KISS is property of KISS. For fan entertainment only. No infringement intended.
Gods of Thunder
By Tiger

                  XI - Storm Breaking

A sudden fierce storm had been brewing over the Canyon
for a while. It let loose with a fury of lightning.
Desert Flower realized that something was bad wrong.
Snow Moon and Cougar Running had surmised the same. 

2002 Arizona
The news was bad...the band had split up... Eric
Singer was about to go after Tiger and bring her back,
which brought the rest after him. Raven was worried...
she knew Tiger was fine, but did she know about this.
Suddenly the portal opened and all were swept away.

1700 New Mexico
Desert Flower knew that the Portal had been triggered.
She cried out in pain, then all hell broke loose. A
thunderstorm of enormous fury descended on the
village. Desert Flower ran to where she knew the
portal would open, followed by Laughing Fox, Strong
Heart, Cat Hunting, Cougar Running and Snow Moon. A
hogan had been erected for these visitors. All were
ill from the after effects of the time travel. She got
them all settled. For once they all were too weak to
fight. The guys were in one hogan, the ladies another.
Everyone was in shock at the sight of both Strong
Heart and Laughing Fox. Desert Flower said nothing.
She noticed that Alex wasn't there either. After
everyone was better, she called a private Council.
Before the fighting could begin again she spoke. "All
of you will have to settle your differences here and
now. Either that or be forced out by the Dineh, and
take your chances with the Apache. There is no other
choice, as you have entered into the past. The laws
here are much different and stricter." The sadness in
her eyes grew. There was shocked silence. Mark St.
John spoke up. "Could this be worse?" "Yes...You could
have come in during a raid by the Apache on the
People. I don't think I have to spell it out." Vinnie
groaned, but a look from Eric Singer shut him up
quick. "I am not making the rules up, unfortunately
what this means for the People and for all of you, no
one knows. Only the council knows of your presence
here.. After one moon three of us will send you back
to the future. "What about you? and are the girls all
right?" Paul asked. "Everyone is safely hidden from
the Apache, and I will remain behind. I will come back
after the alloted time is up." At a nod, the girls
came in. The relief inside the hogan was incredible.
She left quietly. "Well I guess it is now or never".
The guys began to talk after the girls left. Raven
gave Desert Flower a hug... The girls questioned her
about her life there and she answered. Finally she
left the hidden camp in the Canyon. The first few days
were rough, but everyone survived. Peter was curious
and spoke with Desert Flower..After approval from the
Council.. She began showing everyone things.. things
were cautiously returning to normal.


Desert Flower's heart was heavy with grief...Laughing
Fox knew of her pain, and eased it as best he
could...Everyone seemed to be adjusting to the time
travel rather well, and the fighting, for now had
ceased. In fact, they had asked to delay the return
from one moon to two. They had adjusted well. A sudden
shrill war cry caused heads to swivel around. Desert
Flower readied herself for the conflict, thankful that
she had insisted on their staying hidden. The firing
of rifles startled Gene. He looked out and swore.. The
village was under attack! .. No wonder Tiger had
insisted that they stay put! Peter yelled and they all
took off for the village. She struggled and fought as
hard as she could, along with the rest until a war
club hit her in the head. She greyed out. A scream of
rage filled the air. then darkness. The scene they
arrived at was one of chaos and carnage. They helped
drive the attackers off, the girls helping the wounded
as well as the guys. Cat Hunting was tending Snow
Moon, and Cougar Running tended Desert Flower. Strong
Heart and Laughing Fox were binding wounds. Laughing
Fox went straight to them as they arrived and
organized them. He would answer questions later. "What
about Tiger?!" was Eric Singer's response. Laughing
Fox's eyes grew sad... "She took a blow to the head,
trying to cover my back. She hasn't awakened yet." He
turned and finished binding wounds. Finally the keens
and cries of mourning began. They had all received a
harsh lesson this time. A knock on the door of the
hogan finally woke Desert Flower up..Her head hurt
badly. She was in Laughing Fox's arms. "Shh, Don't
move." his warm voice finally penetrated the
murkiness. "Snow Moon" she groaned.."She is fine
little sister. Cat Hunting tends to her. " She finally
stopped struggling at that. It was several days before
she could even move. Snow Moon recovered quickly.
Desert Flower did finally recover. She was back on her
feet, though shaky. She had just found out about
everyone elses participation in the raid. Laughing Fox
did not leave her side, as she found out... She didn't
know whether to laugh or cry. Instead, she said "thank
you for helping us." Laughing Fox hugged her gently,
thankful that she hadn't been killed. "It is time for
questions to be answered" she spoke at a look from
Laughing Fox. "Ask". She finished quietly. The
questions were finally answered. Finally they both
withdrew for the night. The time was coming soon when
she would have to send them back. She had already been
there half the alloted time. She was beginning to wish
that she didn't have to go back.

                    XIII - Return of KISS

The alloted time was up both for the band and the
girls. Desert Flower had grown close to all of them,
but now... they were to return to the future. Cougar
Running, herself and Snow Moon took their positions,
and began the opening of the portal. The portal began
to glow and music filled her ears and light filled her
sight. She watched as everyone disappeared and the
Portal closed. She prayed that they all would be safe
and sound.

Everyone was stunned... none of them were sick this
time! Everyone made the journey back in one piece. 

California - several days later.
After much discussion, the band resolved it's internal
problems and healed. Alex was thankful of this, but he
was alarmed when Peter mentioned to him that Tiger was
possibly changing her mind about returning to the
future. Eric handed him a note which alarmed him more.
"Man, she has a reason to stay in the past now..,
unless something changes or one of us can talk her
into coming back. Alex swore. Tiger had written that
she was extending the year and a day to a year and a
half and a day, and that she had received permission
to do so. He also knew the reason why. The headlines
read "The Return Of KISS!" Fans were talking. KISS had
been recharged, and were going back on tour.It was to
be the orignal four plus everyone else with their
respective bands... No one spoke of the time travel
incident, but they were concerned that Tiger had
extended the agreement as well. "Only thing we can do
is make damed sure that the tour's final date is in
Arizona. And be waiting." Paul noted. "Other than
Carr, only Singer might be able to get her back into
this time... I don't know if anyone else could talk
her into doing so." "Something else to consider" Gene
put in..."She is with Laughing Fox, but if something
happens to him, she well may die of grief. They are
that close." Pete spoke up. "I agree with Gene and
Paul. Singer is the best chance we have if something
does go wrong. Maybe Bruce or Ace could talk to her,
but Singer may be the only chance to snatch her back.
Something else... she will die of grief if something
happens to Laughing Fox. He is too much like Carr to
be a coincedence. "You don't think..." Paul started.
"ACK!" Ace retorted.."Anything is possible!"


Santa Fe, New Mexico - 1700
Desert Flower was lost in thought, so much so that she
didn't hear Laughing Fox come up behind her. She
yelped when his arms encircled her. He laughed and
gave her a hug. Life had been good to the two of them.
Since the return of the band, life had gotten back to
normal. Laughing Fox knew that his Desert Flower was
willing to stay in the past for him. She had one more
year left in the past. But she was becoming unwilling
to discuss returning. He knew that she would fight
anyone who tried to pull her back. He pushed away the
thoughts firmly. They were both deeply in love with
one another. He grinned devilishly. There wasn't
enough time in the day to do everything both wanted to
do. Laughing, he picked her up and carried her away.
He dumped her into the river laughing,and he dove in
right behind her. She squealed and he laughed. The
setting sun illuminated them clearly. Snow Moon just
chuckled at their antics. Cougar Running was already
wed to Strong Heart, as was Snow Moon, to Cat Hunting.
She gave a smile to Cougar Running, knowing what her
thoughs were on the matter. Laughing Fox had already
approached her about this matter, and she knew that
Desert Flower would be willing. On the way back, both
were stopped by Snow Moon. Laughing Fox smiled and he
heard Desert Flower reply in the affirmative. At
Moontide, the ceremony was performed. Finally, both
were now alone, and not unhappy about it. She was
deliriously happy. She had also asked for an extention
again, and permission was granted. She hadn't told
Alex yet either. She was stunned at what Snow Moon had
told her, but it was true. Somehow, the trip back in
time had healed her body..She didnt question how or
why. She was lost in the warmth of his eyes, and
forgot about everything except Laughing Fox until
sunrise. She slept later than she intended. She
hustled up, just to be dragged down again. Soft
laughter filled the air. She spared a thought for
everyone... how were they doing?


Present Day
Several months later....

The tour was going great. The reviews were fantastic
and the fans were great! Sellout crowds were
everywhere. Alex had been asked to stay with the band,
and keep them informed. A very nervous Alex called
them into a conference room. He had news and it was
interesting by nature. A small picture formed in the
darkness of the conference room. Tiger appeared alone
in the center of the room. "Alex.. I cannot stay long.
I have news and it may not make you happy. Greetings
everyone. I have married and also gotten a four month
extension on the time limit. Also.. I am with child."
THAT news made everyone wary. "HOW?!" "Ask Snow Moon,
as I cannot explain that one myself." Raven spoke up
as did several of the girls... "are you planning on
coming back" Tiger's smile faded..."I really don't
know. Ask me again in about 4 months... after the baby
is born. I may not come back. I am happy here." Eric
didn't buy that. "Tiger- girl, you will be coming
back, if I have to drag you back." You would have to
fight Laughing Fox on that one Eric." she said
soberly.. then vanished. "This is damned complicated"
Paul spoke up.. "Singer, there is no way in hell that
you can drag her back now. Unless something happens
to..." The picture reappeared with Laughing Fox.
Everyone was silent. Laughing Fox was somber. "My time
will be up in this time period when she returns to the
future. That alone and the loss of the baby when she
does return, will hurt her very deeply. I want someone
to be able to help her when she does return." "does
she know that this will happen?" asked Pete... "She
does now." "She will see who I truly am." "Carr?!" No
answer. The room brightened. the image was gone.

1700 New Mexico
Desert Flower's heart was breaking, but she understood
and still wanted the baby. He smiled despite the pain.
"If this is the only shot I have at being happy, then
I will make the most of it" she smiled at him. He knew
that she would be strong. He also knew that there was
one the future.

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