Chapter 6

Joe Hardy was having a hard time trying to stay awake. Obviously whatever those goons gave him was enough to keep him very dissoriented for quite some time. Joe thought it was rather odd that the regular nurse, nor Doctor Hill for that matter, had been in to see him recently. Surely they would be a part of whatever plans these people had for him. Joe swore he could recall one of the men saying that the Boss wanted the Doc kept out of this job?

Joe wondered what Frank was doing? Did he even know or care for that matter? True he had been informed that visitors were not allowed in the first few days of a patients admittence to ensure that the period of adjustment went more smoothly. "How many days have I been here?" Joe mused.

He noticed that he was no longer in the chair,in fact he was not even in the same room. Trying to sit up he was struck with a sharp pain from his head wound. His hand instinctively moved to his temple only to regret the act which caused him to wince once again. At least they had cleaned and bandaged the wound Joe thought. Joe also felt relieved when he noticed that his hands were no longer bound. His vision had cleared enough by now to afford him a slow look around his new room. The brightness of the place made him wince again. Joe surmised that this had to be one of those "rubber" rooms he had heard about so much. They usually reserved those rooms for the most dangerous patients or those who may try to harm themselves.

Joe tensed as he heard a click on the door before it had opened to allow Stan into the room. For a moment Joe considered rushing him, but between the drugs and the throbbing headache he now suffered, Joe knew he probably wouldn't get too far,in fact he also suspected that 'thing1' and "thing2' were just outside the door. Instead he moved instinctively to the bed sitting down on the soft edge.

"Well, well, our star patient is finally up," Stan remarked. Joe watched the tall man's every move. His fists balled up into fists at his side. This too caused Joe to wince in pain. He held up his left hand in suprise becoming aware of the large bandage on the back of his hand as well . He looked up at Stan in question. However Joe tried to hide any fear or for that matter the frustration he felt because his voice would not work still.

"Don't worry you will be just fine pretty boy," Stan answered knowing the question his patient was trying to ask. "Wanna know why you can't speak?" Stan teased.

Joe shook his head "yes". Stan smiled an evil smile. "Hmm.mabey I won't tell you.." he smirked.

Joe began to jump up to confront the man who had taunted him since he had first awoken on Friday morning. Joe wondered if he was still even in the same clinic after all if this mysterious Boss wanted him so bad then why wait when there was a perfect opportunity especially when Joe had given up any hope of his so-called friends and family coming for him. Joe's heart broke once again. He rushed to hide it from Stan but a tear had escaped from Joe's silent face. Stan could not hide a smile.

"Poor baby Joe what's the matter boy? No one has come to visit him. I guess we forgot to tell you that your brother and parents were on a tv press confrence to publicly apologize for your behavior and told them that you were thankfully finally getting the help that you need. It was so darn tragic the way your poor mother looked as your father described how sorry they were to Brad Miller and his family. Your poor pretty girlfriend was there too holding your brother's hand. They make a cute couple" Stan finished cruelly. His eyes never left Joe's crystal blue ones filled now with a surge of pure anger. Joe refused to believe him this time.

Joe shook his head and his sore fist at him, his famous Joe Hardy temper threatening to erupt once again. Then Joe stopped. His fists opened and his hands falling to his side. Joe then looked up at the now puzzled orderly, Stan had blown it this time. Joe had been working on controling his temper but that was not why he was able to stop himself from lunging at Stan. Joe Had beleived that his family and friends had once again turned their backs on him. But the one thing that Stan messed up on was his account of Frank with HIS Vanessa!. First of all Frank and Joe had made a pact when they had started dating. They vowed to never go after the same girl. Joe knew that Frank would never betray him or Callie. But more importantly Joe knew his Vanessa would never betray him. especially after this whole mess started because he had been trying to protect HER honor.

"You don't believe me do you?" Stans arms were folded across his face. "Hey, Brian?" Stan called never taking his face away from Joe.

"Yeah, what do ya want?"

"Get in here with that tray ok?" Stan ordered. Brian entered the room with a tray of food and a full pitcher of pink lemonade. Joe could not hide the fact that his mouth was watering for he had not had anything to eat for quite a while. A part of him however was leery about touching anything that these creeps might give him to eat or drink. Brian's long blonde hair had been pulled into a pony tail which hung over the tight grey T-shirt that barely restrained his rippling physique. He turned and winked at Joe.

"Enjoy the show cutie" He smirked with a mocking wink. Then left. Stan stayed in the room while his "Patient" reluctantly finished all of the food and drink,after issuing the promise of having Greg or Brian force feed him, or perhaps just putting Joe on an IV. Joe Hardy hated IV's but he hated being FED by anyone else but himself most of all.

"See how good we are to our star patients? They get Dinner and a movie" Stan smirked, his hand now held a remote control. With one click there was a whirring noise. Joe turned his head to the side wall where part of it slide back to reveal a wide screen Tv built right in the wall itself. Another click and the TV seem to come alive.

Stan picked up the empty food tray and walked out of the room. Joe jerked his head up towards the ceiling suddenly as the lights began to dim. There was a different noise coming from the TV now as images of an attractive woman came on the screen. Joe recognized her as Julie Chang,one of the top reporters for the leading Cable Network News Channel.

"....Shock and disbelief was echoed around the nation as world famous Private Investigator Fenton Hardy with his family by his side, Issued a statement of Apology to the public and to the family of Attorney Carmen Miller, himself a well known political figure who has lately shown some interest in the 2004 Republican political race. ....." The reporter went on to say more about the Millers and the Hardys, until finally she cued in the feed which contained the Press confrence Joe could not believe his ears or his eyes.

"It was all true!! He didn't lie!" Joe froze unable to turn away from the screen. There were his parents tearfully explaining to the world that their youngest child had been suffering from a severe depressed state which became a danger to himself and others. How tragiclly they had denied his condition for too long until this unfortunate incident occured which caused Joe to go over the edge. Mrs. Hardy was too distraught to speak.

But when microphones were thrust into his brothers face, Asking him if he could say one thing to his brother right now what would it be? Frank sighed and pulled Vanessa closer to him as she buried her head in his chest. " I would say I was so sorry little Bro for not being more observant and for not being here when you truley needed me. But I would also promise Him that I will always take care of Vanessa for him. Frank gave her a reassuring squeeze round her waist. She just buried her head deeper into his chest.

By now Joe was both Furious and Hurt that they would actually go on TV and announce to the world that He had gone looney and had to be put away. Joe also felt betrayed by his so called big brother and girlfriend. But Joe also knew that by coming out in public with this "dirty Laundry" His father and brother also possibly compromised the families reputation as detectives and as leaders of their community.

Joe was not sure if he was being watched but his heart was breaking and he felt sick to his stomach. Joe's face turned a sickly shade of green, his cheeks bulged. Jumping up quickly Joe ran to the door, starting to bang on it. He tried to scream for someone to answer him but between his inibility to speak and the nausea which was again threatening to make it's way to his throat he knew his pleas would do no good.

Having no choice, Joe ran to the corner of the room and lost whatever food he had just eaten. Joe wiped his face off and crawled back to the bed, somewhat relieved. It was just about then that his head began to swim he tried to pull himself shakily to his feet but his legs were suddenly like rubber, causing him to fall halfway on the bed. Slowly he pulled himself all the way on the bed. Joe once again tried to get up but his head was the only part of him which was able to move. Not for long however as it began to feel like a lead ball. Finally Joe gave into the darkness which had been swirling all around him. Joe Hardy's last conscious thought was that he should have never eaten that food. 'But maybe it was a good thing, Just maybe the pain might start to fade" with that last thought and a tear streaked face Joe sunk into oblivion.


Chapter 7

Fenton Hardy had cashed in a few favors and soon two police officers had arrived to pick a reluctant Ronnie Pete up. They were to be his personal escorts to the safe house where his family was now being kept for their own protection.

At least until this whole mess blows over, thought Ronnie's dad, Donald. He had not been too happy when he saw the note his son had hastilly written before rushing off to Bayport, New York, but he was even more worried when the phone call came in. Mr. Pete had heard a lot about the Hardy family, especially Frank, who he decided was a really good kid with a very bright future. He really didn't know much about Joe except that the brothers were, "are," he corrected himself, extremely close.

While Ronnie seemed to be so fond of the family, he was not quite sure that he wanted his young impressionable son getting involved with the kind of work the Hardy family was famous for. Donald had not meant that as an insult, only as a father who was worried about his son's welfare. The Hardy's were well known for their dangerous exploits and, in fact, that dangerous lifestyle was quite possibly the cause for the poor younger Hardy boy's break down. Ronnie had told them something about the situation in his note but the news media was all a buzz with the story of the poor unfortunate lad's depression and eventual breakdown.


"Ron?" He tried to slow his breathing. Mr. Pete had seen the news; seen his son's face in the crowd shot next to a big blonde boy and a tall Italian boy. They had been watching the scene with both shock and despair, periodiclly checking out the crowd. The boys, including Ronnie, seemed ready to pounce into action if anyone came to close to the Hardy family. It made him very proud of his son but he was shaken with yet another wave of fear.

However, that was before. It felt so good to hear his son's voice again, although he could tell there was something not quite right about it. His son tried to hide it but he knew his son was terrified.

"Dad, are you there?" Ronnie asked again jarring his father back to reality.

"Sorry son, I'm here. Please tell me what is going on?" Silence. Then after a sigh Ronnie told him what he could. He then put Fenton Hardy on the phone. Mr. Pete wore a shocked and worried face as the detective instructed him carefully.

"Pack a bag for each member of your family, just enough to carry comfortably, in case you have to take off at a moment's notice. Please pack as if you are going on a vacation: food, emergency money. But as I said, not too much and I suggest, nothing valuable that you might have to leave behind." Fenton sighed. He felt bad for the Pete family having to go through this because of his family.

"Fenton, please, you really don't have to apologize", Donald assured Fenton after he had once again apologized.

"From what I do know of this situation, I have a reason to be extremely proud of my boy. You know that feeling I'm sure because you have every reason to be proud of your own boys. Both Frank and Joe, according to my Ronnie, are wonderful role models and very good detectives in their own right. What happend to Joe is very unfortunate but I am sure it subtracts nothing from the boy's true character and the wonderful man he will no doubt someday become. And if he is in any way like his older brother, whom I have come to admire, than he will be fine in no time." The man tried to reassure Fenton Hardy. He could almost swear he heard a sob escape Fentons lips, but said nothing, for he did not think it was his place. He had hoped however that what he did say, would be of some comfort to the heartbroken man on the other end of the line.

"Thank you so much for your kind words and understanding. I am indeed very proud of BOTH my sons and from what little I have seen from your son, I am very proud of him as well," Fenton replied honestly with a heavy sigh.

"Perhaps when this is all over our families could get together for dinner sometime, especialy if our older children end up as college roomates." Donald added with a small laugh trying to lighten the mood. Fenton smiled to himself.

"I think that could be arranged."

A few moments later the conversation had ended. Donald Pete called his wife and daughter, Alicia, down stairs into the living room for a family pow wow. He wished his oldest child was here at home where he could protect him but he knew that Fenton Hardy had a lot of conections and would do his best to protect Ronnie like he was his own. The brevity of that thought had it him...Like his own?

He thought of Joe. Was Fenton Hardy enough to protect him? Donald Pete once again pushed the wave of fear for his family away and turned back to his job as their protector. Later the doorbell rang. It was the two Boston police officers sent to escort them to the safe house. Donald looked back at his home he felt so safe in before, thinking again of his son. He locked the front door setting the alarm. Then followed the officers and his family out to the unmmarked police car.


Frank lay on his bed, his feet banging on the headboard quietly, while he clutched his pillow in his hands. "Joe! Where are you brat?" Of course Joe hated it when his older brother called him a brat. But it didn't stop Joe from referring to Frank the same exact way. Frank knew Joe really was a Brat.

He sighed remembering all the tricks and pranks Joe played on him, trying to get a rise out his big brother. At least that was how everyone else perceived it. Joe was,in fact, merely trying to teach his somewhat over protective (often smothering Joe but he had good reason with Joe Hardy's uncanny knack for ending up right smack into trouble.) a lesson. Oh, Joe never caused trouble; they had been raised better than that. However, they did seem to attract it. Frank the more cautious of the two usually held back while Joseph tended to rush in and let his famous Joe Hardy uppercut do all the talking. But Frank had to admit to hmself that it was Joe's usual bubbly fun nature and daring that had in so many ways, saved Him from his worst enemy..himself.

Frank chuckled out loud as he recalled when Joe had tried to get him to Bungy Jump. Frank would have no part of that! Frank Hardy was not a bit afraid to take danger on, especially when it came to protecting Joe or others, and he was almost as good an athlete as his brother, but Frank's logical nature took control of his senses on this one.

"Nope, there is just no way in hell you are getting me to Bungy jump brat boy!!" He declared holding a hand over his eyes in and effort to shield them from the afternoon sun.

"Ok suit yourself Chicken," Joe replied, making a few clucking noises before turning toward the line for the Bungy Jump ride. Callie Shaw wrapped an arm his waist watching Joe walk away. She had been listening to the whole exchange and had to admit that she was glad that Frank turned Joe down for the simple reason that she would now have Frank all to herself for quite awile. The thought made her smile and hold on to him even tighter.

"Oh don't listen to him! I would not be caught dead going on that ride either hon. She said after seeing the scowl on Frank's handsome face but She could tell that Frank sometimes regretted that Joe had much more nerve than he did. At least, that was what Frank believed. In Callie's beautiful brown eyes her Frank was every bit as brave and daring as Joe, smarter even and he was her hero. Of course, Callie also knew that Joe Hardy felt exactly the same way that she did about his "Big Bro", which was just one reason why they, Callie and Joe, often found themselves on opposite sides of the same battle: The never ending battle to control Frank Hardy's heart.

Frank sighed, returning to reality as the sound of his cell phone interrupted his thougts. He sat up and clicked the talk button.

"Hello?" He began.

"Hello Frank." Frank Hardy froze. He had wondered if the person on the other line would get around to calling.

"Calling to gloat?" Frank remarked growing anger in his voice.

"Look Frank, you know that I did not always agree with the way your brother umm..operated. Nor did I like the way he dragged you into..."

"First off," Frank interrupted now trying to keep his temper in check for Joe's sake. After all, this was perhaps the one person who can help save his little brother. Frank sighed, regaining control of his emotions. But how dare this person talk about his little brother this way? He took a deep breath and contiued in a more evenly tone. "My brother can be a bit impulsive and hot headed but he never forced me to do anything against my will and he never "dragged me anywhere." We are a team and, as you now know, a damn good one. In fact, I think I can recall Joe and I, the HARDY BOYS, plural, saving your butt a few times. .."

Now it was the caller's turn to interrupt. "Frank will you please calm down, geesh! I thought Joe was the hot headed one! Now if you would please just shut up and listen to what I have to say then maybe we can clear up this whole mess, all right?" He demanded, his voice getting quiet and almost gentle as he finished. Frank ran a hand through his hair in his trade mark manner.

"Ok, sorry Arthur, please continue," Frank once again allowing himself to dare hope that the man on the other end of the line otherwise known as Arthur Grey aka The Grey Man, could provide some clue as to where Joe had been taken not to mention the all important questions Why? and By whom?

"Frank, I need you to hook up the special modem the Network provided for you. I will be sending you all the info I can. Just know that the network is well aware of the situation. We are also keeping a very close eye on the situation. Please print the info for your father but keep this under wraps. You are well aware of the consequences of any mistakes.

"Then you know where he is!!!?" Frank had almost screamd with hope, his mind filling with questions. However he was very logical and had realized that the phone line might not be so secure and it may not only hurt their chances of finding Joe, but perhaps it could cause whom ever has him to HURT him or worse.

Frank shuddered and ended the phone call. He quickly turned to start up the new computer his parents had let him pick out for his eighteenth birthday. Soon there was a small stack of papers on his desk. He started to carefully place them in a manila folder while saving the info to a cd. Frank started reading but froze when he came to the name of the people who wer behind his brother's abduction. He froze, his handsome face suddenly devoid of color . Frank knew he had to report this to his father immediatly.

Frank shut down the computer, placed the special network modem securely back into it's hiding place known only to Frank and Joe, grabbed the folder and raced downstairs calling to his father.

"Frank! What is it, Son? Are you all right? You are not still sick are you?" His father asked looking at his pale son with a worried look. Frank had been dizzy before. Fenton remembered grimly how connected his sons were to each other, in an almost psychic way. In fact, in too many times to count, when one was in pain or hurt the other felt the same. It had also served to make the other much more determind to find his brother and stop the pain from destroying them both.

"Dad! you have to read this!" Frank exclaimed, practically throwing the folder into his fathers hands.

Fenton threw his eldest son a curious look. He trusted both his sons. Fenton began reading the info that The Grey Man had sent. "Frank where did you get this !?" His father demanded.

Frank was not sure how to respond. Both boys had sworn to Agent Grey, and to the leader of the network herself, to never reveal their connection to the agency. Besides they also knew both their parents would most likely ground them for the end of time.

"Dad... Just trust me please?" Frank pleaded after his father asked once again, not liking his children to keep secrets from him or their mother. But he did trust them. Both Fenton and Frank Hardy ran a hand through their hair, unnoticed by the other one.

"OK..but this is so incredible. Someday Francis Fenton Hardy you and that brother of yours are going to sit down with your mother and I and have a nice long chat."

"Dad, you know I am actually really looking forward to that I am sure Joe will be too when I warn him." Frank laughed. It felt good to laugh, Joe taught him that too.

Fenton Hardy was already lost in reading the contents of the file that Frank had just printed. He stopped suddenly gripping the paper he had been reading in his hands tightly enough to tear it. Frank knew what the paper had revealed. Fenton Hardy looked up at his oldest son with the same feeling that Frank himself had experienced...Terror! Fenton Hardy had finally found his voice:


Chapter 8

Arthur Grey shook his head, instantly regretting the move. He had been suffering from yet another migrane. Pushing his own pain aside, the rather ordinary looking man, who was actually one of the top agents for the ultra-secret organization simply known as "The Network",instead tried to concentrate on helping the young man who had not only helped save his own butt many times but that of many others. In fact, young Joe Hardy, with the help of his eighteen year old brother and partner Frank, had taken down one of the deadliest members of the "Assasin guild" AL Russa other wise known as "THe Bullet"! A ruthless killer wo managed to fool the Bayport police department but Not the Hardy Boys!

It was Joe Hardy who actually managed to bring the Assasin down, in a fierce confrontation at the Bayport Mall, where his beloved girlfriend Iola Morton was assumed killed by a bomb which had been planted in the boys' car. Joe was devastated, Frank never felt so helpless, their best friend Chet Morton, Iola's older brother, tried not to blame them and infact he did. But it was Joe Hardy who refused to let himself be free of the blame for the poor girl's demise. This was in fact the catalyst which had brought the Hardy Boys to be "recruited"(for lack of a better word) by Grey who had arrived just in time to save the boys from the gun toting assasins who were trying to finish the Job and teach the boys father world reknown private Investigator Fenton Hardy to get off the Philip Walker case.

Fenton had been hired as head of security during the campaign which had led to Iola being lost in the searing explosion. But something else was begining to come loose that fatefull day perhaps as well, Joe Hardy's sanity. He had been thinking alot and finally after consulting his boss, Arthur Grey decided enough is enough, He grabbed his rumpled old grey overcoat, the one his wife had given him for their first anniversary, which is why he always wore it...In her memory. Arthur sighed. He would have time to remember the past later in his restless dreams perhaps, but right now he had to go make a house call.


Frank watched his fathers handsome face loose all color as he read more of the file. He came over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Fenton Hardy's head sprang up, Frank could almost swear he saw tears there. He rubbed his dad's back.

"I know dad, but remember who they are up against! " Frank said trying to lighten the mood.

Fenton actually chuckled. Frank was right, Joe had already proven to the Assasins that he was not afraid of them. Especially after he managed to almost single handedly take down a couple of their best operatives. Frank thought about this a moment then he realized that maybe Joe was being kept alive for a reason. But what shape will he be in when they find him?

Frank was so sick of this crap! It seems like they were alway's getting kidnapped or ending up in the hospital or both. Sure he loved detective work, but all this worrying had him physiclly and emotionally exausted! Then Frank thought of Joe. Both boys have had their share of traumatic experiences but why was Joe almost alway's singled out as the victim or the bait? It was almost as if it were some kind of test..or...Wait! that was it!!! An Initiation! Frank thought to himself wanting to explain his theory to his dad,but somehow still be able to maintain his secret.

"Earth to Frank?" His fathers voice called out to him. He had been trying to get his sons attention.

"Um..sorry Dad, I was just thinking..Wha..." DING DONG!!!. It was the door.

"I'll get it guys" His mothers femine voice called out. After a moment she poked her head back into the study. Both father and son looked up. They looked as exhausted as she felt, she remarked ro herself before quickly pushing that thought away for a later discussion. "Fenton there is a man here to see you, He says his name is Arthur Grey" Fenton Hardy's jaw dropped.

He looked at his lovely wife about to ask if he heard the name correctly when he heard a crash. Fenton swung around and saw Frank, quickly picking up the pieces of the broken glass that came crashing to the floor when he heard his mom announce who their visitor was. Laura ran to get a broom and dust pan and to notify thier guest that Fenton will see him shortly. She also decided that something big was about to happen, SO she had better put on a fresh pot of coffee. Finally she turned and walked back out of the office leaving the two Hardy men alone.

Fenton studied his son's reaction. He knew who the man in the living room was. In fact, the two men had even crossed paths a few times during some of Fenton's more important cases. He was one of his contacts during the Walker case which resulted in the death of Poor Iola Morton. But the question in Fenton's seasoned detective mind was , why had Frank reacted in such a manner. Surely they havent..."Oh God!" he said almost silently so Frank could not hear him.

Fenton Hardy dared not even consider that his teenage sons would have anything to do with the Network or worse the ASSASINS!! Wait! was that why Joe was targeted? Fenton knew that Joe was the one who had personally taken out the "BULLET" he had also managed to barely survive an ambush by the assasins when he was sent by Fenton to find a missing special witness. Joe had gone missing after an attack and it was up to Frank to find his younger brother which he did of course. However when Joe who had suffered a severe head trauma saw his brother, he assumed it was one of the assasins (Joe had amnesia) and a "Brother Against Brother " battle had ensued. Fortunatly the boys again managed to get through that one and were back on their next case. Fenton was so proud of his boys, But if he found out that they were working for Grey or the Network, then there would be Hell to pay..starting with a man named Grey!!!....


Frank kept his head focused on the broken glass on the floor before him, He had hoped that his parents had not noticed that he Had dropped the glass in reaction to the arrival of the Grey Man, He had also dared to hope that the resourcefull Mr. Grey would provide some answers, But Frank was very curious and Leery of the reason behind the agents visit. Frank decided that he would have to be much more carefull in the future, He could not let his father catch on to the fact that Frank and Joe Had indeed known Arthur Grey and had infact been working For him. In the past year. Frank feared his dad not to mention his mom would kick Joes butt for no doubt jumping into the situation, And his own for allowing his brother to talk him into Joining him.

Frank, I need you to go upstairs and boot up that computer of yours,find out everything there is to know about Carmen Miller and his family, why don't you call Phil, Mabey he can help you from this end, Miller and his family is up their necks in this whole Mess. I know that the Restraining order prevents anyone from This family from getting close to him but perhaps one of your Friends might give it a shot. Carefully of course.

Frank eyed his dad suspiciously. But obeyed his dad and went upstairs realizing that his call to Callie was way over do. But he turned around to face his father once more before he left.


"Yes son, what's wrong?"

"Are you sure we did the right thing? The press confrence I mean?" Franks dark eyes were suddenly filled with sadness and angst. " Do you think they bought it?" He added lookinng up at his father .

"Frank" Fenton began with a heavy sigh, He missed his son so much and hoped to god that where ever Joe was that he did not see that bogus press confrence.

Son, We had to let the Millers and anyone else involved in Joe's dissapearance, believe that we had given up on him" He answered. Frank shook his head.

"I just don't know dad, what if Joe had watched the press confrence, Who knows what kind of MInd games they are playing with him. I just hope to god we didn't actually play right into their plans"

" I was just thinking the same thing Fenton" A voice called out to the doorway, Aurthur Grey stood, his rumpled grey overcoat in his hands. Fenton Frowned.

"Frank, why don't you go get started on that project please" Frank started to object but the familiar stern look on his fathers face caused him to quickly shut his mouth. Frank looked at his father than nooded at The grey man in greeting.. Their eyes meeting in a look that said "we'll talk later" . With that Frank turned and hurried out the door. He was already on the stairs to his room when he heard the door to his fathers office shut rather loudly, Frank didn't like the sound of the door shutting that hard, Had Fenton Figured it out? Frank thought about ease dropping but there was the call to Callie to get over with and He did want to check out some leads . So Frank Hardy turned and finished heading for his room.


"Frank Hardy you have a lot of explaining to do And You sure as hell are Not going to do it over the phone! " was the first words out of pretty Callie Shaws mouth when she answered the phone. She had recognized his number from her phones caller ID. Frank could not blame her. She must have seen the press confrence, Frank just hoped that she did not misinterpret the scene between him and Vanessa Bender who was already let in on the plan. Frank had loved Callie Shaw from the moment he met her about a decade ago when the Hardy family had moved to Bayport, He was also very much aware of her insecurities/Jealousy when it came to Franks other relationships, especially the one he shares with Joe, HE knew that the two closest people in his life were often at each others throats especially requarding Their love for Him, Basically the ONLY thing those two completely argreed on.

"I understand hon, But I do have to check a few things for my dad, requarding one of his cases. Then I promise to meet you for dinner, Just the two of us ok?"

"Well, ok, But you better make it worth my while Mr. Hardy!" She exclaimed.

"Callie, I promise, Oh and by the way Miss Shaw, My dad is Mr. Hardy" He added trying to lighten the mood, Frank was not really looking for a fight, He had enough to worry about, But he did feel that she deserved an explanation. They continued talking for a while, By the end of the conversation He had not only managed to calm her down but had her giggling, Frank tried not to feel so guilty about

the fact that he had allowed himself to share a laugh with her, True his heart was breaking for his brother And He had felt an overwhelming sense of quilt that His Brother might have been safe at home right now if Frank didn't go of to Boston on a selfish whim.

"Frank Hon are you ok?" She asked, sensing his sudden and lengthy quietness. He cleared his throat and wiped away a stray tear, gratefull that she could not see him like this, Frank did not like anyone to see him getting emotional, The only person who Frank would ever allow to see him cry was Joe, perhaps later he will be able to turn to Callie in that way, But for now, He did not want people to have to worry about his emotional state of mind as well, The whole world already believes that Joe has lost his mind. The last thing this family needed was to make them think Both Fenton Hardys Children have lost it. "Yeah I am ok, Thanks. I do have to go now though because I promised my dad I would call phil and get his help on something ok? "

"No problem..Frank, Iam really sorry about Joe. Look I know we don't always get along, But he is a good brother to you and has been there for all of us, including me..You know what I mean."

"Yes, Callie of course I understand. Meet you @ seven then?"

"Seven it is love Bye"

"Bye" He replied before hanging up the phone. Frank then turned on his computer hoping that Phil Cohen was logged on. They usually met in the gangs private chat room. Frank entered the room but He was alone, He was about to leave but then at the last minute he saw that Phil had just entered the room.

"Hi Buddy, how you holding up?" Phil inquired.

"I am trying to keep it under control Phil, It is getting hard to be here without Joe. I miss the Brat so much"

" I know, lol. Frank, Don't worry, we'll get him home soon, So what's up?"

"Actually can you come over pal?"Frank asked?

"sure, I am just checking my mail then I will be right over"

"cool, Callie and I are supposed to meet for dinner at seven"

"Oh, let me guess, you have some butt kissing to do huh? "

"You know you would make a great detective Phil lol" Frank replied.

"Hey, I learned from the best :) " Phil replied. Frank chuckled thankfull for having such wonderfull friends.

"Ok, so I'll see you in a few then?" Frank typed.

"yup!" Phil replied. "Hey, want me to round up the guys first?"

"actually, yeah, this would be a good time go over a few things. But come right upstairs ok? my dad has a visitor in his office and it might not be pleasant"

"Sure thing buddy"With that Frank left the chatroom. Before he signed off however, he decided to check his own E-mail. There was one from Vanessa asking how he was, and if there was any news of Joe. Frank heart sank at the prospect of having to tell the poor girl that there was no new leads. He decided to call her when he got off and have her join them. Frank then deleted all the useless spam, vowing to get the new spam eliminating program he had seen advertised, when he came to an E-mail marked "Joe Urgent! Frank considered Deleting this E-mail then his curiosity got the better of him. He nervously clicked on the E-mail , Franks mouth popped open in shock, If this E-mail was real and not a cruel hoax, then the person who sent it had not only risked his life and mabey Joes even, But they may have Just told him where to find his Brother. Frank quickly saved the E-mail, Then sent a copy to both the private E-mail of Chief Collig and to his dad's E-mail as well, Frank then printed as copy to show his friends. He had to be ver carefull though, Frank was well aware that whoever had Joe was probably listening in right now. Frank, signed off the computer he reread the E-mail he just printed. Hhis heart soaring. Frank knew it could be a hoax but he also knew it could mean that they will finally find JOe..Frank wanted to take off right now and follow this lead but he was well aware that He would have to get his father and the police to back him up..that was if they would even allowed him to help save Joe. "Try and stop me" He vowed. then picked up the phone to call Vanessa , He also called Callie Back to invite her over, the last thing he needed was for his already irate girlfriend to think he was deliberatly being kept out of the loop.


Chapter 10

Callie Shaw was not sure how to react when Frank called her back and asked her to join him at his house as soon as possible. She had hoped that her gorgeous boyfriend had been so eager to make

up with her, that he couldn't wait to get her alone. however when she was informed that not only did Frank invite most of the gang but that he had already called Vanessa and invited her there as well.

"Hmphh..." She huffed, brushing a stray strand of lusturious dark blonde hair off her face as she drove her new Metalic Blue Sports car her parents had given her for an early Graduation and eighteenth birthday present. She had wanted to show it off for Frank tonight when they had their romantic dinner for two. Callie Loved Frank Hardy and did not like to see him hurting, although she was well aware that her constant battle of wills with Joe may lead to Franks gorgeous locks turn prematurely grey.

Callie turned up the Hardy Driveway parking behind Chets fathers Blazer and beside Vanessa's 4x4. It was like a party at the Hardy Household, But Callie knew that until Joe was home there would be no celebrating there. She somehow resented him for that, before a wave of guilt over took her.

"Hi guys, Hi Van?" Callie called out to her friends as she pushed the terribly disturbing thoughts from her head.

Callie Shaw DID NOT hate Joe Hardy, No matter how much they dissagreed, Joe still had alot going for him, He had saved Franks life and her own for that matter quite a few times, She was not

evil. In fact Callie could not hate Joe Simply because of the fact that he would do anything including die for his big brother. For that Callie actually admired him. But Callie was also so very fed up with

the sacrifices Franks seemed to have to make to save his brothers butt lately. She was seeing her supposed Boyfriend less and less all the time. Callie had actually hoped that Joe's absence would afford them a chance to remedy that. She loved Frank and would gladly stay by his side to comfort her grieving boyfriend, atleast until the time Joe recovered and was able to come back to them. Well, who knows what might happend by then. For now, Callie pushed her "fantasy" aside and raced to join her friends at the Hardy Front door.


"Alright Grey! I want a few answers and I want them now!" Fenton Hardy demanded after shutting the

office door alittle harder than he meant to. But He did not get his reputation as an ace detective by just guessing, Fenton Had become quite good at reading people and right now as he studied the man

before him, The detective deducted that this man was hiding something. Something that concerned one or both of his young sons.

" Fenton, what were you thinking when you staged that stupid press confrence!" Arthur Grey exclaimed ignoring Fentons curious stares and questions. Grey knew Fenton was about to give him the third degree, He wondered if the worlds greatest detective had finally figured out that his beloved

teenage boys have been working for a secret organization, Or even worse, that they had become the

number one target of the assasins?

"Nice try, I know you are stalling, we can discuss that fiasco in a while, I would like to know just what

your connection is to my sons?! Fenton Demanded, watching the other mans every move.

The Grey Man actually sighed, It was time that Fenton was told. But he owed it to Both Joe and Frank

to expalin it in a way that does not get them in hot water, well, as little hot water as possible, mabey

now was a good time with Joe absent and Frank already going through so much, perhaps their dad

will feel simpathetic?

"Well, I am waiting" Fenton Bellowed.

"Um...mabey not" Grey thought to himself as he cleared his throat, Fentons big brown eyes bore right into his grey ones.

"Listen I saw Franks reaction when My wife announced your name. You sent the file didn't you?"

the other man nodded slowly. Fenton sunk into his chair gratefull for the small comfort it provided.

"Fenton, I know you won't like what I am going to tell you, But this situation with the boys, especially Joe has gotten way out of control" He began carefully.

Fenton Sighed, indeed he DID not like it so far, But not wanting to interrupt the man, He simply waved his hand toward the chair on the opposite side of the desk. Grey sat down. continuing his story. After the Grey Man had finally finished explaining all the times the boys had helped the Network

thwart the plans of the assasins, Fenton Hardy did not exactly how to feel. His open mouth from the shock of it all had said plenty about how he was feeling.

" You do realize that I want to wring your neck right?" Fenton Hardy spoke after finally getting his voice back. How could you bring my teenage sons into that kind of world?"

"You are kidding me right" Grey scoffed at the question. looking at Fenton incrediously.

"YOu have a hell of a nerve asking me that when YOU Fenton Hardy were the reason your Boys were thrust into that so called world..way back when the only "NETWORK" was the ones on basic cable.

OH and by the way, They were heading for a Bomb which was sent as a message for you..." oops!

Arthur Grey stopped speaking suddenly. He had never intended for that to come out. Fenton Hardy had enough to worry about. The look on the detectives face had become a mixture of rage and a

deep sadness, but there was also something else..guilt!" Arthur Grey had lashed out defensivly but it was not Fenton Hardys fault that Iola Morton Died, That his sons world had changed forever that day.

It was the assasins.

" Fenton..please forgive me" Was all he could say. Fenton had been sitting stoiclly unable to respond. Apart of him wanted lunge across the desk and throttle this man, while another part of him somehow believed that even though the man's words stung perhaps they were atleast in part true. Fenton may be as tempermental as Joe but he was also as logical as Frank, which worked well for him. He had used this trait to keep his emotions under control, after all this ordinary looking man was one of the few people who could possibly help him get his son back.

"Ok Grey Let's Talk" Fenton said finally, pouring them both large cups of coffee, it would be a long talk.


Laura Hardy had for what seemed like the umpteenth time returned to the kitchen to fix some snacks

for the hungry crowd which had invaded her house. She was extremely Gratefull for the distraction

But realized that no matter how many people had come and gone. How much she had come to care

for just about all of the people in her house at the moment, There was still an empty void, There was

still a darkness that only one person can illuminate. She had been standing at the counter mixing some chocolate chip cookie dough, Joes favorite, when suddenly her body started to shake as a torrent of tears began stream down her pretty face,

"Oh Joe! I am so baby! Please forgive me! Just be alright, please just be alright!"

Laura Hardy still sobbing uncontrolably silently slid down the front of the cabinets as she sunk to the floor. laying there, with her knees up and her head buried within them. Laura just sat there rocking back and forth as wave after wave of release came in the form of salty tears. She was so lost in her

anguish that she failed to notice anothers presence. They had came down to the floor sitting beside her, gently wrapping their arms around her to hopefully provide some comfort to the grieving mother,

But they themselves had been dealing with the same feelings of guilt and sadness but most of all love for some one they were not sure they would ever see again, Finally Laura realizing that someone was

there looked into the dark eyes of her beloved oldest child, Laura Hardy managed to smile realizing that she had TWO reasons to hold it together one was sitting in front of her. He needed his mom jsut as much as Joe did. She sighed warilly

"HI honey,"She greeted, trying to quickly recover. Laura never felt so exausted in her life. Frank smiled, sending her a concerned look as he held put his hand to help his mother out. He had not seen her collapse but could hear her crying as he came in to see if he could help her with anything.

"Mom are you sure your ok?"

"Frank, I am a mother, I want my child back. of course I am not ok. Honestly honey I don't possibly think I can be ok until my baby is home where he belongs" she replied honestly.

"I know, I want him home too..MOm, I am sorry I took off for Boston this weekend." Frank apologized. He had his head down for he was unable to look her in the eyes as he said this.

"Francis Fenton Hardy I do not to ever hear you apologize for that ever again." Her tone then softened as she took in his guilty look.

"Frank Honey, You are not to blame, neither is Joseph. You are a wonderfull big brother not to mention son. You have devoted your life to protecting those in your life often without requards to your own safety, Your Father and I are extremely proud of you dear, However, We do not want you to spend your whole life worrying about others, especially Joe who can take care of himself..why he is probably trying to figure a way out right now.." Frank's eyes went wide suddenly,he grabbed his mom

and scooped her into a bear hug then kissed her cheek. Frank was so caught up in the moment that he almost forgot about the new E-mail he recieved,

"Mom you are the greatest! I have to go. the gang is waiting, with any luck we will Have Joe back home as soon as possible I love you." Frank promised before leaving the room. Laura breathed deeply and smiled. That "breakdown" was something she really needed .

"I love You too Frank, I am not the greatest my son you are" She replied. daring to hope for a miracle

to bring her Joey back home to his mothers loving embrace.


The gang which consisted of Phil,Chet, Biff, Tony, Callie and Vanessa had all gathered in the Hardy den, Frank decided that his bedroom might be a little cramped so he had them all move downstairs.

Laura had already been baking some homemade chocolate chip cookies and had plenty of freshly squeezed pink lemonade in the fridge. She had set out a large platter of delicious cookies and a huge

pitcher of the lemonade along with plastic cups and ordered the hungry teens to help themselves, before returning to the kitchen. she was soon followed by Frank who was shocked to find his usually emotionally strong mother on the floor shaking from crying so hard, Franks heart broke but he had

decided to push aside any of his own pain to help his mother deal with hers he would "deal" later.

After his talk with his mother, Frank remembered why he had decided to call the group together in the first place. They now had atleast one clue and a solid lead to where Joe was taken. NOw if only they can know for certain if he is still there. Frank felt some comfort in the fact that they would not kill

Joe, They had specificlly targeted him for a reason. The Miller Family was a big part of the puzzle and Frank was determined to find out about it.

"Ok guys, Thanks for coming over so promptly" Frank began Looking over his friends faces. He missed his "BEST" friend so much but these guys and girls had proven to be just as loyal and trustworthy as if they were all his family. He knew he would be lost without each and everyone if them.

"Where do we start?" Biff asked.

"I vote we start with those cookies" Chet Morton called out good naturedly, this earned him a giggle

and laugh from the others.

"Very funny Chet" Callie said with a mock groan.

Seriously though guys, I need some help with this case ok? " Frank asked, Chet felt a pang of guilt for saying something so silly, even if it an atempt to lighten his friends moods, beside, Laura Hardy did make the best home made Chocolate chip cookies ever!

Together the group dicussed the the two E-mails then decided to seperate into two teams, one would

ride over to the Weighnright hospital and stake the place out, while the other would be in charge of the Millers, Phil agreed to get to work using his extensive and often quite usefull hacking skills to find out as much as he could about Carmen Millers recent financial situation As well as exactly Who He had

any business conections with. Frank did not have to caution his best friend about the fact that they could get in some serious legal trouble if they were caught, Phil was already well aware of the risks, but getting JOe back had far outweighed that for the moment. Later, long after the cookies were gone the group decided to meet at The Shack for some dinner.

Frank took Callie in his car, He promised to meet the others later, Frank wanted to fulfill his promise to his girlfriend, He needed her so much right now.

Frank drove the van to look out point, The couples favorite place to be alone. He turned off the engine and held his arm out urging her to come closer. She was soon snuggling her head into his chest. Callie could hear his heart beat and wondered if this was what a broken heart sounded like. She wrapped her arms around his waiste and just sat there quietly listening as he went on with his apology and explanation his hands softly caressing her long dark blonde hair as he talked. Callie Shaw felt tears begin to fall as she nudged closer to her boyfriend, Her best friend, whose every word made her fall deeper and deeper in love.

"God please help him bring his brother back" she whispered silently, finally realizing that His love and devotion to his brother was one of the reasons she had come to love him so much. For That Callie Shaw would be forever gratefull to Joe Hardy. she also realized that she just couldn''t bare to see his

heart breaking like this,especially knowing that only one person could stop Franks pain. JOE.

"Damn where are you JOE! I promise to find you baby brother" Frank Hardy said silently as he started up the van to meet the others for dinner, He also vowed to make those who did this pay dearly.
