The Quiddich        Field
   If your position on a team is seeker, click the snitch every chance you get for 25 seconds. If you click on it more than 50 times you cought it. Owl me emedeatly and I will send you a question. If you get it right than you get 150 points and the game is over.
   If your position is beater, than try to click on the two buldures as mutch as you can. If you can't click on it more than 40 times in 10 seconds than the buldure hit someone on your team and you loose 10 points.Owl me emediotly if this happens
   If your position is keeper, than every time the Quaffel goes over one of the goal poasts you have to click it mor than 10 times to make a save. If not than the other team makes a score and gets 10 points. If this happens owl me A.S.A.P.
     If your position is chaser - the chaser position has not been created yet.
          my owl address is                                      
                                                            Field starts here.
Sorry, this game isnt very good. i'm trying to make a better one. If you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreaciated. Thanks!