
Up More Animals Monitor

This lizard belongs to the varanid or monitor family. It is a ionides or black throated monitor. It's scientific name is varanus albigularis ionidesi and it lives in arid scrubland, mopane woodland and savanna habitat through sub-saharan eastern, central and southern Africa. It is the second largest species of monitor in Africa. In captivity adult males can reach larger than 6' or 2 meters in length and weigh more than 20 pounds. In the wild adult males weigh around 13 pounds and are about 4 to 5 feet in length. It is at home in the trees as well as on the ground. Has a six week mating season in July and August. Their home range is around 7 square miles. Food consist of insects, arachnids, mollusks, fish, amphibians, other lizards, snakes (such as puff adders and cobras), tortoises, birds, eggs, and have even been known to eat hedgehogs, some small mammals, and carrion. They themselves have enemies and are prey for snakes, raptors(birds of prey), and some mammals. Females lay around 50 eggs per clutch that take 4 to 6 months to hatch.

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