Meet Attitude Abigail Linnea Williams!

Abby is a purebred chinese pug who was born on December 22, 2000. I took her home in February of 2001 and she has been running all over me ever since. She's learned some tricks, though sometimes she's too hyper to show them to you. If you catch her on a good day, you might get to see her sit, fetch a toy, or even say "hi". This trick I taught her so that she could say hello to her grandma when she called on the phone.

I take Abby wherever I go if permissible. She loves going to the pet store; probably because she's spoiled and knows she's going to get a new toy. She also loves to ride with me in the car. We go down to Kentucky every so often and she sits in the passenger seat so nicely. Sometimes she gets the urge to drive and nudges my arm til I let her sit in my lap and put her paws on the steering wheel. I don't let her steer tho, I still don't trust her judgement.

Soon Abby and I will be traveling home to Minnesota. It'll be her longest trip ever, clocked at just about 13 hours. I'll make sure to take some pics and post them so you can see how big she's getting, and to show you how well she "drives". I'll be adding more pics as she grows, and more tricks if she learns them.

Here's a picture of my baby the day I took her home. I spent hours making that blanket for her and now she's just ruined it. Guess she's going through her terrible 2's already!

me & abby
Here is a pic of me and my little one taken with my web cam at a friend's house. She was only about 2 1/2 months old then, and you can see just how small she was.

UPDATE: 9/19/01
Abby survived her trip to Minnesota with flying colors. She slept for the most part of the trip, although she got interested as we drove through Chicago, and with the traffic the way it is there, I was able to allow her on my lap so she could hang her head out the window. While there, we discovered that she happens to LOVE water. My family has some property which has a river running through it and she didn't hesitate to jump right in. She'd jump and splash and try to catch the splashes in her mouth. That's my little girl! We've had to increase her bathtime now.
That was in July. This month, she made the long trip from Cleveland, Ohio to Dallas, Texas. I was so very proud of her once again. She did wonderful on the drive, even though I wasn't sure about it. She's even adjusted herself to living in Texas. She's growing up to be quite the little girl. =)

Well, it's now almost the end of March. Abby and I are now living in Minnesota, trying not to freeze our butts off. Abby absolutely loves the snow, romping through it at alarming speeds, even went she's sunk in to her belly. More than ever, Abby loves to ride and drive in the car. As she gets older, she thinks she has more rights to the driver's seat. I've enclosed a few pictures just in case you think I'm exaggerating.
cruisin` through Oklahoma
look ma! no hands!
I can no longer call her a puppy as she had her first birthday in December. She was treated with a Mighty Dog cake complete with "1" candle and presents. She received a blue fleece coat with lace and bell trim from her grandmother and a toothbrush/toothpaste kit (which she loves!!!) and a new colorful collar from her parents. She even had a friend, Rollie, a toy poodle, to help celebrate. She's learned to shake a paw and to lay down for her treats, tho I can't seem to get her to roll over. She'll lay on her back for you to pet her belly anytime, but once she sees that treat, she's like a kid on sugar. That's about the update for now. More pics coming later. =)

Well, it's now 2003. Abby is 2 years old, and finally lost most of her puppy features. She's still as adorable as ever, but unfortunately, she can't sit in my lap for as long as she used to. Abby and I are still living in Minnesota, freezing our butts off, but both her and I do enjoy having snow during the winter. Abby hasn't learned many new tricks, but she definately has figured out how to wrap her momma around her finger. She got quite a pile of gifts this year for both her birthday and christmas, unfortunately the makers of dog toys have yet to make one that she cannot destroy in two months or less. I keep hoping they'll improve. Almost Valentine's Day... Most likely Abby and I will be snuggling amongst ourselves. We are lucky to have each other! Toodles! :)

lazy summer days
taking a sip
Take time to smell the flowers

Summer has arrived in northern Minnesota. Abby and I are trying to enjoy our days, though we haven't had all that many sunny days. Abby, in her second year, is becoming a better and better girl every day. She spends time in the yard without having to be restrained and comes (mostly all the time) when called. Her Grandma has a fishpond which she thinks is her personal water dish. Also, she remembers to stop and smell the flowers. Isn't that smarter than the average dog?!?

In April, we had a friend, Poppy, a fellow Pug, come stay with us for 6 days while her parents went on a trip. Abby had a blast playing, chasing, snuggling, running and napping with a friend just her size. It was sad to see her leave, and definately quiet around the house afterwards, but it was wonderful to have had the opportunity.

Anyone else want to come visit us? We'd love to have you! Give us a shout!! *waves* bye for now... *woof woof*

Once again, winter is here. Just last night Abby and I were playing 'catch' with snowballs. She still doesn't understand that when a snowball lands in the snow that you can't dig for it, but she tries.

Last month we had a little scare at the vet. I brought Abby in to get her hips x-rayed because I was thinking of breeding her. I wanted to make sure that her hips would accomodate the birthing. They had to put her out to do the x-ray and I was sure worried about that, but she came through with no problems whatsoever. At the meeting with the Vet afterwards, the Dr told me that he saw something with her left hip. He thought it might be Legg Calve Perthes Disease. He suggested that I have a radiologist look at the x-ray the next week. So, I went home, freaking out, and looked up everyting I could find about it on the web. The next week, I called the vet, having not heard from them, only to find out that the radiologist took one look at the x-ray and said it was just improper positioning. Abby was healthy! I've never been so happy in my life!!

In just a couple weeks, we'll have a new addition to the family. My brother and I are buying my mother a little pug of her own. Her name is Keilah and she's fawn. Abby has met her and doesn't seem too interested so far. We'll see how it goes. I'm sure that Abby will be every bit the big sister soon enough. I'll post more pictures after the holidays. See ya! *lick, slurp, lick*

PS... My birthday is in 15 days. Send me presents in care of my mommy! ~Abby

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