began to glow
with a snow white glow welcoming her. She stepped into
the doorway and was gone in a flash, following the
white light of the North deeper into the Fortress and
to the North WatchTower. She felt a welcoming and
warmth wrapped around her as she went deeper into the
tunnel. Her destination the North Tower.


As she followed the light deeper into the underground
entrance to the Tower, she remembered something
else... She KNEW the names of the Powers, but had
never seen their faces! She followed the Light as it
twisted and turned finally after a long while, the
path rose upwards. Finally she came to two doors. Both
were clearly marked. And very Ancient. The Sigil of
The Beast King on one, the Sigil of the Hunter on the
other. She drew a deep breath and emptied out her mind
and heart and asked one question mentally "To whom to
I go to?" Her left hand raised of its own accord and
gently touched the Sigil of the Hunter. She felt a
burning in her palm. The door finally opened and a
clear orange light flooded out the door, surrounding
her and drawing her closer. She stepped over the
threshold of the doorway and was blinded by the
intensity of the light. Daggers of pain struck behind
her eyes, but she did not yield to the pain. She
continued onwards the burning in her palm quite
apparent. Finally the Light dimmed enough that she
could see where she was going. She followed the
twisting hallway to another door, which opened. She
felt a hand gently place an orange robe over the
black. But she could not see whom it was. The choice
had been accepted.


A new monk turned her around. This one was called
Alard, and served the Hunter Of The Night. Her black
was replaced with orange, and Alard began to school
her in what her oath would mean when she finally took
it. He considered no question to be ridiculous, and
answered her bubbling questions with a smile . "This
one will learn quickly and be a blessing." he thought
to himself as the questions progressed. He knew that
this little one had never even seen the face of the
Power that she would serve. After she had asked him
questions, he turned the tables on her and asked her
questions. She couldn't see the reasoning behing the
questions, but answered as truthfully as she could. He
was deeply satisfied with her answers. He knew about
her training and sword skills. She had asked him "Does
the Power ever take human form?" when a warm voice
said "It isn't impossible, at times I do" She turned
to where a black robed figure stood, cowl down. "Leave
us, Alard. I will tend to her questions." He bowed and
took himself out. At that moment a red fox came from
behind the robed figure and jumped up into her arms.
Both creatures locked eyes. She gently stroked the
fox's fur and was even deeper calmed. A soft lick of
her face then the fox jumped down and disappeared
behind the hooded figure. Diana smiled. A warm chuckle
came from the figure. "Well met and well met again! It
seems the little fellow has a fondness for the
Huntress!" At that moment, she realized that she had
been renamed. "I accept the name of the Huntress,
Hunter Of The Night!" and again got a warm chuckle.
"Your renaming ceremony will take place on the morrow,
and you will see your mother again, but for now,
Little one... you need sleep." He led to to a neary
bed and as soon as she had laid down on it, gently
touched a hand to her forehead and she fell fast


She slept peacefully, being wakened at dawn by Alard.
She changed into the orange band and robe that marked
her as a servant of the Hunter of the Night. After
breaking fast, she was taken to see her mother. Hugs
and tears flowed as mother and daughter talked again.
Suddenly a sonorous gong sounded four times and she
took herself back to the circle of stone. Alard began
the naming ceremony. She would remember this day for
the rest of her life. The smell of incense and candles
the warmth of the sun. The smell of flowers. "Behold
the Huntress, servant of the Hunter !" he said drawing
her to her feet. She felt a deep warmth that told her
she had made the correct choice. Suddenly she saw the
eight Powers standing round her in a circle. She
listened intently to what they had to say and
responded in the affirmative. Soon the Naming was
over. Her mother pressed a gift into her hand as she
walked away. "Remember" was all her mother said,
before Huntress was led away. Now more instruction
would begin. Days later, her head was awhirl... so
much information... But she was suited to the task.

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