Tigeria's Culture
   Tigeria's people are for the most part English.  Because Sir Francis Drake was the founder/starter of the island, the first descendents would therefore be English for the most part.
     Tigeria has rather unique music.  In the island's first 50-60 years, the people adapted to nature and the environment around them.  They created instruments by using the resources found in the island.  They used music for entertainment and recreation.
     Tigeria's people have modernized their clothing/style over the years.  Though, in their first years, they taught themselves how to sew and create their own styles.  They used anything from leaves to animal skins.  They would sew their clothes with woven animal hair/fur.  They would sharpen animal teeth and bones and use them as needles.  Nowadays, the people import materials from other countries and sell clothes on the market.