Chapter Eleven: 

Joes world still spun, He had woken up a second earlier from the drugged induced sleep, however, Joe could still feel the drugs in his system. He tried to get up off the bed, But a wave of Nausea,dizziness,

and a sharp stinging pain had wracked his body and mind. Joe lost his balance, somehow managing to catch himself before he tumbled to the floor. Instead Joe instinctivly twisted his body so that he landed on the bed. His hand went to his head in an effort to stop the pounding. Joe noticed that his hand still hurt where the bandage was. Joe tried in vain to recall how he injured his hand but he just couldn't seem to keep focused. Infact any effort to think made Joe's head react with searing pounding pain. So finally he decided to stop even trying atleast until his head was clearer. He crawled over to his pillow and lay there waiting for the sweet release of sleep. Soon Joe was dreaming of his Brother and friends coming to his rescue, He drempt that Vanessa had run into his open arms holding him a fierce embrace. It was the most incredibly peacefull and happy dream he had experienced. For Joe Dreams had been replaced all too frequently with terrifying night-mares which had begun to plague him ever since was Just four years old. Joe had been with his family at an amusement park but somehow got seperated and kidnapped. It was a very traumatic experience which had effected not only Joes sleep pattern but his reaction to amusement parks, carnivals or anything with rides. For since then Joe had reluctantly joined Frank or anyone else for that matter. Joe did however enjoy the Bunjy jump! It got his adrenalin pumping he thought. He never missed going on that ride. But the house of horror never! Joe was never going near

that one,especially since that was the ride he was kidnapped from.  


Joe Had no idea that his brother was now just outside the clinic in which he was being held, The drugs had taken their toll and he continued to dream peacefully completely unaware that his only chance for freedom perhaps was so very close. In his dreams Joe was smiling. Holding His Vanessa tightly afraid to let her go. Then she pulled back Suddenly. Joe heard her soft Voice calling his name.  

"Joe?..." Joe looked startled, The voice was not Vanessa's, But it did sound so hauntingly familiar. The girl in front of him came back into view and instead of the tall,leggy ash blonde beauty that was his present love interest, Vanessa Bender, There now stood the tiny pixie lik form of his first love Iola Morton. Her shoulder length Dark black hair and green eyes shone with an angelic light, She was smiling at him so serenly. Joe smiled back his eyes were wet with tears for he missed her so much.

Suddenly Joe forgot to ask where Vanessa had dissapeared to. His mind and heart only saw Iola.  

"Iola?" Joe Hardy said reaching out to her. There was just so much that Joe wanted to say, Starting with "I am so sorry" . The Vision looked at him questionably. Then smiled. She took his hand which sent a surge of electricity shooting through every fibre of Joes being. Joe had never felt so alive before his head was thrown back as wave after wave of intense pleasure and love soared through him. when the sensation had finally subsided Joe had fallen to his knees. His hand was still held firmly

in Iolas grasp.  

"WOW!!" Joe said weakly. She was the most beautifull being he had ever seen. of course he would say that she was the love of his life, His only life. 

He was able to speak in his dream yet to Joe right now, none of the sad,horrific things he had experienced in his young life had even happened. To Joe there was nothing and no one else in his existance besides his beloved Iola.  

Suddenly she let go of his hand. To Joe it was like someone had turned off all the light in his life. Still on his knees inexplicably, He looked up at her with his trade-mark puppy dog stare hoping that she would again take his hand this time never to let it go. Joe felt so helpless without her, she was his life, His light, his reason to carry on. She shook her head looking down at him, watching his pethetic display before her. She began to laugh at him. 

Joes former sense of happiness had already begun to fade into the familiar stormy atmosphere That he knew all too well. Joe's beautifull dream was now a full blown night-mare filled with all the pain and sadness and especially the terror that had been gnawing at his Psyche since he was a child.  

"Iola honey where are you!? I need you please?...Vanessa? ..Mommy?" Joe screamed but none of these people were there for him when he most needed it. Joe continued to scream for help yet noone would answer. He fell to the floor and sobbed uncontrollably wanting so desperatly to wake up or god

help him Die even! For that must be the only way to find an end to all his pain and sorrow, To find the peace that he so desperatly sought.  

"NO!! " Joe screamed again inside his head. His love for life and will to survive was incredibly strong.

Joe knew that he must be not give in to that kind of thinking. He was much stronger than he realized

he was. There was something wrong with this whole scenerio. Something or someone was missing from his night-mare. Perhaps the one person who had the power to save his soul and bring him home where he belonged. The one person other than himself whom he could alway's depend on even when

they didn't see eye to eye.  

Joe heard what he thought was a door opening. slowly he raised his head toward the sound. Through

the darkness there was a thin line of light, Then the line grew larger. Joe had to squint to allow his wary blue eyes to adjust to the growing light. It was just then that Joe swore he could make out the

outline of a person. His vision adjusted slowly, But the form in the doorway came closer. Joe's heart

did a flip flop. Were his eyes playing yet another trick on him? Joe wanted so badly to reach out and touch the person, even to pinch him to make sure he was really there. "Where Was Here anyway?" Joe had been wondering. He wanted to be engulfed in the beautifull serene dream he had experienced earlier, But it usually never works out that way of course. Ususally Joe Hardy would end up forcing himself to wake up. It was usually with a start and always knocked the breath out of him.  

Joe turned his attention to the figure who remained in the shadows. Joe could not understand why he stayed away from the sight. He wanted, no needed to see the face of the person who had been such an obviously strong presence in his life. He called to him, his voice shaking.  

"Frank?!" Joe called to the other presence in his dream world.  

"Joe?!!" He heard. It was Franks voice. The sound of his voice was like music to Joe. It was not the first time that Frank had appeared in Joe's dreams or more so night-mares. Frank was infact the real reason why Joe had managed to hold on to his sanity for so long. He knew that he was so lucky to be blessed with a wonderfull family and an older brother who had been the glue he needed to keep it all

together. Frank was his hero, his savior. Joe knew that Something was not quite right with "the whole

Frank has deserted you scenerio" . 'Frank' stepped out of the shadows and moved closer to Joe who was still on the floor, but was now back on his knees.  

"Joe you are a bad boy Brat. You deserve to be put away for your own good" The voice matching Franks. Joe's heart Broke. He had not been expecting that. Joe counted on Frank to always hold the

door open for his little brother As Joe would do For him in a second. But this time the door quickly shut in Joes shocked face. Frank turned to him laughing loudly. Joe found his brothers mocking laugh utterly disturburbing. He tried not to cry but apparently his tears were yet another thing JOe Hardy had lost control over.  

"Frank why are you laughing at me big brother!!? Stop can't you see how much it hurts? " Joe exclaimed practically begging himself to wake up but Joe had lost control over that part of his psychi as well. The scene changed suddenly However Joe's dream version of Frank was still right there with him laughing mocking and taunting him. WHat happend next was something that would Haunt Joe for quite a while. Where Joe had before seen Frank alone. He now saw his big brother,His so called hero

and supposed best friend with his arms around none other than Vanessa Bender! She had her head on his shoulder. Vanessa gazed at Joe and smiled. She looked into Franks eyes with the same look

of affection she usually reserved for Joe. Franks lips met hers in a very deep and lengthy kiss. Joes stomach lurched, He felt the familiar digusting pangs of nausea and put a hand to his handsome mouth. Frank and Venessa had finally stopped kissing and were pinting at him laughing hystericlly.

The room began to fill with everyone Joe thought he could trust, As well as those who he knew he never could. The problem was that He was not sure which group had hurt him the most. They

contiuned moving closer and closer toward him smothering him until He had no room to breath.

But by that time Joe had given up anyway.  



Meanwhile, in the real world, The door to Joes Cell opened up. The sound of footsteps came closer to where the boy lay motionless. The person standing above Joe bent down and gave him a small shake.

But still no response. Finally they turned him over But fell back shocked at the empty stare which now greeted him.  

"OH God Joseph What have they done to you!" Dr. Anthony Hill exclaimed. "I am so sorry that I was

not able to save you my boy..So very sorry But perhaps I know someone who might be able to" 

He looked back down at the unresponsive boy his heart going out to him as well as his anger which was rapidly rising for the people responsible. Dr. Hill gently picked Joes prone form off the floor and carried him onto the bed. His face wore a frown as the Doctor noticed how light the once physically fit young athelete was. Joe had already began to loose weight and from the smell permiating from the far corner of the room it appeared that he had lost something else too his lunch.  

Anthony Hill Wrinkled his nose but he had somehow managed to keep from throwing up himself as he set to cleaning the mess. He did care for this brave boy and also knew that Joe Hardy was one of the strongest willed patients he had ever had in his care. The Doctor threw away the digusting cloth he had just used before coming back over to the bed to check Joe's vitals. Joe had a slight fever and his blood pressure seemed to be pretty high, probably from the stress. He made sure that Joe was securely on the bed with the blanket around him. Before he turned and walked quietly out of the room determined to do something anything to help save this child. He worked too damn hard and

cared too damn much for his patients and practice to sit by and allow this to happen to one of his patients. The doctor glanced back at Joe as he shut the door he had whispered his vow to help him and pleaded for Joe to use his gift he had, his knack for survival and his incredibly strong spirit to

hold on, to keep fighting until he could find the help he was searching for, Dr. Hill then Shut the door to Joes "cell" leaving the boy completely in the dark again. But Joe Hardy was not really in that room

anymore. He was somewhere else for the moment, somewhere lost. Perhaps for ever.  

Chapter Twelve:

Frank's team consisted of himself,Tony,Biff,and Chet. He knew that Both Callie and Vanessa would want to be there as well however he really needed them where their skills would come in handy. Frank knew that the girls could hold their own infact they had each taken a course on self defense course and they were all enrolled in Kung Fu. Frank and Joe had insisted that they all took some kind of Martial arts and self defense class as well as first aid if they wanted to continue helping them on their cases. Frank and Joe had already began taking classes since they were very young. Frank in fact now held a black belt in Kung Fu while Joe had earned a Brown belt and both were not experts in Street fighting. The whole group had each earned their Red Cross badges in CPR,swimming and and other survival techniques through the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America. But Frank knew that no matter how trained they all were they will never be prepared for the loss of someone they love. Losing Iola Morton had taken a lot out of them all, especially Chet her Brother ,Callie her best friend, and of course Joe the love of her young life. But her loss had effected everyone who knew her even Vanessa who came into the picture after Iola had died. Frank's heart went out to his brothers beautifull current love interest. She had tried to be so patient, so understanding with Joe about his guilt over the death of Iola. Frank also knew how much Vanessa and Joe loved each other Joe had tried so hard to overcome his guilt and his love for Iola, Frank truly believed that Vanessa would not only help his brother finally get over that hurdle but to help him through the depression that was taken over Joe's life.

"Frank? " Biff asked Jarring his friend back to their present situation.

"Oh sorry pal what is it?" He asked as his friend looked at him curiously.

" I was wondering if you were alright?" Biff asked "I mean, you looked so sad there for a second I am

worried about you Frank, For you and for Joe as well." Biff finished. Frank placed a hand on his big friends shoulder and smiled.

"Thanks Biff I really appreciate your concern, I am worried about Joe too. We have no clue what condition he will be in when we find him. My God Biff he has been through so much already, I hope he will be able to survive yet another traumatic experience." Frank admitted quietly, almost in tears. Biff instantly regretted bringing his fears up to his friend.

" Frank, we will rescue Joe and get him whatever help he needs from real doctors who are not a part

of the Assassins." Biff vowed.

Frank Smiled at his friends attempt to cheer him up. He wanted Biff to at least think that it was working, when in fact it was making his stomach turn. Frank felt that part of Joe's depression was because he was not a good enough protector. Frank had vowed to his "baby" brother that her would always do his best to protect him. Joe had been there for him as well, especially last year when he had himself been held hostage by yet another one of his fathers old enemies. Frank had decided that perhaps he should also seek some counseling when this was over. Joe was not the only one who had suffered from horrible night-mares, Frank has had his share, However Frank always tried to push his own problems aside in order to focus on the needs of others especially Joe.

"Ok boss what is the next step in our rescue plan?" Biff asked. Biff, Chet and Tony all looked at their friend for further instructions..

"Right now I need you,Chet and tony to continue staking the place out. Please be very carefull. Joe would kill me if I let any of you get hurt." Frank instructed. The boys laughed quietly But they all

knew that this was no laughing matter, Joe needed them and the danger was indeed very real.

"We know the dangers Buddy, Don't worry we have each others backs." Chet added. The stout boy tried not to let Frank see him frown but Chet was well aware of the incredible toll his sisters death was on Joe Hardys Psychi. He had actually blamed Joe for a while but has since gotten past that. Their friendship was just too important.

"OK, but where will you be Frank?" Tony Prito asked.

"I will hopefully be meeting with the author of the latest E-mail. Who ever they are, they asked me to

meet them in the park."

"Um Frank I hate to bring this up but have you even considered that this might be a trap?" Tony asked,beginning to get worried.

"Yeah, of course that thought had occured to me,Which is why I will have some back up just incase."

Frank assured them. They all looked at him quizzically.

"When I got the E-mail I forwarded it to Both my dad and Chief Collig. If I know them then at least one of them should be on their way to the park right about now if not here." Frank answered, he checked his watch then jumped up. "Shoot! I better get over there if I want to make this meeting."

Frank called as he raced off toward the van he shared with Joe.


Fenton Hardy and Arthur Grey had a long talk about "How" connected the boys were with the Network

and the assassins. Fenton was fuming by the time his guest had finished. Arthur Grey knew that the boys will most likely be furious with him for telling their father everything. However, Grey also knew that right now they needed their father more than they ever had. Grey could easily see just where they got their best qualities. Both Boys alone were impressive however together they have all the best characteristics of their father. Grey might not have the balls to admit it but he was very impressed with all three Hardys. It was then that they heard a knock on the office door.

"Come in!"Fenton ordered a little angrier than he meant. His pretty wife Laura poked her head through the door. Fenton sighed. How was he going to explain this revealation to his wife? he thought to himself. Fenton glared at Grey before turning to smile at his wife. "Hi sorry hon,What's up?" He asked. He came over to the door to speak with his wife more privately.

"Two things actually dear." She began. Laura Hardy made it a point to never bother her husband while he was at work unless it was important or to announce a guest. "I heard a lot of yelling in here

and was wondering if everything is alright. Fenton you know what the Doctor said about your high Blood pressure." She scolded her husband who responded by reaching over to kiss his wife on the cheek.

"Laura hon, I appreciate your concern But I am fine. what else did you want?" He assured her with a light squeeze of his hand on her shoulder. She smiled back at him then glancing at Arthur she gave him a warm smile as well, before returning her attention toward her husband.

The Grey Man did not want to intrude, However this lovely strong woman made him realize that Fenton Hardy was not the only Hardy parent to pass on a strong legacy to their children.

"Frank and his friends left a little while ago, He asked me to tell you to check your E-mail. Oh and Ezra is in the Living room, waiting to see you, He just arrived." She informed her husband,

"Thanks Laura, please ask the Chief to wait a moment while I finish with Mr. Grey here. Oh and hon thanks.." He finished with a quick peck on her pale cheek. Fenton leaned in as close to his wife's ear

to whisper "I love you for all time Laura Hardy." Then he stopped to take a better look at her wary appearance. "Laura dear, are you alright? you look so pale." He asked concern now etching his

handsome features.

" Honestly, I am not sure that I will be until I have our son back" She replied then added " oh and I love you too Fenton Hardy always." She finished before leaving to check on their other guest.

Fenton quickly walked over to his chair and sat down, He wanted to get that E-mail up as soon as possible. Grey just looked on curiously. Before the ace detective could explain the door to the office door flew open to reveal the somewhat agitated Chief Ezra Collig. Both Fenton and Arthur looked up

at the big man in question.

"Hello Ezra" Fenton said as he rose once again from his chair to offer his hand in greeting, Grey did the same. " I hope you are feeling much better today." Mr. Hardy added. Collig replied with a frown

he had not liked being told to wait,especially when it was police business.

"I am feeling much better thank you, But I am not here on a social call Fenton, I am here because I need to find out what the hell is going on. But more importantly, I would really like to know what the hell happend to Joe? Not to mention my part in this whole mess." Ezra inquired. His hand went to his

head suddenly. Fenton began to fear that his long time friend would once again end up back in the

hospital. Quickly He came over to the police Chief incase the man fell.

"Ezra, Are you alright?" Fenton asked. The detective guided his guest to an empty chair while Arthur

poured the man some cool water, Ezra nodded his head in appreciation.

" Sorry to worry you, But I am fine, probably just stress. I came over for a few reasons, one being the E-mail that Frank forwarded to my private box." The Chief said. "Did you read it yet? My guess would be no or else you might not be sitting here."

"I was just about to read it when you came barging in actually Chief" Fenton admitted. His eyes fell

on the computer screen in front of him. Fenton Hardy let out a loud gasp as he read the E-mail that Dr. Hill had sent to Frank. Fenton quickly printed out a copy of the E-mail while closing down his computer. When it was done he handed it to Grey who jumped up grabbed his coat and followed the two other men out of the office. Fenton stopped long enough to brief his wife. The two shared a quick

hug and a kiss. Fenton then joined the others outside.



Doctor Hill was extremely nervous about this meeting, He was well aware of the danger he was now getting himself into, At any moment the assassins could fire a fatal shot. Anthony Hill however had enough of the assassins and their threats. He was not about to let Joseph or anyone else for that matter suffer because he chose to continue looking the other way while these vicious killers destroy more lives. Anthony also felt ridiculous in the disguise as a woman. He rubbed his hand over his sore shaved legs. Yet another sacrifice he had to make to make up for his part in all this mess. Dr. Hill had

wanted nothing to do with the latest kidnapping plot aside from his duties as head doctor and lead

psychologist at the clinic. In fact, He was unaware that the Assassins even owned the place or that

they existed at all. Now he just wanted desperately to put it all behind him, that was of course if he

managed to survive his employers when they discover his betrayal.

"It's ok Scooby boy" He said reffering to his Great Dane he had effectionatly named after his favorite cartoon character. Anthony reached down to pat the handsome dog who had started to get a bit jumpy. The young Doctor led the animal to a nearbye bench where he took a seat. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he began to rub his sore feet,vowing to show the female race much more respect for having to go through the torture of having to walk in these shoes. He was also grateful that he chose to wear flats rather than the heels that the lady at the store had recomended. The clerk was actually quite impressed with him after he told her he was searching for an outfit for his wife's birthday, He had to smile at that memory. But all too soon reality came crashing back as Scooby began to bark and pull on the leash. "SHH!...Scooby calm down boy!" He scolded pulling on the leash. Anthony looked all around him, trying to keep the fear from overwhelming him. He was afraid for his own life but more so for the young man who now lay in a catatonic state. After finally getting Scooby to calm down with a nice bone he had taken along for just this purpose, The man in drag pulled a magazine out of her big bag and began to read.


Frank slowly entered the Bayport Community Park, trying to look for his contact without alerting the

attention of any of the assassins that he assumed were watching his every move. He pretended to jog for a while, until he saw a tall strange looking woman sitting on one of the benches with her dog. The

animal suddenly began barking and straining on his leash until the tall woman pulled out a big bone from her bag. Frank noticed how high pitched her voice sounded when she called out the dogs name.

As soon as he heard the name Scooby Frank knew this was his contact. He did not know how the dog would react to him going anywhere the woman however. But If getting bitten by a dog will lead him to information on his brother than he would gladly take that chance. Frank walked over to the bench where the lady was sitting with her nose in a magazine. The dog suprisedly did not attack as Frank had feared he would. Instead the creature came over to Frank and sniffed around him. He then put a

paw up to the startled boys knee as if in greeting. Frank heard a high pitched laugh.

"I guess you just passed the Scooby test" She/he said with a nervous smile. Frank laughed back. He

was still a bit taken back by the dogs reaction. Anthony put down the magazine before returning to smile at Frank once again. Anthony reached down to pat his dog in ruse to whisper something to an anxious Frank. "Please say you are Frank Hardy!" The Dr. in drag asked as They both continue to pet

an elated Scooby who thoroughly enjoyed all the extra attention he was now given.

"Bingo! " Frank answered quietly. Frank, was hoping to get the meeting over with so that he could return to the clinic before he missed any of the action, There was no way that he would or could miss the chance to be there when Joe is rescued and returned to those who loved and missed him dearly.

"Now please,tell me what those monsters are doing to my baby brother!" Frank demanded.

Dr. Anthony Hill knew that this young man was deadly serious about wanting to know everything so that was exactly what he did. The two would talk almost in whispers than throw in few louder statements to make it seem like they were just enjoying a normal conversation. Most of the conversation was about Scooby, His breeding,and the dogs name origin which happend to also be Joe's favorite Cartoon character.

Frank's brown eyes took on a look of sadness as he recalled coming into the Hardy living room on more than one Saturday morning only to see his "little Brother" Joe watching all his favorite cartoons,"G.I Joe:A Real American Hero","Spider-Man",The Centurions", Not to mention Joe's all time favorite show "Scooby Doo Where Are You" (The first season of course).

Anthony felt a pang of empathy for the poor boy who obviously loved his brother enough to do anything to save him. He did not want to be the one to tell him about the condition his brother was in when he last saw him. But Frank had been so persistant. " I am so sorry Frank" The doctor added sympathetically. Even Scooby seemed to sense that his new found friend was sad,for the dog jumped up on Franks lap and licked the startled Boys face. "Scooby! Down boy. The Doctor in drag ordered in the faux female voice.

Suprisingly the scene did actually help bring a tight smile to Franks Handsome face. He ran a hand through his straight,chocolate locks in thought looking around carefully as he did. Frank had hoped to catch a glimpse of his dad somewhere out there, But he was well aware of his fathers reputation as a master of disguise,not to mention his ability to fade into any background like a Ninja perhaps, until he was ready to pounce. It had taken some clever and deadly minds to ever beat the legendary Mr. Hardy at his own game. Unfortunatly those were also times when the enemy had chosen to get to Fenton through a member of his beloved family or close circle of friends. Frank hoped and prayed this was not one of those times. He also hoped that his father didn't try to kill him,himself for jumping right into the middle of this thing, never mind taking the gang along for the ride. Frank began to worry about what his dad and the Grey Man were yelling about. He hoped to god it wasn't about

him and Joe...Who knows how his father, actually both his parents might react. Frank knew that his

father would probably refuse to even discuss the situation until they rescued Joe and finally put an

end to this case. He also knew his father would be right. So Frank Hardy pushed that issue aside

and tried to focus on the case at hand. He thanked Anthony for the help and promised to help the Doctor to get all the legal help or police protection he will need. Frank's cell phone rang causing both men to jump. Frank answered it cautiously.

"Hello?" Frank began.

"Son, it's me dad, I don't want you to let on that it is me. I recieved the E-mail, I am right here in the

park son so try not to worry."

"Yes, mom I am coming home soon. I know you are worried." Frank improvised as a jogger came runing by.

"That's my good boy!" His father praised. "Now do exactly as I tell you. Get up and leave the park. There will be a few of Colligs men following you close. Frank, I do not want you to go anywhere the Wighnright clinic son!" Fenton warned. "Do I make myself clear son?"

"Mom I am not two!" Frank retorted. "I can handle myself. oh alright I will be home soon like i promised I love you mom" Frank replied. Before his father could offer a reply Frank had already snapped the case shut ending the call. He turned back to Anthony.

"It was nice meeting you maam, And your meddling dog too." Frank said with a laugh giving the large dog a last pat on the head . Frank quietly instructed Anthony to start walking in the opposite direction to the front gate. Frank watched her go, Then noticed another man approach the Doctor

She/He smiled at the other man before giving him a hug. The new man also had a dog with him. The two seemed to know each other. The doctor raised his/her hand up as if pointing to something. Frank

hoped it was not to him but then the Doctor put down thier hand offering it to their companion instead. The two walked arm and arm through the gate smiling and laughing all the way while the dogs followed obediently. Frank wanted to make sure that the Doctor was in safe hands after all he did risk it all to meet with him. Franks phone rang again.

"Your turn now Son, Oh and Franky, we will be having that loong chat as soon as possible so get home!" His father promsed in a somewhat icey tone before ending the call.

"Shoot!: Frank cursed "HE called my Franky!" Frank said to himself. Fenton Hardy usually reserved

reffering to his boys as Franky or Joey unless he was pretty peeved with them. Frank gulped, put his

cell phone away and left the park. Frank did not want to go home yet. He wanted more than anything to get back to the Weinright clinic as soon as possible to get an update from his team. He had not

heard from anyone in fact all evening. That could not be good. Frank also knew that his father would

want to be told everything that Dr.Hill had told him. reluctantly Frank Hardy turned his van around and headed for home. He would contact the two teams from there and see if they discovered anymore




Frank entered the Hardy household cautiously. He was well aware that he would not possibly be able to avoid his fathers wrath. Frank missed Joe more right now than ever before. Joe had this ability be it his charm or his quick wit to not only lighten any situation but to escape quite a few sticky messes

he managed to get into and some thankfully that Frank had joined his younger brother in.

"Hi honey, Your father called, he sounded a bit upset and told me to make sure you go to his office and stay there. Frank what happend? Is is about Joe dear?" She inquired.

"Isn't it alway's mom" Frank regretted what he just said but he was tired of having to worry so much about his brother. It was not alway's Joe's fault, Frank had put so much effort into saving his brother

his friends, Plus whom ever needed his help that he often ignored some of his own needs, His own

insecurities. Frank had felt an incredible sense of guilt reguarding Joe's depression which was slowly

eating away inside of him. He did not harbor ill feelings for his brother of course however, Frank did fear that he too was near the breaking point.

"Excuse me?" His mother looked at her oldest son incredulously "Frank honey come here and sit down by me for a second" She patted the couch beside her. He hesitated.

"But Dad said..." He began not sure what to do.

"Franklin Fenton Hardy I will handle your father. Now please come here and sit beside me, I would like to have a talk of my own with you son" She commanded in that gentle nurturing voice that Frank and Joe loved so much.

Frank did need his mother right now more perhaps now than he had ever needed anyone before. His mother reached her arms out to her oldest child not quite a man but far from that tiny child who would climb on her lap to count to 100 when he was only four. This time Frank readily accepted her offer he slid into his mothers loving embrace and let her hold him tightly

yet as gentle as only a mother can. Before Frank could stop himself the tears began to flow. She just sat there holding her child returning the unconditional love which he so unselfishly had offered her earlier that afternoon. Frank told her about his meeting keeping the most traumatic part to himself. He was not ready to break her heart again so soon.

The door opened. Fenton stepped through. He was followed by Phil and Vanessa. Fenton took in the sight of his wife sitting on the living room couch holding their eighteen year old oldest child. It was as if time had stopped for an instant. The famous private investigator had suddenly vanished only to be replaced with the role of proud father.

Fenton sighed deeply, He decided that he would wait til Joe was returned and better to have that long over due chat with his boys about their dangerous choice of alliances. For now Fenton wanted to be

nothing more than loving husband to his beautifull wife, and devoted father to two of the smartest,

bravest and trustworthy boys any parent could ask for. Fenton's pride in his family and all thier loyal

friends had threatend to overcome him. He forced the lump out of his throat just enough to say the Least likely words that Frank had expected his father to say at that moment. Fenton came over and

sat down next to his wife and child before Frank could finish getting up. Feeling awkward Vanessa and Phil decided to got to the den to give the family some much needed alone time.

"No son, please don't get up just yet" Fenton comanded in a softer tone than Frank had expected. He sat between his parents missing Joe so terribly at this moment that it made his head spin and his stomach turn. Frank looked from one parent to the other finally locking gazes with his fathers Brown

reflection of his own eyes.

"Dad, I am so sorry if I scared you today" Frank began, His mother looking at her son than husband with a questioning look. Fenton held up his hand to stop Frank from continuing.

"Son, please let me finish what I have to say there is so much to going on with this case that we may not get another chance like this one. " Frank nodded his agreement. "Frank what you did was a very

dangerous thing, You should have at least come to me or the Chief or for christ sakes even the Grey Man. But you chose to undertake this all on your own. "

"Uh dad..." Frank tried to interrupt.

"please Frank, you could have at least had your self wired I mean it happend so fast did you even take a moment to think it through?" Fenton continued. Frank threw his arms up and huffed in Frustration. He had already gotten off the couch and plopped himself into the big over stuffed arm

chair recliner. Finally Frank heard his mothers voice call out to her husband. Frank said a silent prayer of thanks for his mom.

"Fenton Hardy will you please for one second be quiet and let your son explain!!" Laura Hardy's usually soft voice was now laced with a feirce protectiveness of a mother lion for her cubs. It seemed

to have worked for Frank saw his fathers mouth immediately shut. "Now Frank dear you have a few moments to explain so make it a good one sweetie" She commanded.

"Thanks Mom" Frank began throwing her an appreciative glance. "Dad, as I was trying to tell you was

That I have been thinking things out. I mean no I did not go to the police of get set up with a wire, I did however have this." Frank pulls his hand in his pocket to retrieve a small tape recorder. Fenton

now looked at his son with an apologetic stare mingled with the same kind of pride a teacher has for an apprentice. Both parents listened on as Frank described how he divided the gang up in to two groups. He hoped that once his parents heard that the others were out there and how much they needed Frank to guide them, that they would let him go out there and get back to work on this case. Every day this case goes unsolved was one more day without Joe,one more chance that the Assassins

will either move Joe or even worse, kill him. Frank tried to push the wave of panic from his voice. His parents both saw his _expression.

"OK, Son, why don't I go see what the boys have found out. You go talk to Vanessa and Phil, I think they went into the den alright? mabey You can come back out there when you are ready. " Fenton

reasoned with Frank who had to try so hard not to whoop for Joy. he jumped up and started racing toward the family den, then turned around and wrapped his father is a very tight hug. "I love you too Frank" Fenton whispered. He looked over Franks shoulder just in time to catch his wife smiling and

wiping away a few proud tears. Now if she could only have her other child here, she would hug her Golden haired "baby boy" with his heart of gold to match his wavy hair.

"Hey guys, I will go make some cocoa and sandwhiches, How would you like that?" She offered.

"Please extend the invitation to Phil and Vanessa. Oh and Fenton dear, before you leave please come

see me. Those poor boys must be half starved by now"

"yeah, I'm sure poor chet is probably withering away to nothing." Frank said good naturedly about his best friend. They all shared a long over due laugh before going their seperate ways. "Dad, I am going

to get Nessa and phil so we can compare notes" Frank called as he headed for the den. His father nodded and turned to his office.


A few minutes later Fenton,Frank, Vanessa Bender and Phil Cohen had all gathered in Mr. Hardy's office, Vanessa was seated in the leather chair opposite Fentons while Both Frank and Phil occupied

the brown leather couch against the wall. Mr. Hardy noticed how sad Vanessa looked, his heart went out to the sweet girl who had been only the second girl to have won Joe's heart. She was such a good

person and it did his heart good to know that both his boys, no matter how young they still were, had

such loving and devoted girlfriends. He placed the tape in his safe not wanting to upset the poor girl, yet in reality, he was not even sure that he was ready to hear what kind of condition his son was in.

Besides that, Fenton had seen Frank's reaction to the tape already. It was not good. Laura soon came in with steaming mugs of cocoa with whipped cream, a platter of tuna sandwhiches. and a plate with some of the chocolate chip cookies she had made earlier. They all smiled and thanked her for her effort and hospitality. Then returned to discuss the case so far.

"Ok, so we atleast know that Joe is in that clinic" Fenton stated.

"So how come we can't just storm the place and get him out Mr. Hardy?" Vanessa asked.

"We can't tip our hand dear, These people are used to moving out at a split seconds notice, It could have already happend for all we know. I would like to check up on Chet,Biff, and Tony, To let them

know I am coming over there. The chief he would assign a few men to go with me and Our friend

Mr. Grey should be somewhere around there, working on his end. But right now, I would love to hear what our resident computer geniuses have found out. "

Phil and Vanessa smiled at each other and at Frank as well, For they knew that Mr. Hardy had included his sone in that compliment. Phil raised his hand toward Vanessa.

"Ladies First" Phil offered.

"OK, first we ran a check on The Millers finacial records..."

"Wait should I really be hearing this?" Fenton joked, He did not normally approve of hacking but If it helps to bring his child back than he would look the other way. Nothing was stopping him from finding and saving HIs Joe.

"anyway, as I was saying. We found out that the Millers had taken quite a hit in the last few years, anyone care to guess why?" She asked her blueish grey eyes sparking with excitement.

"extravagant life style perhaps?" Fenton guessed.

"buzz... wrong Mr. H. The losses were actually, your fault in a way" She answered. "You are so good at your Job that some of the wealthiest clients were either sent to prison or ended up bankrrupt due largely in part by your testimony in each case. So of course the clients can't pay the extremely large

fee to the leagle eagle team of Miller and Miller. .."

"Leaving them with a big monetary loss and a stack of bills demanding that they start paying for that oppulant lifestyle which they had grown so accustomed to. " Frank Finished. She nodded. In agreement.

"Right on the money honey" she teased. " Frank blushed. Vanessa continues on however " Phil has even more goodies for us" she added. looking at her friend nudging him to take up the conversation.

"OK, well, so not only do the Millers have a grudge against you Mr. Hardy but they have recently had

a signifigant deposit made in a Swiss bank accaount one that will put our poor hapless Miller crew back on easy street or at least on the campaign trail. "

Franks head was spinning, He had just thought of something but it was still stuck in the wheels in his head. "Wait I think i have something! " Frank exclaimed.

"What?" They all chorused excited.

" What if Carmen Miller was trying to kill two birds with one stone?" Frank asked.

"Frank, what did I tell you about speaking in riddles? "His father joked.

"Dad, guys, Carmen Miller is comtemplating running for the 2004 presidential election right?" Frank asked.

"Right! " Phil answered. " I think I see where you are going with this Frank, correct me if I am wrong, but it takes a whole lot of money to run for office especially the office of president. "

"OK, let me try now, where were we, oh yeah, What if the Millers jumped at the chance to get the

two things they have been seking most of all, A practically endless source of income " Vanessa added.

Fenton took over this time as the puzzle started to finally fall into place. He was in awe watching these brilliant young minds going to work on this case. " Not to mention the chance to get me back for doing my job" Fenton finished.

"Hey, you are the best at what you do dad," Frank said proudly. Fenton gazed over at his son and

shook his head. "Am I son, I think I had better watch out because the competition is coming pretty close than." He laughed.

"Yup, Someday the detective angency of Hardy and Hardy just might knock you off that gold metal podium" Phil replied.

"Actually, I think it should be called "Hardy and Associates" Vanessa chimed in. again everyone laughed. except for Frank only because he was lost in thought.

"Frank, are you alright?" His father asked. Te seriousness of the situation creeping back into the room like a dark cloud.

"Dad, I'm sorry but I just miss him so much! I want my brother the brat back, I want to hear him laugh and I might even Let him steal my bagel.. well, maybe once, But " Frank turned away from the others, he refused to cry in front of anyone but Joe and maybe his mother. Suddenly He raced out the door, They could hear his footsteps coming from the stairs which was soon accompanied by the slamming of his bedroom door. Phil and Vanessa looked at each other awkwardly, they did not blame

Frank for being so upset, They were all hurting, but Frank and Joe had such a strong bond that each could actually experience whatever pain the other was suffering, Much like twins.

"Um..perhaps we should go?" PHil said . vanessa nodded.

"I;m sorry guys, give him some time ok? Sometimes i think everyone forgets that Frank is only human too. He gives everything he has to help others, yet when he needs something to hold onto there is often nothing left. "Fenton esplains.

"Frank will always have someone to turn to if we have anything to say about it, Frank and Joe, They will do no less for us" Phil assured the exausted father.

"You know Mr. Hardy you and Mrs, Hardy are a part of that promise? I mean if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to please know that you have a lot of people who admire you and who will be

there too. ok? " Vanessa vowed.

If Fenton Hardy had any doubt as to why his son had chosen this girl to fall in love with, then they had all just faded away, He would definitly have to congradulate his sons on thier choices. Perhaps a nice dinner party for all the six of them. That would have to wait, HE wanted to get over to the wieghnright Clinic and catch up with the gang there, Fenton also dared hope that he would be returning with his son as soon as possible.

"Come on guys I will walk you to the door" Fenton offered. They all got up and left the office.

On his way out Fenton stopped to kiss his wife.

She had seen Frank running upstairs to his room, But was not sure why Hewever, Her husband gave her brief details and asked her to please check on the boy to make sure he was ok. Laura handed Fenton a big cooler bag filled with more of the same food that they had for dinner. Laura knew that home made Chocolate chip cookies were Joe's favorite so she asked him to make sure there were some left incase they found Joe. There was also a large thermos of cocoa as well, as some styrofoam cups. They kissed deeply, holding each other, she whispered that she loved him and he replied the same. Then Laura Hardy watched as her husband left. She shut the door,turned to look up the staircase her own heart breaking, With a heavy sigh Laura Hardy made her way up the stairs to her oldest son' s room. Laura hesitated for a second wondering if she should let him have some alone time. When she did not hear any noise in the room she got a little curious so she walked over to Joe'sroom, She opened the door carefully, What she saw made her both smile and want to break down and cry, For there on Joe's somewhat disheveled bed lay Frank, he must have cried himself to sleep. But what really touched her was the object in her sons hands. It was Joe's little Bear. The one Frank had given him when he was four years old. After the first kidnapping, form the Amusement park. Laura Hardy shuddered at the memory of her baby boy being so scared and lonely, Of both boys having to suffer through one night-mare after another. She leaned down to put a blanket over Franks sleeping body, carefull not to disturb him. Then walked out. Laura went to her own room which she shared with her husband. Not even bothering to change, she plopped down on the bed. Crying softly into the pillow. Not sure how much more she could take. Soon she was asleep as well.



I am writing this as I go, some of the story has been planned for quite a while now, While others have been written as I go as I first stated. Any part of this story which may resemble that of anyone else is purely coincidental. I have no official connection to the Hardy Boys, except perhaps for the twisted devotion and obsession that I have harbored ever since I saw Shaun Cassidy and Parker Stevenson I believe. I Think that was when I picked up my first Hardy Boys Book. From that point on I have been an avid collector of the Hardy BOys and have alway's listed writing atleast one story of my own as one of my goals. Who knows, with alot of spelling and grammar classes (thanks Moonie :) you were right lol) and perhaps glasses I really hope I can someday make that gosl a reality. Thanks guys, for being here so People like myself can endulge in our passions and fulfill our goals. I hope you enjoy my efforts as much as I do yours. If you have any comments or advice please feel free to contact me @ . Ok Thanks again guys. Love ya! ~ Hopefully your friend, Christine~



Ezra Collig, jumped in his cruiser, He signaled for the officer to hold on for a second before starting the car. The officer knowing better than to question the Chief of Police did as she was ordered and waited while the man pulled out his cell phone and made a call. The young officer named

Maria Sanchez tried not to flinch as the Chief's voice began to rise in frustration.

"Damn it, I know what time it is. But I need that court order now! Just get the Judge on the phone" Collig demanded. He glanced over at Sanchez trying not to grin at the look on her face. Ezra Collig had quite the reputation of being a hot head. But He didn't make it all the way to the position

of Bayport Police Chief by being subtle or for that matter by coddling his officers. That was perhaps one of the main reasons he came to respect the Hardy Family as much as he did However, It did take him along time to come to that conclusion. In the begining when the family had moved to Bayport about ten years ago, Ezra had no idea what to make of Fenton Hardy. He had heard that the NYPD were sorry to see Fenton leave their

ranks but, As Fentons reputation grew,So did the respect and admiration of many,especially Both The NYPD blues as well as the BPD blues, Who both thought of the man proudly as one of their own still. Of course The two youngest Hardy males Franklin and Joseph had managed to get under his feet so many times, often leaving the Chief exasperated. He was not really worried about the boys ability to help in most of his investigations for there was never a doubt that both boys were quickly following in their fathers footsteps, But they were so young and Ezra Just could not bare to see either boy or any of their helpfull friends hurt or worse even. He sighed deeply realizing that he just could not stop what had proven to be inevitable. The memory of sweet young Iola Morton flashed into his brain stinging his heart. quickly He pushed the sadness that had also filled his

heart away, It was certainly not his policy to allow his officers to see him show any sign of weakness. Thankfully his thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Judge Sandra Berfield. Collig looked over to his escort, realizing that she probably also heard the angry tone in the judges voice. He shook his head at officer Sanchez before returning all his attention to the person on the phone.

"This had better be good Ezra I was just going to watch my favorite show then turn in. " She began. Sandra Berfield a very attractive woman was

also one of the youngest Judges to serve in this area. She had quickly earned an excellent reputation for her compassionate yet fair nature. It was

matched only by her quick wit as well as the fact that she makes it perfectly clear what she expects in her court room. Sandra had a good heart, and was an extremely fair judge But she did not make it to the title of "Her Honor Judge Sandra Berfield" by being a gullible fool. Sandy also knew that her friend usually meant business whenever he disturbed her this late in the evening. She had guessed that it probably had something to do with the Hardys.

"Come on Sandy, you know I would never bother you at home this late unless it was very important" Collig apologized.

"Yeah, I know Ezra what can I do for you?"

"I need a search warrent for the Weighnright clinic A.S.A.P. Sandy"

"Weighnright? Why that place may I ask? "

"I have it on good authourity that Joseph Hardy is being held against his will there"

Sandy sighed, She had heard the news about poor Joseph HArdy's break down then remembered that the Chief had just been released from the

hospital himself."Ezra I am sorry, I never asked if you were?" She inquired.

"I am much better thanks, look I am in a hurry something big is going down at the clinic, can we finish this conversation over a signed court order?"

The chief asked getting a bit anxious. She agreed. Collig motioned for Sanchez to drive. After thanking the Judge and ended the call.

"OK where to now boss?" Officer Sanchez asked." Collig told her where to go. With no further inquiries, officer Maria Sanchez pulled the patrol car out of the Hardy driveway and into traffic.


Fenton Hardy wanted to run to Frank and hold him tightly, assuring his oldest child that he will bring his younger brother home safetly, He was getting so sick and tired of having to make promises like that. How many times did their family have to suffer like this? How many night-mares

did his boys have to wake up from. Fenton had his fair share of terrifying night-mares and night sweats, For he had blamed himself for much of the

pain that has befallen his loved ones. His familt tried to assure him that they were proud of his career path and that they were all well aware of the dangers, The boys were young but were well ahead of their peers in understanding not to mention the fact that they were somewhat blinded by their awe of their father and hoped to become as well known and admired as him. They were on the right track. His wife laura and older sister Gertrude was a different matter however, They had often admitted to their fears that the boys were not only growing up too fast, But that they

were going to end up like poor Iola Morton. Fenton knew that the two most important and influential women in his life were justified in thier fears.

They were strong women but their maternal side had reared up with a fierce protectiveness as well as the feeling of helplessness to stop their

rather stubborn mae from going out and getting themselves knee high into a dangerous situation which they just might not return from. Fenton

felt sick knowing that he played a major part in continuing to add to thier fears. Fenton had been so lost in thought that he not only failed to hear his own car phone ringing but to focus on the road ahead of him. He was rocked back to his senses when the blaring sound of a horn cut through

his depression. Cursing loudly, He barely managed to avoid the 18 wheeler that loomed in front of him. Fenton realized that he must have ended

up in the wrong lane. His car finally came to a stop by the side of the road. The Truck did not stop. But Fenton was too shaken up at the moment

to think about that. His hands were almost pure white as he gripped the wheel staring out the steering wheel. Fenton mumbled a prayer of thanks.

before leting his head rest on the steering wheel for a second in an effort to calm himself down. Laura would probably hug him tightly right before she would kick his butt. Especially if she suspected what he did, That his blood pressure was probably through the roof. After resting for a while,

He felt much more composed. His phone rang again just as he was about to turn the car back to the road. Fenton wanted to get to the clinic as

soon as possible. He took a deep breath before answering the phone.

"Fenton, Where were you? I tried calling you earlier but got no answer." inquired the Chief. He sounded a bit worried.

Fenton didn't see the need to bother his friend right now with the details of the last few moments. "Sorry Chief, I was just lost in thought I guess, any luck with that search Warrent?" He asked hopefully. This was crucial to finding Joe, But Fenton also knew that nothing would ever keep him from searching for him or anyone else he loved.

"Well, I can't say I blame you, Oh and by the way yes I did obtain the search Warrent. It took some time convincing the Judge. Sandy sends her

prayers by the way. I thought this would cheer you up a bit." The Cheif added over the speaker phone. this made Fenton smile. He had wonderfull

people in his corner.

"Thanks old friend, I can't tell you how much better I feel, I should be at the Weighnright clinic soon myself, What about you?" The ace detective asked.

"Actually, we are just pulling up the drive now, I just thought I was just waiting for my back up. OH and I thought that you would probably insist on accompanying me in there, But Fenton as much as I want you to find Joseph, I don't have to remind you that my men and I are on police business

and I don't want to risk you or your sons safety. Now I know you are a professional however you are also a father. I have seen how you can get in these situations, quite understandable, But I must warn you, at the slightest sign that you are starting to take matters in your own hands or impede my investigation, no matter if it is intentional or not then you are out the door. Do you understand Fenton? I want this by the book. We

have a lot of loose ends that need tying up legally, So nothing comes back to haunt us all later."The Chief ordered.

" You are right Chief, I understand. My E.T.A. is about 5 minutes" Fenton answered.

"Good, I'll see you then" Collig hung up the phone, just as another cruiser was pulling up beside his. He quickly updated the situation to all his officers including his warning to Fenton Hardy which he expected them to take quite seriously, At the first sign of danger or if the detective even

looks like he might loose it, He was to be escorted back outside in cuffs if necessary. He did not have to remind his team, which now included his

right hand man Sgt. Con Reilly, that this precaution was both for Fentons safety as well as his sons and their own as well. Fentons, red Porsche

Came quietly up the drive. getting out he looked around the area, wondering where Chet,Biff, And Tony might be. He also wondered how Frank was,

KNowing full well that his oldest child would no doubt make his way there soon. There was absolutely no way Frank would miss the chance to see his "baby" brother again infact he would insist on checking Joe over personally. Fenton smiled with fatherly pride requarding the protectiveness his

sons felt for each other. He vowed to make that reunion happen as soon as possible.

" Ok guys, let's head in, Everyone please stay alert if this lead pans out than we are dealing with some deadly people here." Chief Collig warned.

Two officers secured the scene while the rest followed the Chief,Fenton and Con into the clinic. They came to the door of Dr. Anthony hill who had refused the offer to be taken to a safe house. He sent his family but Anthony somehow felt that he jsut could not leave Joe and a few other "real"

patients who needed him desperatly.

"Yes,come in please" He answered, trying to conceal the fear that it might be one of the assassins sent to kill him for betraying them. When the door opened revealing the police and Fenton Hardy, Joes father, The Doctor let out a deep sigh of relief. "Yes, what can I do for you Chief Collig?" He said in a calm voice knowing full well that they were probably being bugged right then.

"We would like to take a look around Dr. Hill." Con Reilly replied.

" Oh, And I don't supose you have a warrant? " He said a bit too loudly. He scribbled something on a peice of paper qickly handing it to con who silently read it before handing it off to the Chief. It read: "The room is most likely bugged, please make it sound as if I am resisting you, Or they will kill me" They nodded to each other. Con threw the signed document down on the Dr.'s desk.

"Alright, But you do realize I will have to inform my employers as well as our attorneys. And PLEASE try not to do anything to disturb my patients

gentlemen." He quickly wrote something else: "especialy the one in room 911. Fenton smiled down at the young Dr. Gratefully. He wanted to race over to room nine eleven to hold his son but Collig had laid a hand on his shoulder reminding him that his men were there for a reason. Fenton was

not happy about this but respectfully adhered to the chiefs orders while the officers made thier way to Hopefully find and rescue Joe.
