The Devils Little Angel

A Hardy Boys Fan Fiction Attempt

By Christine

Chapter one

Somewhere in the blistering hills of Purgatory, there lives a young girl who sits alone all day in her castle keep. You see this young maiden is the daughter of none other than the Devil himself. But her problem is that she is sooo..very bored. Yes she seemed to have inherited her good and fun nature from her mother and not much from her very famous dad, save perhaps her rather quirky and risgue sense of humor. Her father was at his wits ends trying to teach his little angel to be nasty and as evil as possible but oh no, she would rather set her mind to being just like her mother a lovely unsuspecting earth woman. You know one of those many,way too mortal Earth creatures who only exist to fill his mines, or as in most cases, to both provide him with some excitement and an outlet for his torture. Alas, they can also drive him crazy with their desire to deprive him of all he stands for and that he just could not tolerate. His many offspring have gone off to either do his bidding or god forbid, attone for their fathers deeds throughout history. This last young one was kinda special to him and he was often known to endulge the childs every whim. This time he felt he had to put his foot um..claw down! No siree, the Devil was not about to grant her this request.


”Daddy! "

"What now punkin? " The wary Devil sighed, this was becoming quite tedious, not to mention annoying. He had been at the relentless mercy of his youngest child's volitile temper and it was giving him a splitting head ache.

"Please,please, let me go to Earth all my siblings are already there" The beautifull girl pleaded, her eye lashes bleeting furiously.

His heart or what suprisingly passed for one, would have broken if he had not known all along that she was planning to go straight to Bayport Mass. Straight to him of all peope. The very thought left a icky bitter taste in his mouth even with all the bile which spewed there. But as much as he wanted to indulge his little princess he just could not condone any kind of involvement with that boy, the one who reminded him of the only mortal woman who he could not tempt, could never seduce, and would forever love. No this boy was a part of her yet, he was also the product of that most insufferable of mortal men. The boy along with his do gooder older brother who looked way too much like the man who stole his intended concubines favor, Was also the epitome of goodness, in fact the little scamp reeked of it! Although there was one thing he could understand and that was his daughter’s attraction to the boy, who was a golden mirror image of his mother, while the brother was dark and handsome like the troll she married. No! his mind was made up, his little girl must not be allowed anywhere near those two infectious heroes. However, one look at the lovely girl before him, her hands on her hips, eyes set in a narrow gaze, while her mouth formed an adorable but useless pout, Caused him, the lord of the underworld, the scourge of all evil, to melt. But he was also quite quick to recover after he didn't get to be the big cheese down there for his heart you know!

"Hrmph!" Christine Diablo excaimed as she stomped her feet and walked off to her room. She was far too stubborn to let this be the end if , she was after all her fathers daughter, even if he couldn't really see it.



Frank Hardy was hot, and I mean hot! his tight black sweat suit, stuck to his sweating form like a pair of leather gloves. What a lovely form it was too. Always trying to keep himself in tip top condition, The older of the two Hardy brothers had been running for the last two hours, hoping to be ready for the annual Bayport Farms 100K Marathon. The event would help raise money for his favorite Charity, the Leukemia society. Frank had the disease when he was little and was forever gratefull to still be alive, Plus he really wanted to finally accomlish this goal. Frank did wish his younger brother would possess the same kind of enthusiasm as he did toward these things, but he also knew how hard Joe trained and played, at just about every school sport available. Not that Joe didn't support or join his older bro in his charity work, but it often seemed that Joe took for granted just how easily he excelled at each sport like a pro. Frank, who excelled in Everything he did, whether sports or academics had to work much harder in the sports department while Joe, although far from a dumb jock found it much more difficult to maintain the kind of grades people came to expect from him as the brother of the wonder kid also known as Frank Hardy The thing which bothered Frank most of all was the nagging doubt that he no longer felt that he was excelling at keeping his beloved brother safe as well as keeping Joe and his equally demanding long time girl friend Callie Shaw from driving him crazy. Speaking of which, let us run with our Frankie back to the Hardy residence, a lovely three story home on the corner of Elm and high street. Now if we can tear ourselves away from Franks very fit physique than we will be off.

Frank stopped at the door way to his family home. bending to tie his shoe [sigh] but as he was just pulling the choo choo through the tunnel, as well as giving us a very pleasing image, He froze suddenly becoming all too aware of strange noises coming from the living room. He could not be certain but Frank was almost positive that the noise he heard were sobs...even worse the crying voice was that of his baby brother Joe!!!

"What the.....!" Frank began as he forgot about the shoe and dashed into the house almost tripping on the darn laces. however he didn't care about that He had to get in there and save his baby brother, his little Joey. After all it was his sworn duty as the big older hero brother to save Joe's butt every time wasn't it? !!! So after quickly recovering from tripping over his own feet, Frank raced as fast as he could into the living room only to stop short again, this time with shock and this time something more. This time Franky wore a look of disgust mixed with anger as he took in the scene before him.

Blond haired, sapphire [um that is a really sparkly blue for all you dunderheads out there ] eyed gorgeous (damn straight! lol} Joe Hardy sat on the living room couch so transfixed with the television before him that he failed to notice the figure behind him, or the big throw pillow which was about to be thrown at him. His sobs now came out in what appeared to be torrents as he continued to fixate on the big screen in front of him. until....WHACK! It hit. The pillow came flying seemingly out of no where and hit him square in the face causing the startled lad to scream and throw his thankfully almost empty bowl of hot buttered pop corn all over the place.

"Yowsers Frank you little Biotch! what the heck did you do that for? This was the scene we have been waiting all week for man!!! Joe went on to explain to a totally disinterested Frank, how Carly the town trouble maker was just about to inform her mafia husband Sonny that his former lawyer and one night stand, Alexis was purposely keeping his own daughter from him. But try as Joe might, his brother was not about to even hide his disgust that of all things a soap opera could reduce him to tears. Frank just turned to go up to his room to shower and change, when he heard an excruciatingly familiar voice and a crude whistle.

"swhooo....looking good hot stuff!, if that suit were any tighter, this story would have to be rated x for exquisite!" Christine teased. Frank just scowled his distaste at her presence.

"Weren't you thankfully vanquished or punished or something? "

"Um, Franky if you mean that minor detail of my dad forbiding me from ever stepping foot near you guys, esecially my Joey [still sigh] Than yeah, but hey what fun would life be if you didn't break some of the rules huh?"

"Yeah well , your dad is not the typical father Christine...He is the Freaking Devil for god sakes!!" Frank replied, exclaimed or whatever. He also stole a glance at his brother who was once again entranced with the TV. Frank sighed. He worried about Joe, because, let's be Frank {Tee hee I always love that one, anyway because trouble always had a tendency to just drop in his blond headed lap which then meant that it for the most part plopped right in his own. Frank loved his brother Dearly (well duh, who doesn't} but it did tend to get a bit frustrating,nervewracking,annoying, and scary to have to save his butt all the time. (AH but what a cute Butt it was !! must definitey run in the family. ]

"Oh pulease Frank must you remind me once again! Why can't you just be happy that I am here, I know my Joey is, Aren't you baby?" Christine Calls for an answer but only gets muffeld sob and a nod in response. So she continued. "You know I do wish you could be happy for us Frank after all You are hopefully going to be the best man at our wedding ! " She exclaimed again. (a loud oooh! came from the mostly female readers along with a few sobs of their own. Frank and Christine both turn back to the couch to see Joe's reaction. The boy had been watching his favorite show General Hosital waiting for the big reveaiation, when he heard instead Christine informing his brother that they were getting married?!!

"Married!." Joe spat, not sure he heard that right. Sure he liked Christine, she was a gorgeous happening chick, but he did have so much life ahead of him, being only 17 and all, but even if he was old enough, he just did not feel the same way about her especially given the problem of who her father was and not to mention, his relationship with Vanessa Bender which was only on hold due to a last minute business trip her mother insisted she going her on. Joe almost choked on the mouthfull of buttery popcorn he was chewing on. The handsome Blond boy threw his older dark haired brother a surprised look and shrugged as if to say "well that’s news to me!"

Chapter 2:

"Married?!!" Joe again repeated after echanging baffled glances with his brother. Joe was still not sure if she was serious or merely trying to get their attention. His face turned pale after watching the serious look on her face.

"Gee, I was kinda hoping you would take the news a little better. Oh well, you'll begin to feel the same giddiness I do when we are reciting our vows..." She Began excitedly.

"Um can you do that?" Frank asked feeling the need to interrupt her obviously disturbed babbling. He also noticed that Joe was looking like he was going to hurl and quite soon at that.

"I don't know what you mean Franky and by the way it was actually quite rude the way you interrupted me just then. Joe, don't you agree honey? " She asked but noticed that her somewhat new fiance was missing. This mystery was solved shortly when they heard the flush of a toilet. She sighed.

"Men!..hmm..must have been something he ate." She ignorintly guessed. Frank shook his head but kept his mouth clamped shut.

Joe finally returned from the other room, but never had a chance to recover from the onslaught of the girls hugs and kisses.

"Ewe, honey bear you might want to pop a breath mint or two or maybe a pack"

"Ok Christine, If you pop a reality pill at the same time. No offense honey but I am not ready to get hitched, with you or anyone for that matter. Sorry but this boy is not only too young but in case it had slipped your devious little mind, I do happen to be seeing someone, you do remember my girlfriend Vanessa Bender?.

"Oh right her, well my love just where is your Miss perfect right now wait let me refresh your memory, She is far,far away in Japan and hopefully entrenched in the path of a raging typhoon. " She laughed but stopped as she became aware of the dour looks on both Hardy Boy's handsome faces. "Oh you two party poopers I was only kidding!" She quickly added. Both boys shook their heads and picked up a pillow. They then proceeded to toss them at their guest. Somewhere back in Christine's mind she was far from kidding, she was now more determined than ever to seperate Joe and Vanessa, even if it would mean going to the one being who could help her accomplish her get Joe Hardy all for her very own and once that happens then no one,not even his hero big brother Frank will be able to come between them. Christine shivered inwardly, she hated it when she began to think like her father, but when it came to her love for Joe Hardy she felt she had no choice but to go to any lengths to make sure that the two ended up together forever. However, first there would be a few obstacles in their path, a girlfriend, a brother and of course her own father the devil himself... Of course if he were to grant Joe the "gift" of immortality then Joe would truly have to turn to the only other person he could spend eternity with, long after Frank, Vanessa or anyone else in his life have turned to dust and even after the memory of their existence finally becomes a silent whisper in time.

"Hey, come on Chris I mean it, I am in love with Nessa, and as soon as she returns we are going to pick up right where we left off. I don't want to hurt you but I have to be honest and let you know how I really feel. You are an awesome friend and I would love to continue...on that track of course, But only as long s you and I are perfectly clear on this point. Ok? " Joe replied trying to be as gentle yet firm as possible.

" I understand Joe" She replied with an obviously over dramatic sob. Frank rolled his eyes and threw his arms up as his suddenly guilt ridden brother took her hand in his. rubbing it gently. Joe shot Frank a look which said "What?!" and Christine glared at the older Hardy brother but somehow managed to hide it by the time Joe saw. "I feel so embarrassed and awkward, but I really appreciate you honesty and the way you handled my um rather unrequited affection for you. Of course you must get this all the time. Boythat girlfriend of yours is so lucky!" Christine said dripping with sarcasm but cleverly managing to make it sound sincere, to Joe at least. Frank's stomach actually gurgled with a sudden queasiness which now demanded his full attention.

"Um..I really have to go take care of something guys, are you sure everything is ok with you two?" Frank said starting to strain a bit. His companions nodded in response but Frank was already racing up the stairs to the bathroom. Christine shrugged and stifled a giggle. Joe shook his head confused but it soon turned to concentrate on the television and the soap opera he had been shamelessly neglecting.

Joe was also very grateful for his parents gift to the boys of "TiVo" where he can go back and catch up on what he just missed. Christine watched her beloved playing with the remote with such glee, that she too had to smile at his heavenly often child-like face. For a second Christine felt a pang of remorse for what she will have to put Joe through, to prepare him for the immortality ritual. But it couldn't be helped. She suddenly jumped up and excused herself, realizing that she had a Hell of a lot of things to do before the ceremony, starting with a visit to her God- Father, the famed Prince of Darkness himself, "uncle" Dracula.

"Yeah, actually Joe I have to run as well. I just remembered that I have a ton of stuff to do. But I was hoping to take you out to pizza, my treat. I am inviting Frank too of course, let's consider it my way of apologizing for my behavior today and to thank you both for being so gracious about the awkward situation. " Christine said. Joe smiled one of his most brilliant smiles, his sparkling sapphire eyes twinkling with a fire which to her rivaled the ones in her father's own "Pits of Purgetory" It made her heart melt even faster than anything could down there as well. She smiled back and with a click of her fingers she was gone. Frank came down shortly after she disapeared. He wrinkled his nose as did Joe for the stench of Brimstone still permeated throughout the room which now crackled with residual energy and rapidly fading smoke.

"Boy, at least that is one gal who knows how to make an entrance as well as an exit." Frank said as he waved his hands around to clear the air. Joe just stared at the spot which used to occupy, His face was now etched with concern. Frank studied his younger sibling with curiosity and also a bit of concern

"Hey, you ok lil Bro? You look kinda spooked, but then again it's not everyday when the daughter of Diable himself, declares her love for you then leaves in a puff of smoke after all too easily accepting your rejection of her affections. " Frank warned.

Joe had been wondering exactly the same thing. Had she really accepted his answer? Christine Diablo was not someone to mess with nor take with a grain of salt. Joe shivered involuntarily as he thought of her father and what he was capable of, then again he just might be their greatest ally. That is if the Devil doesn't decide to boil him in oil just for messing with his little "Angel". Frank plopped himself on the couch next to his brother who now wore a sour look on his also pale face. Frank placed a consoling arm around Joe and patted his shoulder in a show of support, however Joe knew that Frank was thinking the opposite of what he himself was wishing. Frank was thinking how grateful he was that Joe was the object of Christine's affections and not himself. But of course Frank was well aware of the fact that when one Hardy Boy is in trouble, then they are both in trouble. They both sat in silent thought for a while, until Joe finally turned the TV back on to finish watching his soaps. Frank grunted, picked up another pillow and tossed it at his little brother who was already sobbing over a scene from "General Hospital".