KRA Speedway News
Latest Headlines :
Midseason Is Here
   The KRA Speedway started out slowly at the beggining of the season with the flooding and new surface but since then the race action has been hotter then it has been outside the past few weeks, with many photo finished in each of our six classes.We could not do this with out all the drivers who make it possible week in and week out.
    We have a few specials comming up in the next few weeks they include a Mod Four Special, Modified Special, four cylinder pure stock special, Midwest Modified special, and of course our end of the two day fall festival.
    On August 8 we will feature our Midwest Modified special with payouts follwing this format :
Pos.   Reg.    Special
1        125      500
2        100      225
3          85      175
4          75      150
5          65      125
6          55      100
7          45        75
8          35        50
9          30        45
10        25        40
11th through 20th same payout as a regular race.

    On August 16 we will feature the pure stock special with payouts follwing this format :
Pos.   Special
1        200
2        100
3         80
4         60
5         40
6         30
7- 11   20
12 -20  10

    On August 23 we will feature the Mod Fours.
You must have raced at least once previously at KRA Speedway to be eligable for the $1.000.00 for the mod Fours. Payout format.
Pos.    Reg.    Special
1         125      1000
2         100        300
3          85         200
4          75         150
5          65         125
6          55         100
7          45           75
8          35           50
9          30           45
10- 20   25           40

    On August 30 we will feature the Modified special.
Same requirements are necicary in the mod fours. Payout format.
Pos.    Reg.    Special
1         500      1000
2         275        550
3         225        450
4         200        400
5         175        300
6         150        230
7         125        185
8         100        150
9         100        135
10-20   100        125

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