Control Part 2



Before continuing the story from Part 1 with Katie, Bridget, Rick and Thorne in the hospital, here are a few words from the author:

Ok- I realized I did leave an important character out of part one for the most part, Giovanni. He and Brooke had been friends ever since they came back from Italy. But ever since he caught her when she fainted, their friendship grew even more. They are just good friends, nothing more. He, besides Megan, is the only other person to know the truth, that Brooke is pregnant with Thorne’s baby.





Rick turns around surprised. “Thorne! What are you doing here?”


“Never mind that, what is happening with Brooke? Is she ok? What baby are you talking about?”


No one wants to answer him. Although they all feel that Brooke should tell Thorne the truth, they have agreed to abide by her wishes for secrecy. “Doctor, why don’t you and I finish this conversation in private.” Katie starts to lead the doctor, who is becoming more and more confused, away to talk privately. She turns back to the kids and Thorne. “Remember what your mom said.” She and Rick pass knowing glances to each other.


“Rick, you have to tell me, what is going on with your mother.”


Rick pauses as he scrambles to come up with a plausible story. He looks over at Bridget, but she is too upset to help him. “She was in a car accident tonight. The police called us and we just got here.” He notices that Thorne doesn’t look well. “What are you doing here?”


“Wait a minute. Right when I came in you asked the doctor about ‘the baby’. What baby are you talking about?”


“Well, a friend of mom’s is here as well. We were going to visit her tomorrow but since we are here now the doctor said he would fill us in on her condition as well. She is pregnant and mom was worried that something might have happened to her baby.” Rick couldn’t help think, ‘Geez, what a lame excuse. He will never buy that.’ One look at Bridget confirmed his suspicions. Her mouth was agape. Luckily Thorne never noticed. He was still too upset about everything that has happened tonight. Thorne nodded absently, believing the story.


“But what are you doing here? We were the only ones notified about the accident.”


Thorne looks over at Rick and Bridget trying to get his emotions in check. “Well, your mom wasn’t the only one in an accident tonight. I got a call too, but about Macy.”


“Is she ok?”


“I don’t know, I just got here and saw you guys.”


“Why don’t you find out about your wife, and we’ll wait here for Aunt Katie.”


Thorne wants to stay right there but knows he has to find out how Macy is doing and call the rest of the family. “Alright. But you have to keep me informed how your mom is doing.”


“Sure, as soon as we know.” Rick and Bridget left Thorne in the waiting area and went to find Katie and the doctor.


Upon inquiring about Macy, a doctor and policeman soon arrived. “Doc, how is Macy?”


“Well, medically she is going to be fine. She has a few cuts and bruises, but nothing really major.”


“So she can go home soon.”


The policeman spoke up. “I’m afraid that is going to be impossible.” Thorne is surprised to see the cop there. “Mr. Forrester, the accident occurred tonight because your wife was driving drunk. After she can be released from the hospital she will be arrested and taken into custody.”


“Oh, my god. Can I see her though doctor?” The doctor nods and starts to lead him towards Macy but Thorne stops him. “Officer, what about the other driver. Is he hurt?”


“I don’t know the condition of the driver yet. The doctors are still working on her.”


“Her? Could you at least tell me her name, I would like to speak to her family, to apologize, if they’re here.”


“Well, I guess I could do that as long as you don’t harass them. They are going through a lot tonight as well. The other driver’s name is... (The officer starts to look through his notes) Here it is, Brooke Logan. (Thorne’s face goes even whiter) If that is all, there are other matters I need to attend to.”


As the officer leaves, the doctor once again leads Thorne to Macy’s room. “Your wife is sleeping comfortably right now. She should wake up soon. You can wait in here with her if you like.” The doctor notices Thorne and misinterprets the pain and guilt in his face. “There is nothing you could have done Mr. Forrester. If someone decides to get behind the wheel drunk, no one can stop them. Believe me, I’ve seen enough of these accidents.” When Thorne doesn’t respond, he starts to leave. “Let me know if there is anything you need.”


Once the doctor has left, Thorne falls into the chair next to Macy’s bed and speaks to her even though he knows she probably can’t hear him “Oh no, what have I done. How could I have not seen this coming? You got so good at hiding your drinking the last time it was probably so easy for you to do it again. Of course, I haven’t really been looking. We have been so miserable from the beginning. No, I have been the one that’s miserable and you tried to make me happy. How could I tell you that I made a huge mistake in marrying you? Well tonight I finally did. I finally admit to myself that we never should have been married and want to end things and then this happens. I guess I drove you to this. I wish you had never found me in Venice. Your life would have been so much better off. I let all of the family pressure get to me, mine and yours. I do love you though Macy, and always will. But I’m not in love with you. You will always be my friend, although after this you probably never want to see me again. But I promise to stand by you through this legal trouble.”  He looks over at Macy as she continues to sleep. She looks so peaceful. Probably the only peace she has known in months. “But, why did it have to be Brooke’s car you hit. What kind of sign is that? I ruined the lives of two women tonight. I caused you to turn back to drinking which caused you to run into Brooke. I just pray that she is ok.” Thorne just sat there and stared up at the ceiling. He wanted to go to Brooke’s room, he desperately needed to know she would be ok, but knew he had to stand by Macy. Besides, as soon as her family finds out who caused the accident they wouldn’t want him anywhere near her ever again. Thorne had to smile, like he was allowed anywhere near her now.



Back at the other part of the hospital:


“Katie, how is mom doing, what did the doctor say, is the baby going to be alright?”


“One question at a time Bridget. Your mom is going to be fine and so is the baby. She was very lucky tonight. The doctor just wants to keep her here for a few days to make sure there will be no further complications with the baby.” Bridget and Rick hug Katie as she tells them the news. Each of them is so relieved.  “Now, what about the other problem? What was Thorne doing here and does he know the truth now?”


“No, Macy was also in an accident tonight, that’s why he was here tonight. I made up some lame excuse about a pregnant friend of mom’s being here as well and the doctor was letting us know how she was doing.”


Katie stared at Rick openmouthed. “He bought that?”


“Yeah, unbelievable, huh. I didn’t have much time to come up with anything better though. I think he was too distracted about Macy to really think about it anyway.”


“Good, at least that is one good thing tonight. I spoke to the staff here and also to the police, no one is to be informed about your Mom’s condition except the three of us. That especially includes that fact she is pregnant. Now, how about we go to her room. Even if she isn’t awake yet, I know it would make me feel better just to see her.”


“Yes, lets go right away.” At Brooke’s room, she is still sleeping. She has a cast on her arm, and a bunch of bandages on her face, but doesn’t look too bad. After giving her a kiss, Katie and the kids quietly leave the room.


“Rick, why don’t you take Bridget home and the two of you get some sleep. I will stay here and make some phone calls.”


Before Rick could say anything, Bridget cried out, “NO! If you are going to stay here so am I. I want to be here when she wakes up.”


“I have to agree with Bridget, neither of us are going anywhere tonight.”


“Alright, at least why don’t you go sit down on that couch in the lounge. I will come get you the minuet your mom wakes up.” Bridget wants to argue, but seeing the look on her Aunt’s face complies with her wishes. “Rick, I just need to speak to you for a minute and then I want you to join your sister.”


“What is it? You were telling us the truth right, mom and the baby are going to be ok”


“Yes, I wouldn’t lie to you about that. But there are some things we need to deal with.” Rick looks puzzled. “Thorne is here, right?” Rick nods. “And Macy was in an accident you said, right?” Again Rick nods, but doesn’t see the problem. “How long do you think it will be before this hospital is crawling with Spectras and Forresters? The Forresters may no longer get along with the Spectras, but they will probably show up to support Macy and Thorne anyway.” Understanding comes across Rick’s face. “Yes, we need to do everything in our power to keep them away from you mother. Now I know you and Bridget have kept this secret for months, but in such close contact we have to make sure none of them find out Brooke is pregnant. Hopefully no one will even try to see her, her threats to fire them have kept them away for months, maybe that will continue. If they ask just say your mom is going to be fine and is just staying here for observation. That way you won’t be lying.”


“That sounds good. I’ll let Bridget know as well.” Rick walks into the lounge and sees Bridget asleep on the couch. He places a blanket on her and just sits next to her waiting for his mother to awaken.


Katie starts to make some calls. There aren’t that many to make. Her mom, Megan, and Giovanni. Katie feels sad that those are the only people that really care what happens to her and can be trusted to keep quiet. Megan and Giovanni are glad to hear Brooke will be all right and will be over in the morning. Her mom asked if she should fly out there. Katie told her that wouldn’t be necessary, and would have Brooke call her in the morning. Katie checked on Brooke, saw that she was still sleeping, and asked the nurse to get her the minute Brooke wakes up. That taken care of, she checked on the children. Bridget is sleeping and Rick is starting to nod off as well. Sitting down in a chair, she wonders how things got so complicated so fast.


End of Part 2


Go to Part 3




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