For up to date Military news and so much more!
Organization committed to supporting America's efforts to defeat terrorism and supporting the brave men and women of our Armed Forces.
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Patriotic merchandise for Military wives and more!
A support site for our troops and President. E-mail or adopt troops
Raising money to build specially adapted homes for disabled Veterans
Spotlights what Americans are doing across the land to support our Troops
A web site dedicated to supporting our Military, our President, and our rights.
Ideas for spouses that are far apart also has links to Dads at a distance, Moms at a distance, and Grandparents at a distance
Make you own puzzles to send or have kids help create puzzles.
Department of Defense
Listing of places that offer special Military discounts
A place to buy patriotic bumper/window stickers and more
List of Casualties for Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom
USA Flag Site ~ Learn about our flag
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The Survival Guide for Marriage in the Military