KISS is property of KISS. For fan entertainment only. No infringement intended.
By Tiger


Tiger had finished her drumming lessons for the day
and had just came out, when she bumped into someone.
"Excuse me". she smiled and before Eric Carr could get
her name, she disappeared into the crowded music
store, and out the door. He followed her out of
curiosity. She had sat down studying the lesson in
front of her as so not to forget it."Hiya!" She looked
up at the warm voice and smiled although she was a bit
preoccupied. "Hi!" "Mind if I sit down?" "Not at all"
"Taking drums?" "Yes" she smiled... I loved them as a
kid, but my parents were very insistant that I play a
"ladylike" instrument, so I got stuck with piano and
flute for a while" her grimace made Eric laugh. His
laughter was infectious.She chuckled also..."By the
look on your face, you looked that like was a very
bitter lemon to swallow!" he laughed and she joined
in... "It was, in a way, but I dont grudge learning
how to play the other instruments" "I'm Eric Carr" he
said finally. Her eyes lit up in recognition. "I'm
Tiger, better known as either Teresa or Diane.. take
your pick. I prefer to be called Tiger" She smiled
grasping his hand gently in a warm handshake. "Tiger
it is, then. What else do you do?" he leaned forwards
to hear her answer. "Writing, drawing, painting, stuff
such as that." "Cool" Eric grinned to himself, knowing
that it hadnt hit her yet, but relishing being treated
like a human being for once. "You play drums for KISS,
don't you?!" The mischievous grin had Eric laughing.
"That I do" "Thought so... I know that you looked
familiar." His smile was warm and full of sunshine.
'What brings you here to this particular store?" The
sales on drum kit needs" he cracked up laughing. Tiger
joined in the laughter. He then proceeded to tell her
plenty of jokes, some that had her howling with
laughter. He glanced at his watch and swore.
"damn...I've got to go. Would you mind if I got your
number? ""Not at all." she smiled and gave him her
number fully expecting not to be called. "You be
careful whever you are going...ok?" Tiger called after
him. She later left the store in a little bit of a
daze... It had hit her that she had been talking with
Eric Carr, drummer for the hottest band in the land!.
She slid behind the wheel of her Trans am and headed
for home and a long practice session.


Tiger had just finished up her practice session, then
headed downstairs. The water that she drank cooled her
thirst. She smiled fondly at the memory of actually
meeting Eric Carr. HE was a complete riot!. Smiling,
she rested for only a few minutes, then got started on
another creative project in writing. "So you saw
someone that caught your fancy...Where is she?" Paul
chuckled. "I was just about to call her... man, don't
go matchmating on me....She treated me like a human
being, not a rock star...That is unusual for most
women". Paul nodded agreement. The phone rang,
startling Tiger a little...She shook herself out of
the written image that she had created then grabbed
the phone. "Is this Miss Tiger?" a childish sounding,
but very mischievious voice asked. "It is.." she
answered. "HEEELLLLLOOOO GORGEOUS!" Eric crowed, much
to Paul's laughter... Tiger cracked up at that line!
"Sounds like someone has been watching "Good Morning
Vietnam!" she laughed. "heh... not a chance.... I'm
just this crazy....How are you and whatcha doin?".
That set the tone through a 3 hour phone call in which
both Tiger and Eric laughed and talked. This was
absolutely amazing! She enjoyed his craziness!. It was
about 5 in the morning when she finally hung up the
phone. she felt great! She hadn't laughed this much in
a long time! He was an absolute mess! She had heard a
couple of others laughing at Eric's jokes... must have
been the guys... she smiled delightfully surprised
that he would call her. She was still smiling when her
head hit the pillow. Paul and the others were still
laughing and talking with Eric about his interest in
Tiger. "I think I'll go pop in on her and surprise her
at home!" Eric chuckled. "Man, are you nuts?!" Paul
grinned. "You betcha" he laughed..."Besides I pried
her home address away from her drum teacher." "She
will CROWN you man...she sounds like a little
spitfire." Paul laughed "That's why I like her. A
little spice makes life... interesting" Gene shook his
head at that and Ace just died laughing as Eric
sauntered off with a wicked grin on his face. A knock
on the door roused Tiger from a deep sleep...groggily
she answered the door and was WIDE awake when it
finally registered who was there. She smiled and let
him in. "SUPRISE!" he laughed. She gave him a hug and
sat him down on the couch, bringing him a cup of
coffee from the kitchen. He grinned at that. 


She smiled at him, still half asleep. He motioned her
to sit down which she did. "How did ya reacognize me
without my mask?!" he asked laughing. "Easily... by
your voice and your hair!" she chuckled. "Damn... I am
slipping my gears then!" They both laughed at the
silliness of it. They talked and laughed and cut up
for a couple of hours. Despite her best efforts, she
was falling asleep. He smiled at her and she just laid
her head against his shoulder, falling asleep
instantly. He couldn't help but chuckle. Lifting her
up, he carried her to her bedroom and laid her down on
her bed. Gently covering her up, he whispered...
"Sweet dreams, Beautiful". He got a good look around
her house. It was in a mill village spartan, but just
a little messy. He grinned and let himself out the
door, after leaving her a note. He came back to find
Ace waiting on him. "Where's your Wonder Woman?" Ace
cackled. Eric just grinned. "at home and in a deep
sleep. She is worn out." Later, Tiger woke up with a
start... funny, she dreamed that she had been with
Eric Carr...Then she saw the coffee cups and realized
that she hadn't been dreaming. She read the note THREE
times to be sure she read it correctly. She called the
number and Gene answered. She asked for Eric and was
told he wasn't there. She politely asked him to relay
a message to Eric from the "Tazmanian Tiger". Gene
realized that this was the girl Eric had met. After he
hung up, he went looking for Eric. "CARR! Your
Tazmanian Tiger just called!" Eric cracked a million
watt smile as Gene relayed the message. He cracked up
laughing. "Sounds like her...all right all right
already!" he held up hands in mock surrender at the
questions that were asked. Arrangements were made to
meet Tiger in a week. Tiger was understandably nervous
as the day approached. She had worn a Tiger's head
necklace so that Eric would know. The thing was, he
wanted her to meet the band, but all would be in make
up. She had readily agreed to it. But BACKSTAGE?!
eesh....she didn't stand out from the others waiting
backstage, in fact, she was dressed to the nines to
blend in. She waited patiently after the concert was
over with. Gene noticed her first, then Eric...Gene
walked over first and spoke with Tiger. "I take it you
are Tiger?" She nodded. "Yes I am..You're Gene." "Come
with me. Carr!" he said still in Demon persona. Eric
caught his eye and noticed who was with him. He
finished talking to the girl that he was talking to
and his eyes lit up at the sight of her. Finally after
the meet and greet, all five, Tiger included were
sitting down. Eric teased her a little about her drum
kit of all things. She just chuckled at that , then
started a little... "How did you know I have a Tama
double? I didnt tell you that!" "I was sneaky!" he
chuckled. She just smiled. Paul and Gene both started
asking her questions. She answered openly and
honestly. "I'm pretty much an open book... I have
nothing to hide." she said, to Paul's question. "Hmmm"
was Gene's only reply... A lot of her answers caught
him off guard. She was what she seemed to be. That was
a refreshing change. He stopped short as did Paul, of
giving her the third degree. Ace cracked a wicked joke
and Tiger chuckled at it. "I take it that Eric and Ace
are the two pranksters here?" Gene just sighed. "That
tells me what I need to know." she chuckled.


She knew the hour was late, and she needed to let the
guys go and get some rest. But Eric stopped her. "NO
WAY are you driving that far back home!!! Stay with
me. I mean it. I dont want you having a wreck going
home." She reluctantly agreed. Gene pointed out
something else. "In this, Eric is right. It is too
dangerous for you to be going back alone. You would be
safer with him, than say... myself or Paul." She
caught the gist of that. Eric stood up, bringing Tiger
to a standing position. Without another word, he
escorted her out and soon, had her in HIS hotel room.
He made her sit down, as she was exhausted. "You need
to rest too." Tiger spoke quietly. "I plan on it." His
voice was weary with exhaustion. She reached out and
gave him a gentle hug. He saw the concern clearly
etched into her eyes. She got him to lay down, but
before she could move, he pulled her close. "Stay with
me tonight." She agreed quietly and both fell asleep
just holding one another. Eric woke up to light
streaming  and the phone ringing. He also felt Tiger
still asleep beside him. He grabbed the phone and
softened his voice so he wouldn't wake her up. His
feelings for her were turning more from big brother to
much much more. He woke her gently. They left the
hotel and Tiger started for her car. Only to be
stopped again by Eric. "Wait" she did so, a little
confused. He saw the confusion in her eyes... God she
didn't realize that he cared so much for her already,
after only knowing her for a little while. "Let me
take you home... We have a couple of days off,
besides... I want to be around you for a while,
without the guys around." She nodded quietly. Eric
felt his heart lift. Over the next couple of months,
they repeated the same thing. They would meet up and
spend more time getting to know one another. The phone
ringing shot her up out of bed fast... it was two
am..."Eric... what 's wrong...Good god... you are
sure? How can I help?" She spent four hours on the
phone with him. She understood the feelings well. Too
well. After speaking with him, she headed upstairs to
her drumkit. Playing softly, she followed the beats to
"Creatures Of The Night." even though that was not
their current album. A lot of changes had happened.
She was worried about Eric. He was taking this hard.
She vowed to do whatever she could to help him. No
matter what. Later that day... Eric was at her door..
he heard her drums...she was playing a tribal rhythm.
He went up the stairs to her practice room, as she had
left the back door open for him. Her face was deep in
concentration. He noted the paintings surrounding the
practice rooms. The tom tomming grew stronger. It
stopped when he gently restrained her hands. She
looked up startled, then jumped up into his arms. He
hugged her hard... thankful that she was waiting


She held him close, noting the lines of stress and
strain in his eyes and on his face. She took him by
the hand and led him back downstairs. "Sit.... you've
had a long journey and you're under enough stress to
kill an elephant. Relax. Let me get you a drink." She
went into the kitchen and came back out. Handing him a
drink, she sat down next to him... worry crossing her
face. She reached out and wrapped her arms around him,
trying to give him some comfort and support. He
reached for her, setting the glass down. He held onto
her like a drowning man to a lifeline. "No one except
the guys and Doc know that I am here. " she nodded
agreement. "You need a vacation, Handsome...badly...
Now it's my turn.. Stay with me... you'll be safe
here. Neighbors aren't nosy...and I will damn sure take
as much of that stress off of you, as you will let
me." "I'll hold you to that, Beautiful...believe me
I'll hold you to that." he whispered. It tore her
heart to see him this way. Holding him tighter, she
listened to him, offering comfort and support to him.
She finally knew his feelings towards her and she had
revealed her feelings towards him. As the day passed,
some of the strain left his face... They both howled
with laughter at old cartoons, and he finally relaxed.
She smiled a secret smile. Both were wrapped in each
others arms holding one another, talking and laughing.
Soon though, there would be no holding back... Tiger
knew that Eric cared about her, and she cared about
him. As night fell, she prepared supper for both of

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