Want to become an Apple Scruff but don't know how? Let's go through these simple steps:

Step One: Learn to identify them.

Paul has the baby face. George's face is long. John has a somewhat hooked nose. Ringo has the large nose.

Step Two: Now that you've mastered their looks, get their music. Get as many albums of theirs as you can. I'm not saying that you should go out and buy them all right now (cuz I don't have all their albums either) but it would be handy to get their music.

Step Three: What's the use of having a Beatles album if you know nothing about it? Know info about when each album was released. (I'm not going over the US albums!) I'll help:
Please Please Me was the Beatles first album in the UK. The release date was March 22, 1963.
With The Beatles was released on November 22, 1963. It marked the start of George Harrison's writing carrer with Don't Bother Me.
A Hard Day's Night was the soundtrack to the Beatles' first movie, A Hard Day's Night. It was their first album to have all Lennon/McCartney songs on it. Its' release date was July 10, 1964.
Beatles For Sale was released on December 4, 1964.
Help! was the Bealtes' second movie and the album Help! was the soundtrack. It was released August 6, 1965.
Rubber Soul was the first album that the Beatles used "a new sound" with George on the sitar in Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown), and a slightly "new style" of writing. It was released December 3, 1965.
Revolver had their first psychadelic song called Tomorrow Never Knows. The different style of writing was much similar, like Rubber Soul. It was released September 26, 1966.
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was the "official" start of the extreme psychadelic period. It was released June 1, 1967.
Magical Mystery Tour was the soundtrack to the movie, Magical Mystery Tour. It was, as quoted by John, "... One of my favorite albums because it was so weird..." Its' release date was November 27, 1967.
The Beatles, or as it is better known, The White Album, was the first double-album of the Beatles'. Its' release date was November 22, 1968.
Yellow Submarine was yet another soundtrack of the movie, yup you guessed it, Yellow Submarine. The Beatles did not do their own voices in this cartoon movie. Its' release date was January 17, 1969.
Abbey Road is probably the most famous Beatles album cover (considering that any movie set in London has the characters walking across Abbey Road). It was the last recorded Beatles record, but the 2nd to last to be released. It was released on September 26, 1969.
Let It Be was the last released album while they were still together. It was released May 8, 1970.

Step Four: Get one or more of the Beatles movies. Since only A Hard Day's Night is in print, Ebay is a great place to look for them. It's also a great place to get their albums. Step Five: Read a few Beatle-y books such as the Anthology (or get the DVD/VHS of it, either way). There are also some great Beatles books at Amazon.com

Step Six: Try living up to some of these: here.

Step Seven: Go out and try getting your friends to like the Beatles as well!

Keep in mind that during any of these steps it would be a good idea to print out pictures, make a website, and anything else you can think of.