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Gods of Thunder
By Tiger


Everyone had gone back to the present.. Just Kitsune, 
Taka and Tora were left... all too soon he would have 
to leave her... her heart cried, as she watched him 
leave her for the last time. Taka knew she was going 
after him. She got ahead of him, but the Portal 
triggering took them both away. 
1943 Solomon Islands -  
Tiger looked around her with fear. She quickly 
disguised herself as aman, to be part of the squadron, 
as Eric Singer had done the same. She saw Eric Carr in 
one of the Corsairs. He sould be angry, but wasn't. He 
knew that this would be the last time she would jump 
before Singer took her home for good. "You little 
fool" he whispered hugging her tight. She was assigned
to be his wingman. The moment of truth had come. He 
cornered Eric..."Man.. take her out of here when this 
is over. They were due out for a mission immedately. 
She started the Corsair quickly and took off. Eric was 
remote, which was unlike him. She knew then that she 
would see him die. They were attacked in the slot and 
Eric's plane went down.. He had no damn chance at all. 
Tiger's heart screamed and shock and backlash 
reverbrated through her. She managed to land.. The 
look on Pappy Boyington's face told her all she needed 
to know. She excused herself and went far away to the 
other end of the base, Eric Singer followed her, with 
an soul deep anguished cry she collapsed into his 
arms.. "TIGER!!!" Eric cried out. He keyed the portal 
fast.. she was dying of a deeply broken soul and 
heart.. This was too much! 
Present day Arizona. 
Everyone was gathered around the portal at Alex's 
request...Alex went white.. They all knew that 
something bad had happened to Tiger. He summoned the 
same Dineh healer that had treated her before. The 
portal flashed and Eric ran to them, a very limp Tiger 
in his arms. A deep gasp of dismay ran through them. 
The Dineh healer did the best that she could, but 
truthfully told the others, that Tiger was dying. Too 
much shock, plus the effects of the jumping were 
killing her. Pure shock reverbrated through them. 


Modern Day Arizona 
The healer had placed Tiger in a sort of sleep state. 
She hadn't moved since Eric Singer brought her back. 
The shaman was also there, doing what she could also. 
She motioned Eric Singer outside... "It is going to 
take someone with strong will and heart to free her 
this time. Only love can heal now what we cannot..All 
we can do is pray and help her as much as we can. The 
emotional, physical strain has been too much, as for 
her Spirit, it too is damaged. Losing someone she has 
so deeply loved three times, is more than she can 
bear. She did only one thing wrong.. she followed her 
love thru the past, but never interfered with the 
timeline. I don't think that she knew this would be 
the ending. Do you know of such a person?" SunFire 
turned and looked at him. He remembered Carr's words 
to him the times that they were in the different time 
periods." I love her" he said quietly. "will that be 
enough?" For the first time SunFire smiled. "Yes.. 
Here is what you must do. I will inform the others of 
her condition, as they are being treated here as 
Between Worlds 
She walked alone, hearing the chanting of the shaman, 
which soothed her pain some. But she was more than 
ready to go to the other side. She was filled with 
pain and sorrow. There really wan't anything left to 
really live for. She knew that she shouldn't feel this 
way, but she did. She saw golden mist around her... 
She knelt and prayed from her heart and soul. Asking 
for forgiveness for any wrong she had done. Praying 
that Eric Carr would forgive her, and for peace and 
healing for those who were left behind. That said, she 
rose and began walking again, as the pain was a little 
lighter. Suddenly a deep keen rose from her soul. 
Suddenly Eric was there, holding her, talking to her 
touching her. He assured her that he wasnt angry at 
her. That he understood. But it was still not time to 
cross. That brought a cry of despair from her...He 
understood all too well. She had had enough. But 
gently, he touched her heart and it began to glow. 
"Beautiful.. There is someone that loves you just as 
much as I do. Let him heal your wounded heart. Trust 
him as you do me. Remember beautiful... we WILL be 
together.. even if you cant see me, you will be able 
to feel me. Suddenly a deep feeling of love overcame 
the excruciating pain and healed it!. She looked at 
Eric in shock and wonderment. He smiled. "walk with me 
a little.. for soon you will feel someone else here." 
She nodded then saw Eric Singer waiting for the both 
of them....HOW?!


Modern Day Arizona 
Eric Singer followed SunFire's directions to the 
letter, his heart breaking.. he understood too well 
about Tiger's predicament. Soon he was between worlds 
Eric Carr and Tiger approached him. Eric Carr gently 
gave her over to him with one admonishment. "Take good 
care of her. If you don't I'll know!" Turning to Tiger 
he smiled "Beautiful.. this isn't goodbye in any 
case.. it's just see you later, ok?" She nodded her 
head, tears flowing. Eric Singer took her by the hands 
and pressed his hands to her heart and her hands to 
his. She was shockwaved with the power of his feelings 
towards her. She hadn't known! The shock then 
recognition filled her eyes. She offered a tentative 
smile. His heart lifted. "Tiger-Girl, come home.. You 
are needed.. badly. and not just by other people... by 
me as well." She agreed to return. 
Modern Day Arizona 
It had been several days since Eric ventured into the 
Otherworld to find Tiger and bring her back home. 
Everyone was sweating it out. Inside the hogan... Eric 
stirred first.."Tiger" he called out softly. Her eyes 
fluttered open "Eric?" He gave a loud war whoop and 
just hugged her gently. SunFire came back in.. Tiger 
WAS better! she gently closed the door. With a grin, 
she annouced that both were now back. The cheers that 
met that statement could be heard inside the hogan.. 
"Sounds like you are missed and they are glad you're 
back... I agree with em". She gave him a weak hug, as 
she was still not at full strength. A knock at the dor 
sounded..."Enter" Eric growled.. Everyone came pouring 
in, and stared in disbeief, then rushed over. amid 
hugs, Paul grinned and said "Carr was right about you 
". "Too true, but I still have a long way to go before 
she is back to normal"


Eric Singer was not letting her out of his sight...
She was still a long way from being healed. The others
had recovered and volunteered to stay, but Eric shooed
them back..."This is between Tiger-Girl and myself.
Besides.. I don't really want to be haunted by a
certain drummer we all know." That brought an impish
smile to her face. He grinned. The decision was made
for them to stay on the Reservation until she was
physically healed. They talked a good bit about the
entire experience. "It seems like it has gone full
circle now. I started at the Reservation and I am back
at the Reservation." Tiger whispered. "Which time are
you drawn to now?" Eric asked her gently...
"Now...this is the one that feels right.. I miss him
terribly, but I just couldn't interfere with his
timeline in the present." He gave her a hug "I know
you do Tiger-Girl... but face it... You almost died,
even with the training you had. Carr knows it, I know
it and you know it. WE still dont know how you will
react once you are off the reservation. Girl, dont
EVER scare me like that again... don't you realize
that I love you too?!" the last spoken in pain. Her
eyes widened, and it hit home....Eric Carr had known
too..."I do now".. she whispered. "HOW?!" he asked
astonished. "When we were in Feudal Japan, I overheard
both of you speaking about me as I was waking up, but
was still trying to heal from the previous jump... it
makes sense now." She smiled..."sometimes I can be
blind." she admitted softly. "He looked into the
emerald of her eyes and knew she told the truth. He
just smiled and hugged her again. The talked until
sundown, totally honest with one another. The  Dineh
healer had arrived to treat Tiger. Eric watched Tiger
as she treated the healer with respect... The jumps
had not totally destroyed her...But he knew of her
lineage and knew that she was comfortable here. The
healer motioned him outside. "Do not fear, Man of the
Hawk... she will go with you when the time comes..
However, she will always now follow the old ways..the
ways of the People..Can you be used to that?" He
nodded. She smiled. " All will be well... Tend to your


Eric came back in to find Tiger a little sedated. He
lay down beside her, just holding her. She snuggled
close then began to cry... He held her tighter. "It's
ok..." he whispered to her.."let it out." He held her
as her sobs became more broken, and more like a wild
animal's. Her body shook from the force of the pain
and grief. He held to her tightly, unsure of what to
do. He talked to her as she cried, touching her,
reassuring her that he was still there. The pain storm
lasted until dawn. He wasn't letting go of her. Not
for an instant. She slept the sleep of the dead laying
in his arms. She didnt wake up at dawn either. He was
concerned that she had managed to burn herself out.
But that fear was put aside by the healer..."This is
something that had to happen in order for her to heal.
She will recover." What do I do.." he asked. "Just
love her... she will know". "Heart knows when all else
is blind or in pain. Heart knows truth." with that,
the healer left them. He stared at the healer as she
closed the door... Could it be that simple? He turned
back to Tiger and just held her. Touching her, calling
to her heart with his. She felt the pull back to the
waking world. She woke up three days later, Eric right
beside her. He looked like he had been thru hell.
Tiger held her arms out to him and he slid into them.
She held him tight, trying to ease his pain. "You
called me..." she whispered in shock. He nodded.
"Thank you.." she whispered and with the last of her
strength for the moment.. gave him a heartfelt kiss,
not only of gratitude.. but of love. He was stunned at
that. She did.... love him! For the first time in
three days they both fell asleep and slept peacefully.


She snuggled closer to him, not wanting to even get
up. A wicked chuckle caused her to open her
eyes...Eric looked at her and smiled. "Feeling
better?" "Much better!" she grinned. They had now
spent four months at the reservation. She was almost
healed completely. He hugged her hard and gave her a
kiss. He had been very careful not to get physical
with her yet. She smiled back at him. Night Star, the
healer came in a little later. "The shaman, Fire Horse
wishes to see both of you, now that her time here is
at an end." Both nodded and followed Night Star to the
dwelling of Fire Horse. "Grandfather" Tiger spoke,
giving him the respect due an elder. He waved them
both to sit. "Your time draws near to leave this place
of healing, young one. The warrior here with you will
protect you, if you will let him. He will be much more
to you also, again if you will let him. You do not
have to bear this burden alone." she nodded, but Fire
Horse wasn't quite finished. "You still have concerns
about Laughing Fox and Night Fox. Look into the fire
young one..." with that, he threw a powder into the
fire and it blazed up. Tiger gasped...Eric Carr
grinned at her from the vision. "Told you Beautiful,
that this wasn't goodbye, just so long for now....I am
still keeping an eye on you, as is Night Fox. Singer,
take damned good care of her, she is very much worth
the headaches!" He laughed as Tiger impudently stuck
out her tongue at him. "About time I saw that sunny
smile! I love you beautiful!" The image vanished. She
smiled a soft smile.. her heart finally at peace. Eric
Singer was elated to see her smile. Fire Horse just
smiled. Both talked about what they had seen. Eric
suddenly grabbed her and swung her around, both
laughing with relief. The next day they flew out for
California...There was a lot of adjusting for both of
them... after being gone for so long...He had tour
dates to make up, but he wasn't leaving her behind. In
truth they had only been gone for about two months,
instead of the two years....even with the gang with
them, it had only been two months. Eric packed Tiger
up and had a meeting with everyone. "Tiger - Girl is
going with me, and that's that!" he announced to
knowing smirks... Raven was overjoyed to see her
again. She was more... whole than she had been.
Everyone else agreed. "Don't forget... you got the
tour with Alice also!" "Already talked to Coop...he
hasn't got a problem with a female companion. I told
him enough for him to know what was going on...but
that isn't for a while..." Raven pulled Tiger to the
side. "I don't believe it! You are finally looking
like yourself again!!!" She gave her a huge hug. Tiger
laughed. "Finally feel like myself again!" Raven
chuckled "Eric is going to keep you hopping, you know
this, don't you?" A wicked grin showed Raven that
Tiger knew it and more so looked forwards to it. Raven
knew that Tiger was going to be in for the ride of her 


Tiger had been listening to Eric play, and visions
swirled in her minds eye of the Gatherings and the Pow
Wows that were held. She smiled at that, even as her
soul longed to dance to the beat of the drums, both
real and faraway. She heard the drumming stop, which
brought her immedately back into the present time. He
looked at her with a wicked grin... She shot one back
at him. He gave her a hug then left.. When he came
back, he was upset. Tiger figured out that it had
something to do with her, or so she thought. She
retreated to her room. Alex had met her at the door.
"I thought that you might want to know that four guys
are here to see you. Dammit... She went inside the
practice room where they waited on her. Alex went up
to Eric and told him bluntly "Tiger didn't know about
this. Don't be angry with her.That is the last thing
that she wants." Suddenly she smiled. She was ready,
they were ready. The steady tom -tom of the drums made
her body dance. She swirled and whirled to the beat of
the drums... letting the sound capture her heart and
soul again. Eric had come in, as had the rest... even
Coop was there... The cries and chanting startled
them, until they saw four dancers and one was Tiger!
She danced on unaware of the looks she was getting,
then she felt a need to get out of the way. She moved
it fast, without breaking stride. She danced out of
the East area and coming back to herself...watched in
stunned awe. A male Eagle Dancer was there. She was
rooted to the spot, unable to move. The Eagle Dance
was a very sacred dance. She didn't know the reason
why it was being performed, but didnt think to
question. The Dancer stopped in front of her. and left
a feather behind. She knew the rules, but the drummers
gestured that she should pick up the feather..With
trembling hands she did, and suddenly the Dancer
fastened it into her hair. Then the Dancer disappeared
out another door. She wept...this was a feather from
one of her Guardians!. The drummers saluted and left
as well.. leaving a very shaken Tiger. She didn't move
for a long time. She knew to wear that feather. Eric
moved to her "Tiger-Girl?" She couldn't answer. Alex
spoke up. "She had just received a healing... she is
still in a state of shock..."


Eric gently spun her around, noticing that she was
wobbly. Her eyes were bright and clear. He sighed a
deep sigh of relief. He turned her to face him as
everyone left. "I'm sorry I got mad at you,
Tiger-Girl... It was uncalled for. Forgive me?" She
impishly kissed him and said "Yes I forgive you! How
could I not?" He smiled at her. He knew deep down that
she was healed. He didn't claim to understand any of
her beliefs, but from what he just witnessed, he had
witnessed a miracle. As had the others. He grinned and
playfully started a wrestling match, which wound up
with of them on the floor. Devilishment shone in his
eyes, as he proceeded to kiss her silly. She returned
the favor. "You know... I thought I would have to
fight the other Eric for you but it turns out I didn't
have to.... but what surprises me is that he knew that
I did care about you. I was about to get the hell out
of your way, then I saw the results of the last jump.
I thought I would have to compete with a dead man, but
I don't... you accept me as me. She sobered, looking
at him. "Eric, if you hadn't intervened, I would now
be dead. And short of being with the other Eric, which
it was not my time, I would have been sent back. He
knew that you did care, before I did.The final jump
from Solomon Islands to here, would have killed me
outright, had there not been someone who cared about
me as much as he did. You do, and that is all that
matters. Your love brought me back... plain and
simple.. nothing else could have. Even I wasn't
prepared for the increased dangers of time jumping. If
not for you, I would be dead. Period." That said, he
hugged her close.

This is the end of Gods Of Thunder. I hope you ladies
enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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