For personal use and select distribution only © May 2001 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: March 1874.

Katie and Brian had been in bed, asleep, for awhile. Michaela and Sully were snuggled in their bed, relaxing after a long day.

"Are ya nervous about yer ma comin' tomorrow?" Sully asked.

"Sort of," Michaela replied. "I don't know why I always get this way. I guess I just worry about her not liking what I say or do."

"Mebbe it's cuz she's still yer ma and no matter what, ya want her to approve of you."

"Yes, you could be right. Yet I know she won't approve of many of the things that I do. At least she finally approves of you!"

"Most of the time anyway. But when I was wanted by the Army, she probably thought it was just what to expect of an uneducated savage."

"If so, she never said so to me. Speaking of Mother, there's something I wanted to talk to you about before she comes, something we didn't discuss before Katie was born."

"What's that?"

" you know what circumcision is?"


"Are you sure you know exactly what it is? Men say they do because they've heard stories that...."

"Michaela, I know what it is and I know I been circumcised."

"As a baby?"

"I 'sume so cuz I don't remember it and I think I would've if I wasn't a baby. But on the ship, or after we got to New York, I ain't sure."

"I wanted to know because if we have a boy, I'd like to have him circumcised soon after birth, if it's okay with you."

"It's okay. Not only cuz I was, but cuz you wouldn't want to if ya didn't believe in it as a doctor."

"Yes, I do as a doctor and it's something I have always advised parents to have done when I have delivered male babies."

"You said ya 'want' to have him circumcised. Ain't you gonna do it?"

"No. If I were the only doctor, then yes, I would. But I'd rather not operate on my own child. I want to ask Andrew to do it."

"I ain't got a problem with that. Won't it hurt him?"

"It shouldn't. We have recently received a new topical salve that can be applied to the skin and causes numbness for awhile. I tried it out on my arm and the next time we're at the clinic, I'll put it on your arm so you can see how it works. The baby would probably be sore for a few days, but babies heal so well....much better than adults."

Sully hugged Michaela tight and gave her a kiss. "I trust ya to do what's best for any of our children." He hugged her again and then thought of something. "Michaela, why did ya wanna talk about this before your mother gets here?"

"Because if she knew, she'd be angry and try to talk us out of it."

"Why's that?"

"Father taught me about circumcision and explained that in all the books he read and studies he did, he believed it was healthier for the child. He told me that he was convinced that I was to be a boy and he told mother he wanted to circumcise their son. They had a terrible argument over it. Mother said what was good for the father would be good for the son, but father strongly disagreed. He tried to explain to mother all the reasons he was in favor of it, but he said she wouldn't listen." Michaela sighed and then continued, "I know I'm a good doctor, but sometimes mother can say something that makes me doubt myself. I remember during the diphtheria epidemic, she made me feel that I was wrong for wanting to try something new to save a life because Andrew disagreed with me. It was like his opinion was more important than mine because he was a man."

"Michaela, you're a great doctor, and that ain't just my opinion cuz I love ya. There's lots round here that feel the same. They believe in you cuz you've proved to them that you are good. Your ma can't get use to the idea that you are a real doc that people rely on. She probably keeps hoping you'll give it all up and move your family back to proper Boston.....probably without me. But don't you ever doubt yourself. Look’it all the ones ya saved!"

"And ones I lost....Marjorie, Charlotte, Ingrid, Becky, Jenny's baby...."

"Ain't that part of being a doctor? Your pa musta lost his share?"

" both....but that doesn't make it any easier to accept."

"I 'spect if it was easy to accept, ya wouldn't be the great doctor you are. Look'it Doc Cassidy. When his rider died, it didn't seem to mean anything to him, 'cept that he had to find a new rider. You would'a done anything to save a patient, even if it meant asking for help, which ya have done. So unless ya change, Michaela, ya ain't got nothing to worry about." Sully put his hand on Michaela's abdomen and caressed it. "I can't think of any other woman I want to be the mother of our child. And I really mean that, Michaela. Like I said before, I loved Abagail, but no way the way I love you. You are my heartsong, my soulmate. You fill my heart, my soul."

"Oh, Sully," Michaela exclaimed and kissed him. "How do you always know what to say, or do, to make me feel better. "

"It's only cuz I love ya."

Michaela, Sully, Katie and Brian were waiting for the train to come to a stop.

"Michaela? Are you okay.....are ya still nervous?" Sully asked.

"Yes, of course," Michaela said then laughed. "I told myself this morning what you said last night.....but it didn't help!"

Sully kissed her, "I ain't surprised."

Elizabeth and Rebecca got off the train, walked up to the family and there were hugs and kisses all around. Then Michaela noticed someone behind Rebecca. "Clara?"

"Hello, Aunt Michaela."

"It's so good to see you, dear," Michaela said as she hugged Clara. "I don't know if you remember my children from Boston?"

"Sort of....that was a few years back, about 5, I think, and I was rather an obnoxious 17 year old back then. But now, at 22, I've learned to be more like mother."

Michaela smiled and then introduced Clara to the family. "This is Rebecca's daughter, Clara."

"And where are Matthew and his wife, and Colleen and Andrew?" Elizabeth asked.

"Andrew couldn't get away from the hotel clinic and Colleen is with him. Matthew and Amanda should be here any minute. They were busy at their place and probably got a late start." Michaela told them. "Horace will hold your luggage here. Let's walk over to the cafe."

Just as they got to the cafe, Matthew and Amanda joined them. Elizabeth hugged Matthew and then turned to Amanda. "So you're Amanda. You are very beautiful. Welcome to our family."

"Thank you, Mrs. Quinn."

"No, dear, call me Grandmother as the other children do."

"Thank you, Grandmother."

"Andrew has reserved rooms for you at the resort. After lunch Sully will take you out there so you can rest after your trip. Andrew and Colleen will see you then and we'll be out for dinner, the whole family." Michaela said.

"Very good, Michaela." Elizabeth replied.

Dinner at the resort went smoothly. Amanda, Colleen and Clara were talking among themselves. Clara was thrilled that these two married ladies, cousins, although of similar age, treated her as an equal. Colin came over to the table.

"Colin," Sully said, "we'd like ya to meet Michaela's family, her mother Elizabeth, sister Rebecca and niece Clara. Folks, this is Amanda's father, Colin Reilly. Why don't ya sit for awhile?"

"Nice to meet you all," Colin said, "and thanks, I'll sit for a few minutes. We have some guests arriving tonight by carriage from Manitou and I want to greet them. They're old friends from San Francisco."

"I understand you manage this hotel, Mr. Reilly?" said Elizabeth.

"Please, it's Colin and yes, I do."

"Such a nice change from Mr. Lodge. He was not a nice person."

"I agree. He was making demands to Bob Peterson as Bob was paying and signing the papers. Rather an arrogant young man."

They all laughed at Colin's assessment, obviously agreeing with him.

"Clara," said Colleen, "why don't you come down to the clinic and spend the day with Andrew and me tomorrow?"

"Thank you, Colleen! I would love too!"

The next morning, Michaela and Elizabeth sat alone at the clinic, talking.

"I am going to tell Andrew that I will be with him when you have the baby," Elizabeth said.

"No, Mother. There will be enough people there."

"What? Andrew and Colleen will be enough?"

"Sully will be there too."

"No, Michaela! That's not proper!"

"Why?" Michaela asked.

"Because it just isn't. Men who are not doctors should not see such things. You must behave properly!"

"Boston proper is not Colorado Springs proper. And you forget, Sully delivered Katie."

"Well, yes, I know he was there. But being there is not the same as watching and helping the baby being born."

"Mother, he delivered her...just as a doctor would. Katie got stuck in the birth canal. Sully followed my directions, put his fingers in to support her neck, cut the umbilical cord and helped her out. I don't think there's much more for him to know."

"You mean he actually saw you? That's just not right!"

"Mother, it might not be right to you, but you must understand that I.....we are different from you. I won't discuss with you my relations with my husband, but suffice to say he has seen me and I have seen him in every manner possible!"

"Michaela! I just can't believe this!"

"Just accept it, Mother. Sully will be with me when I have this baby!"

Elizabeth got up and left the clinic without another word. She headed for the store and passed Sully.

"Hello, Elizabeth," Sully said

"Sully," Elizabeth replied and kept walking.

Sully went into the clinic and found Michaela at her desk, obviously upset. "I just saw Elizabeth and she don't look none too pleased. You and your ma have an argument?"



"She's impossible, Sully. She thinks every thing should go by Boston rules!" Michaela got up, tears in her eyes, and with a swish of skirts, went to the file to put her patient's chart away

Sully went up to Michaela and put his arms around her. "Tell me?"

Michaela laid her head back against Sully's chest and sighed. "Mother told me she was going to tell Andrew she planned on being with me when I deliver the baby. I told her no, that you were going to be there. She was outraged... she can't believe I'd let you be with me. She said it wasn't proper for a man to see such things. I pointed out you'd delivered Katie and she apparently thought you'd been there but I had done the actual delivery myself! So I told her how it happened. I guess she was shocked."

"Michaela, if she...."

"No! Sully, I want you there! It's very important to me....isn't it to you?"

"Of course! But she could be too?"

"No. She'd start bossing everyone around, including Andrew. She can't help it, Sully, and I understand that. I let her almost ruin what we wanted our wedding to be. She brought Andrew here, without asking us first, to deliver Katie. And before you say it, yes, I'm glad for Andrew, but I'm also glad it was you who delivered Katie. Most of what mother wants would not have worked out for the best. If she'd had her way, I would have married William and moved my family to Boston!"

Sully knew Michaela was fired up and he wasn't about to prolong the discussion. "Shhh....I know you're right. But I would have put up with Elizabeth there if that'd make you happy. So it's to be you, me, Andrew, Colleen and the baby." He bent down and kissed her on the neck as his hands moved down to her abdomen in a tender caress.

A few days later, Michaela and Elizabeth were at the homestead waiting for the rest of the family to come home for dinner. Elizabeth was wandering around to see if anything had changed since the last time she had been here. "Michaela, you have a new room back here. What is it?" she asked, looking in. ""

"It's a bathing room, Mother. Isn't it wonderful?"

"What are you trying to do? Make this place look like or remind you of Boston?"

"No, Mother. It's nothing like Boston!"

"I'll say it isn't!"

"It wasn't meant to be, it's better. My husband and children designed and built it for me, so that I could take leisurely baths without making the kitchen unavailable. They may have gotten the idea from Boston, but it is all Colorado Springs. I love it more than anything Boston has to offer...mainly because it shows me how they love me!"

"I'm sorry, Michaela. I didn't mean to make it sound bad. I'm always saying the wrong thing."

"You know, Mother, just before we got married, Sully told me I needed to look at things through our eyes, his and mine, not yours. This was just after you made this house sound like a shack because it wasn't like houses in Boston. For a little while, that's the way I saw it, through your eyes. But that day, when Sully disappeared, I thought about what he said and realized he was right. I began then to see things through our eyes, and fell in love with this house all over again."

"Michaela, I don't mean to be critical. I really do want what is best for you."

"I know that. What you think is best is based on how you believe based on life in Boston, but it isn't always best. It's like during the diphtheria epidemic when you went to the cave and wanted to take Brian and Katie back to Boston.....separating my family would have been terrible. Even though Sully and the children were at the cave, they were close enough for us to be able to be with them. Occasionally, both Sully and I have made bad decisions and we work through those problems. But for the most part, we have a very good life here. I don't belong in Boston anymore, if I ever did. Mother, you need to just accept my life here...just accept the fact that I am very happy here, that Sully and the children complete my life."

"I'll try. It's just that my children's lives haven't turned out how I imagined. First you go to school to become a doctor and then move out to the wilderness. Then Marjorie, a daughter I thought would never defy conventions, gets a divorce, joins with groups led by such people as that Stanton woman and has a questionable relationship with Loren. I just thought you would all live near me, have good husbands and children."

"But, Mother, shouldn't the happiness of your children be more important? I am happy out here and Sully is a good husband, my soulmate....if I had stayed in Boston, I might not have ever married and given you grandchildren. Marjorie was never happy with Everett and he never gave her children. After he left her, she found out he had been seeing other women for years. I know you didn't approve of how she was living her life and her relationship with Loren, but she was happier than I had ever seen her. Her different causes gave her a purpose and Loren made her so happy."

"You mean you approved of her relationship with Loren? Loren should have married her!"

"Loren asked her, Mother. Marjorie said she wasn't ready. I think Everett hurt her more than we'll ever know, and not just emotionally. From some things she said, I think he physically hurt her. At first I didn't approve of their relationship, but I changed because they were happy. Yes, I would have preferred they married and I think eventually they would have, but at least they were happy for the time they were together. You should be grateful for that."

"I don't know that I can ever accept that, but I will be civil to Loren. I promise to try to not be so disapproving, but that may take a while. And I'll try to accept the way you and your husband do things, but that will be the most difficult. It is very hard for me to understand how you could want your husband with you when you have the baby, or how you could allow him to see things. Even though your father was a doctor, I was uncomfortable with him seeing me when he delivered all of my daughters."

"Thank you for trying, Mother. And I promise to try to be more forgiving when we have disagreements."

Elizabeth leaned over and kissed Michaela on the cheek. Then she turned and headed for the living room. She did not see Sully standing under the stairs. As Michaela came out of the alcove, Sully touched her on the arm and pulled her close for a kiss.

"How long have you been here?" Michaela whispered in his ear.

"Long enough to be proud of ya! But it's probably better that Elizabeth don't know. I'll go out the back and come around to the front."

"I love you!"

"I love you, too!" he said and gave her another kiss before going out the back.

Sully came in the front door as Elizabeth and Michaela were settling into the living room chairs. He came over and gave Michaela a kiss as though he was just seeing her. "Brian and Katie will be here in a few minutes, with Matthew and Amanda, in the wagon. I rode on ahead."

As he finished telling them, they heard the wagon in the yard and as they went out to greet the children, Colleen, Andrew, Clara and Rebecca came riding up in one of the hotel's buggies. Michaela had started dinner. Rebecca, Amanda and Colleen helped her finish.

As dinner was almost finished, Sully spoke, "Michaela and me decided that we'd let you know tonight the names we picked out for the baby. It'll be Charlotte Frances if it's a girl. A boy will be Benjamin Josef. We been thinking about these names for awhile."

"We picked Charlotte because of our friend who gave us her three children," Michaela said, glancing at Matthew, Colleen and Brian. "Sully's brother's name was Frank, so therefore, Frances. You know why we picked Josef. Benjamin was the name of Sully's father."

Elizabeth started to say something and stopped. Michaela and Sully were relieved as they expected that she would prefer that Josef be the baby's first name. The rest of the family seemed to like the names.

Later that evening, in their bedroom, Sully was taking off his shirt when he saw Michaela sit down and pick up her hairbrush. He tossed his shirt on the bedpost, went over to Michaela and started brushing her hair. "Your ma handled the names okay."

Michaela smiled, "Yes, but she started to say something. I think she remembered our earlier conversation and refrained from any comment. She never did tell me she liked the names. I'm pleased with the names and I am convinced Benjamin Josef will be the one we use."

Sully put the brush down and put his arms around Michaela, "Whichever is fine with me. We have good names for them. Like ya told Elizabeth today, we need ta keep seeing things through our eyes." He leaned over and they kissed.

"I like our eyes," Michaela whispered as Sully picked her up and carried her to their bed. He pulled her nightgown off, took his breeches off and climbed in beside her. He put his arms around her and splayed his hands across her abdomen.

"Don't mind not wearing your nightgown do ya? I wanna feel your skin next to me."

"No, I don't mind. I like it too. I feel so protected."

"Ya are. I'd protect ya with my life."

"I know. I love you."

"I love you too, Mrs. Sully." Sully kissed her on the neck.

They snuggled close. A few minutes later, Sully asked, "Michaela, you still awake?"


"I got a telegram from Welland Smith today."


"I almost decided to say no, but thought about asking you. Gotta know if it’d be okay for me to be gone for a day. With your ma here to keep you company and if you don't feel the baby'd be coming tomorrow...."

"The baby shouldn't should be at least another week. What does Welland want you to do?"

"Ya know that survey Brian and I did a few months ago. We were gone three days? Welland asked for a little more information. I figger it'll take five to six hours each way and a couple'a hours to do the work. That way I ain't gone overnight. I'll leave early in the mornin'."

Michaela reached out for his hand. "It's okay. I'll spend the day here. It's Saturday so Brian can bring mother here. I'll miss you.....I never like it when I go more than a few hours without seeing you."

"I don't like it either......if ya want I can tell Welland it's too close to the baby."

"'s's your main job and the pay is good. Welland knows when the baby is due and he wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important. Go, Sully, please."

"Okay. Brian's still awake. I'll go tell him." Sully wrapped a blanket around his waist and left to tell Brian.

When Sully came back to bed, Michaela was already asleep. He smiled, put the blanket on the bed and joined her. He slipped his arms around her, kissed her neck and settled down to sleep. He woke up around five am, got up and dressed without disturbing Michaela.

"Ma....Ma...." Brian said, rubbing Michaela's shoulder.


"It's after nine. Pa said to go get grandma about now, but I didn't wanna leave while you were still asleep. He said to help ya outta bed. I'll take Katie with me."

Michaela opened her eyes to see her son and daughter standing there. Katie was dressed. "Let me get breakfast before I get dressed."

"Already done, Ma. We been up awhile and had breakfast before I got Katie dressed."

"Bran fixed good bekfast, mama. Me had oats!"

"Oatmeal, Katie, dear," Michaela said.


Michaela laughed. "Thank you, Brian. What would I do without you. I know that this is hard on you.....taking care of Saturday is your day with your friends."

"It's okay, Ma. I like taking care of you and Katie. I like that pa trusts me to. Stephen and me planned to go fishing later and I'll take Katie with me. Don't worry, ma, I'll take good care of her. She's more important than the fish!"

"You don't have to.....I'm sure mother....."

"No.....I wanna. You and grandma can spend some time together. I know Aunt Rebecca and Clara are gonna spend the day with Amanda at the clinic."

"Me fish with Bran. Pease, Mama?"

"Okay, Katie. You can go with your brother, but you mind him, hear?"

Katie clapped her hands and nodded.

"Come on, Katie, let's help ma outta bed." Brian helped Michaela to her feet, with Katie pulling at her mother's nightgown, her way of helping. Once Michaela was standing, she gave her son a kiss on his forehead.

"Me too?" Katie asked.

Knowing she couldn't bend down that far, Brian lifted Katie up so Michaela could kiss her too.

"Anything else right now, ma?"

"No, I'm fine."

"The wagon's already hitched. We'll go get grandma now. Be back soon. Come on, Katie."

For once, Michaela spent a pleasant day with her mother. They stayed at the homestead and talked of old times, between Michaela's naps. Katie and Brian returned from their fishing trip around two. They'd caught enough fish for dinner. Katie's dress was a little dirty, but otherwise she looked fine. Brian went out to clean the fish, leaving Katie with Michaela and Elizabeth.

"Did you have fun, Katie?" Michaela asked.

"Yep. Me and Bran and Tephan fished."

"Katie," said Elizabeth, "let's go up and get you a clean dress and wash up."

"'Kay gamma."

After awhile, Brian and Katie went to town to pick up Rebecca and Clara to bring them out for dinner. When they returned, Brian said, "Ma, I'm gonna make dinner the way pa taught me. Like he did at the mining camps. I'll put the fish and some vegetables in the pan and fry them."

"That sounds good. I always like it when your pa cooks that way."

As the evening wore on, Michaela started getting restless since Sully wasn't home yet. Elizabeth, Rebecca and Clara refused to leave until Sully was home. Rebecca put Katie to bed, then read, while Clara and Brian played chess. Around nine, with Elizabeth getting on her nerves, Michaela went to relieve herself and then slipped out the back door, heading for the barn. She went inside and sat down on some hay bales propped against the wall. She leaned back and was just dozing off when she heard a noise. She opened her eyes to the sight of Sully leading Wind into the barn.


Sully looked at her, startled. "Michaela!" He let Wind go, went to her and pulled her into his arms. "What's wrong? What are ya doing out here?"

"Nothing's wrong. I just missed you. I was getting restless in the house. I needed to get away from everyone...... I came out here to wait for you."

"I missed you too.....but I might'a been awhile yet. You would've fallen asleep out here."

"Guessing at what time you left and knowing how accurate you are in figuring out trip times, I decided you would be home soon. Brian probably would have come looking for me after awhile."

"'re right." Sully put his hand up and brushed some strands of hair out of her face. Their eyes locked on each other and slowly their lips met. Sully slowly moved his hand down her body, lingering to cup her breast, then settling on her protruding belly.

Michaela's arms tightened on his neck. Her lips moved to his ear and she whispered, "This far along, this close to birthing, and I still want you! It's amazing!"

Sully laughed. "Okay by me.....I always want you!"

Michaela bit his ear, then kissed him in the same place. Her lips traveled down to his neck, then up to his chin. All the while he was caressing her belly. Her lips reach his and they kissed. And the kissings continued. Sully moved his hand back up to her breast as Michaela moved her hands down to clutch his backside.

And that's how Elizabeth found them. She opened the barn door and said, "Michaela? Are you....." when she saw the couple. "Michaela! Sully! What....."

Sully looked at Elizabeth in exasperation.

"Mother, what do you want?" Michaela asked as she let go of Sully and turned sideways to Sully, toward her mother.

"When you didn't come back from the outhouse.....we didn't know where you went." Elizabeth said in an accusing tone.

"Well, now you do. Please go back to the house and let everyone know I'm fine. Sully and I will be in in a few minutes."

Elizabeth glared at her daughter and son-in law, and marched out of the barn, slamming the door behind her. Michaela and Sully stayed still until they heard the sound of the front door closing, then erupted in laughter. Sully turned her back around to face him and they hugged. "You go on up to the house. I'll unsaddle Wind and be up."

"No, I'll wait for you. I'm not going to face her alone," Michaela said, laughing as she kissed her husband.

After settling Wind in his stall, Michaela and Sully headed for the house, hand in hand. As they walked in the door, Elizabeth rose and said to Brian, "Now that they're here, please take us back to the hotel."

Brian stood up. "Brian, I'll take them," Sully said. "I don't want ya out on the road this late. You stay here with your ma."

"Sure, Pa. Glad you're home."

"Me too."

When Sully came back to the homestead, Brian was waiting on the porch. "I'll unhitch, Pa. Ma's really tired, but she won't go up to bed without you."

"Thanks, son."

Sully went in and found Michaela dozing in one of the wingback chairs. He knelt down and kissed her. She opened her eyes. "Want me to carry ya up?"

"No, I'll walk. Is Brian in bed?"

"Not yet. He came out to meet me and unhitch the wagon so I could come in and get you up to bed. He's worried about you. Come on, let's go up."

Sully helped Michaela get ready for bed. They heard Brian coming up the stairs. Sully went to the door and said through it, "'Night, Brian, and thanks."

"'Night, Pa.....Ma....."

"Goodnight, Brian," Michaela said. She was sitting in bed waiting for Sully to take off his clothes and join her. "What did mother say?"

"Not one word. It was a quiet trip. Rebecca and Clara said goodnight. Elizabeth didn't."

"I guess she's really mad.....mostly for what she saw!"

"You okay with that? Maybe we need to be careful when she's....."

"No! I'm not going to stop enjoying my husband when mother's around. We weren't out in the open. Who would have thought she would come into the barn?"

"Don't think she minded the kissin', just the hands!" He said as he got into bed beside her. He settled back and pulled her into his arms.

Michaela rested her head on his chest. "I'm not going to feel guilty about wanting to touch you, or have you touch me."

Sully reached down and put his hand on her stomach. "The baby feels the same way, judging by all that movement."

Michaela laughed, "I love you." She raised her face and kissed him. "Goodnight."

"Night, my love. Sleep tight."

The next morning, Michaela wanted to go into the clinic and no matter what Brian and Sully said, she was determined. They finally gave in and the family went into town. Andrew was at the clinic treating a patient when they arrived. Michaela went in to see if she could help, while Sully sat down on the bench and Brian took Katie over to see Dorothy. Not long after they arrived, Matthew came into town driving his wagon, with Elizabeth, Rebecca and Clara. He pulled up to the Gold Nugget. No once glanced at the clinic to see Sully watching. Matthew got down and took their luggage out of the wagon and headed into the Nugget.

Andrew's patient, a farmer, came out, nodded at Sully and left. Sully went into the clinic. "Michaela, I think ya better see who's at the too, Andrew."

Michaela and Andrew went outside with Sully. Clara was standing next to Matthew's wagon, by herself. "Clara?" Michaela called.

"Aunt Michaela," Clara responded, walking over. "Why are you here? Grandmother said you weren't working anymore."

"Well, your grandmother isn't always right. Until the baby comes, I will work once in awhile at the clinic. What are you doing in town?"

"Grandmother says we're moving into this hotel. She's decided she wants to be near when you go into labor. I guess she figures you'll be here at the clinic and this hotel is closer than the resort."

"Oh," said Michaela. Just then, Elizabeth and Rebecca walked out with Matthew. Michaela, Sully and Clara walked over to the wagon. "Good morning, Mother."

"Michaela......Sully.....we've moved into town."

"Yes, we know. Clara was just telling us."

"Michaela, I gotta go send a wire to Welland. After that, I promised Robert E I'd help him. I'll see ya later." He leaned over and kissed her goodbye.

"Come, Clara, we need to help Matthew with the rest of our luggage," Rebecca said.

Michaela turned to go back to the clinic. "Michaela..." Elizabeth said.

"Yes, Mother?"

Elizabeth took Michaela's elbow and steered her toward the bridge going to the meadow. When they got to the bridge, Elizabeth let go of Michaela and moved a little away. "What was going on last night?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean....that scene I happened on....what do you think you were doing? That display was completely improper!"

"Mother! I thought we agreed the other night that your proper isn't mine. What my husband and I were doing is between us."

"I can only put up with so much, Michaela. It was a disgusting display, the way you were touching each other. I never thought I would see a child of mine act that way!"

"Mother, it's none of your business!" Michaela exclaimed, then she turned and stormed back to the clinic. She was relieved to find the clinic empty. She sat down at her desk. She was so mad at her mother, the tears were threatening to flow.

Just then Brian walked in. "Ma, Katie's with Miss Grace and the babies." Then he saw his mothers face. "Ma, what's wrong?"

"I'm okay, Brian. I just got mad at someone. Don't worry about it." Michaela picked up a chart and started reading it.

Shaking his head, Brian left and went to find Sully.

"Michaela?" said Sully, walking into the clinic. "Brian said you were upset. What's wrong?"

"Oh, Sully...." and the tears started. Sully hurried over and put his arms around her.

"Tell me." He said as he held her against his chest.

"Mother did say something about last night. She makes me so mad. She said our touching was disgusting. I hate it when I get mad and cry. I know it wasn't was good and wonderful. Why must she judge me?"

"I don't know...." Sully kept his hold on her, but he was getting mad. Michaela started to hiccup. "Come on, up to bed and rest." Sully picked her up and carried her up to a recovery room. "Take a nap and we'll go home after awhile." He sat with her until she fell asleep. Then he went to find his mother-in-law. She was having a cup of coffee at the cafe. "Elizabeth? Have you got a minute?"

Elizabeth nodded and Sully sat down after noticing no one was in the immediate area. "What can I do for you?" she said, rather distantly.

"I know ya mean well most of the time, but I won't have ya upsettin' Michaela anymore."


"No, let me finish. Michaela and I love each other. Whatever goes on between us is not disgusting or's good....we express our love in physical ways as well as talking and thinking ways. We share our love. I'm sorry you don't like it, but that's your problem..." Just then, Sully saw Brian heading toward them, he put up his hand for Brian to stop and then he gestured him to go away, which Brian, understanding immediately, did. "You can think whatever you like, but I don't want ya expressing those thoughts to Michaela if they condemn our actions. If ya can't stop from hurting her with your remarks, then I'll ask ya to go back to Boston. I like ya and would like ya to stay for the birth of our child, but only if ya can follow these simple requests. Michaela's taking a nap and when she wakes up, I'm taking the family home. You, Rebecca and Clara are invited for dinner. If ya do come out, I ain't requesting ya too, but ya might wanna tell her you're sorry."

Sully got up and walked away without waiting for his mother-in-law to say anything. He picked Katie up from Grace and found Brian with Dorothy, "Brian, please bring the wagon to the clinic. As soon as your ma wakes up from her nap, we're going home."

Sully made Michaela sit by the fire. He told Katie to amuse her mother while he and Brian started dinner. Elizabeth, Rebecca and Clara came in a few minutes later, having been driven out by Robert E. Rebecca and Clara kept up the conversation in the beginning. Dinner was ready and they sat down at the table. Finally, Elizabeth spoke up.

"Michaela, I owe you an apology. I said some things this morning that I shouldn't have and it won't happen again."

Sully smiled and nodded at Elizabeth.

"Thank you, Mother."

After dinner, with Michaela yawning, Rebecca said, "I think we'll be going. Michaela looks like she's had enough for today. Sully, may Brian take us back to's not too late is it?"

" It ain't too late. He'll take ya back."

Brian and Matthew spent the next few days showing Clara around Colorado Springs and the surrounding area. They taught her to ride on trips up to the Red Rocks and Palmer Creek. Colleen and Amanda came along when they could. Elizabeth and Rebecca spent their time with Michaela, either at the clinic or the homestead, trying to talk her into stopping work until after the baby was born.

Michaela and Sully were spending the day together at the homestead. Michaela had been very tired the last few days and Sully wanted her to rest. It was a nice morning and Sully had brought the rocker out to the porch for her. He was sitting below her, on the steps, massaging her feet. They saw a rider coming and as rider and horse came closer, they saw it was Clara. When she got to the homestead, Sully helped Clara dismount, then tied the horse to the railing.

"Thank you, Uncle Sully." She sat down on the steps below Michaela.

"How are you, Clara?" Michaela asked.

"Fine. I was wondering if I could talk to you."


"I'll leave ya two alone," Sully said.

"No, please stay, Uncle Sully. I'd like to talk to both of you."

Sully nodded his head and sat down on the steps with Clara.

"I don't know if mother or grandmother have said anything, but the reason I came with them is I wasn't very happy in Boston. I had been engaged, but I broke it off when I realized I wasn't really in love with him. I only said yes because it's what was expected of me. After Aunt Marjorie divorced Uncle Everett, when she was in town I spent a lot of time with her. I wasn't interested in her causes, but she wasn't at me all the time about getting married....not that mother was.....but father and grandmother were. It's not that I don't want to get married....I do....I just don't feel ready. I've had such a good time here, laughing more, enjoying things....."

All the time she had been talking, her head had been lowered and she wasn't looking at Michaela or Sully. Now she took a deep breath and raised her head defiantly. "Mr. Bing at the station had a help wanted sign and I answered it. It was for someone to learn the telegraph and mail as it's getting too big for him to handle alone. I convinced him to give me a chance and I start next week. I even checked at the boarding house on renting a room."

"Clara, if that's what you want to do, I think it's wonderful," Michaela said. Clara saw Sully nodding his head in agreement.

Their reactions made Clara smile, the first time since riding up. "Thank you. I was afraid you would think I was wrong. I think mother will be okay with my decision, but I'm sure grandmother won't. I wanted to do something on my prove to myself I didn't have to have someone take care of me."

"Do you want us to mention this to mother and Rebecca?"

"No....I'll do it, tonight at dinner if that's okay. But I could use your support. Grandma's going to be angry. I'll understand if you don't want to as I don't want her mad at you, but maybe if she sees you're behind me, she won't be so mad."

"Michaela and me will support you. Having Elizabeth mad at us again don't make much difference, it seems to happen a lot. And you can stay with us. Colleen's old room is empty."

Clara saw that Michaela agreed with Sully. She smiled. "Thank you, Uncle Sully and Aunt Michaela. I would appreciate staying with you for awhile, but only if I can contribute to the household. When I get enough money ahead, I'd like to go to the boarding house and stay on my own. I could stay there now, but it would take most of my pay just to get set up. Maybe staying here, I could slowly get what I need to get out on my own."

"That sounds like a very good plan." Michaela told her.

"And maybe ya would consider helping Michaela with Katie and the baby when you ain't working. That would be a good contribution to the household."

"I would love that! I'd do that no matter what!"

Brian had the wagon in town and when he got out of school, and after doing some odd jobs for Dorothy, he picked up Clara, Elizabeth and Rebecca at the Gold Nugget and brought them out to the homestead. They had a nice dinner and then gathered in the living room.

Clara stood up. "Mother, Grandmother, I would like to tell you that I am going to stay in Colorado Springs. I have a job, starting next week, at the station, working for Mr. Bing,"

"Absolutely not! You will return to Boston with us!" Elizabeth said.

"Grandmother, I am 22 years old and I can make my own decisions."

"I won't hear of it!"

"Mother, calm down. Clara has not been happy at home, but she has been since we've been here. I think it's a good idea, and she has Michaela and Sully to watch over her."

"Rebecca, what can you be thinking? Clara...."

"Clara is right. She's an adult and can make her own decisions. Clara, dear, your father and I will miss you so."

"Thank you, mother," Clara said as she hugged Rebecca. "I'll be alright, really."

"I know you will."

"I already talked to Aunt Michaela and Uncle Sully and they've offered me Colleen's old room. I will be staying with them for awhile.
"Come on, Clara," Brian said. "Let's play chess."

Katie was sitting on the floor. She got up and went over to Elizabeth. "Why mad, gamma?"

"It's okay, Katie," said Elizabeth, picking her up and giving her a kiss. "Grandma's not mad."

A few hours later, Brian took Elizabeth, Rebecca and Clara back to town.

Michaela and Sully had retired earlier than usual, after the kids had gone to bed. Sully was asleep, but Michaela wasn't…she was very restless. She and Sully had been in bed about an hour and she still couldn't sleep.

"Michaela? Are you okay?" Sully asked.

"I can't get to sleep. I don't know why. I'm sorry I woke you. I just feel funny...."

"I wasn't sleeping deep. What d'ya mean, ya feel funny?"

"I.....I'm not sure...I....oh!" Michaela exclaimed.

"What?!" Sully said, quickly sitting up in bed and looking at Michaela. She had her hands on her abdomen and a pained look on her face. "The baby?"

Michaela nodded.

Sully got up, put his breeches on and went to get Brian. "Brian, wake up! I need ya to go hitch up the wagon. I think your ma's in labor!"

Brian jumped out of bed, dressed and went to hitch the wagon without a word. Sully went into Katie's room and wrapped her in a blanket. He left her there and went back to Michaela. He finished getting dressed, then helped her up and wrapped her in her robe. Sully had just gotten her to the bottom of the stairs when Brian came in.

"Wagon's hitched, pa, and the blankets are in the back." Brian said

"Thanks, son. Can ya go get Katie? I wrapped her up and she's ready to go."

"Sure, pa."

Sully got his family into the wagon and headed for town. When they got to the clinic, Brian jumped down, took Katie and ran in to wake Andrew and Colleen, then went to the Gold Nugget to get the rest of the family. Sully carried Michaela into the clinic as Andrew and Colleen rushed in from their rooms.

"Michaela? Sully?" Andrew said.

"Michaela had some twinges and I ain't takin' any chances this time. I figger the baby's a comin!"

Just then, having been awaken by Brian, Elizabeth came rushing into the room, followed by Brian, Rebecca, Clara, and Katie. "Michaela, are you okay?"

"Yes, mother," Michaela said.

"I'd like everyone but Colleen and Sully to leave, please. I need to examine Michaela," Andrew said.

Elizabeth gave Andrew one of her looks and said, "I'll be staying too! "

"No, Mother! We've been through this," Michaela said.

Sully opened the door and guided everyone out, standing behind Elizabeth so she couldn't come back in. He closed the door and returned to his wife.

Andrew was examining Michaela as Colleen stood by. "Well, Michaela, you're definitely in labor. I'm glad you made it into town this time!"

Michaela and Sully smiled. "It's been a little over two years, Andrew, but you finally get to do what you came out here to do," Michaela said.

"Yes. It's about time, I'd say. Now, it's going to be a while, so Colleen and I are going to go back and finish getting dressed," Andrew said, looking at his night shirt with a wry smile. "Sully, there isn't much you can do right now except hold her to her......course I imagine you remember this!"

Sully laughed, "I think it's a little different this time, Andrew. But I'll do my best."

Andrew and Colleen left the room as Sully moved over to Michaela. He took her hand and leaned over to kiss her. "How ya doing?"

"Okay for now. Where are Katie and Brian?"

"I'll check." Sully went to the door and looked out. Brian was just outside the door. "Where's Katie?"

"Aunt Rebecca took her upstairs to put her to bed. She said she'd stay with Katie. How's ma?"

"Okay. It's gonna be awhile, Brian. You might want to go up yourself and get some sleep.

"I'm gonna go get Matthew and Amanda. They'll wanna be here.

"Thanks, son." Sully closed the door and went back to Michaela. "Rebecca has Katie upstairs and Brian is on his way to tell Matthew and Amanda. Everything's takin' care of, so you just think about our baby. Sully pulled a chair up and sat down next to Michaela. He reached over, pushed the sheet covering her down to just below her stomach and pulled her nightgown up to expose her belly. He put his hand on her abdomen. "Soon this'll all be gone. "

"Thank goodness!" Michaela replied.

"I don't know. I like it. "Sides," he said, leaning over to whisper in her ear, "you get real amorous when you're pregnant. I like that."

"Sully!" she exclaimed, blushing.

He laughed, "Well, it's true! Course I miss riding our horses out to the waterfall and the things that happen out there.

"Sully, you're impossible!" Michaela exclaimed.

"That's why we're so good together...cuz you are too!"

Michaela smiled as Sully leaned over to kiss her. "Before this all starts, with Andrew and Colleen in here, thank you for giving us another child." And he kissed her again, longer than the last.

"You're welcom.......oh.......

"Another one?" Sully asked. Michaela nodded her head. "Breathe through it, Michaela, just like ya tell the others....there.....there.....that's right."

The contraction subsided. "That wasn't so bad.....not yet anyway. I'm a little scared, Sully. I can't help but worry something will go wrong. I've had patients who presented just fine, but something happened during the birthing....."

"Nuthin's gonna happen but the birth of our child. You just think about all the good things. You're the bravest woman I've ever known and you can handle this."

"I don't feel so brave."

"But ya are.....brave and beautiful....."

Michaela smiled and reached out to touch Sully's face. She laid her hand on his cheek. "I know in a little while I'm not going to be so nice to you."

Sully laughed, "It's okay. I can put up with it, little enough to do for you after what's you're gonna go through." He put his lips up to her ear and nuzzled her. He reached out and put his hand on her abdomen again. He started gently rubbing in circles. "How's this feel?"

"Wonderful.....for now. "

Andrew came back into the room. "How's it going?"

"I just had a contraction....but it wasn't strong.....yet....."

"Let me check you again." Andrew examined Michaela. "You're really not very far along yet. I'd say it's a good bet the baby won't be here until at least early morning. As you know, there's not much I can do for awhile. Do you want me to stay in here? I mean, I want to be here all the time if you need me here, but I know you two want to do a lot of this by yourselves."

"Thank you, Andrew, for understanding. I would like to be alone with Sully for most of the labor. I guess we shouldn't have woken everyone up. I also know I'll be yelling later on and the family won't be able to sleep very well."

"I'll go talk to them about it just being you two most of the time. Maybe I can get everyone to get some sleep upstairs and in our rooms. Rebecca already has Katie back asleep. Matthew and Amanda are outside. Don't worry about it....they'll just have to wait. Although I'm not sure how much favor I will find with Elizabeth."

"Do you want me to handle them?" Sully asked.

"No. I can. I'll just tell them doctors orders. Elizabeth will think it's my orders and I won't tell her they're Michaela's orders! I'll check in every now and then."


"Talk to me, Sully, tell me a story."

"'Bout what?"

"About your father?"

"Ain't much to tell that I remember. He was a good man....he really loved my ma.....he wanted real bad to give us a good home in America. I was about seven when my brother died, when he was drug by a horse. I don't think pa was ever the same after that. Kinda just went through the motions til a few years later when he died."

"Before we were married, you said you didn't remember much about him."

"Yeah….cuz I didn't wanna remember him…..remember the pain."

Michaela put her hand on his neck and drew his face close so she could kiss him. "I'm sorry it still hurts you."

"Yeah....but you help it get better....wantin' to name the baby for him if it's a boy. For a long time, even after ma died, I thought I hated him.....then after Abagail and Hannah died, when I was with the Cheyenne, I think I started to understand him. Started to realize I didn't hate 'im, I loved 'im, he was my pa. Then you came along and made me see life was good. But I knew for sure what he was starting to feel that time you got shot.....I sat there waiting for ya to wake up, knowing my life wouldn't mean much after that if you didn't make it. I even knew how ma musta felt....." he started to say more, but Michaela started to have another contraction.


"Breathe, Michaela, breathe. Like this, Michaela...." Sully said and started to pant with her. "That's right.....that's it.....see it's easin' up.......little more.....there....." The entire time, he continued to massage her stomach.

"'d forgotten about this with Katie."

"Yeah....but like with Katie, ya'll make it fine."

Sully stood up, leaned down and kissed the middle of her stomach a couple of times. Then he moved up to her lips and kissed her again. Michaela put her hand on his neck and held him to her. Finally the kiss ended. Sully lifted his head up and smiled. "Nice."

Michaela smiled. "Thank you. Takes my mind off other things."

"Happy to oblige. You just tell me anytime ya want me to take your mind off other things!" He laid his one hand on her stomach and the other on her forehead. Michaela reached out her hand and put her fingers into the waistband of his breeches, just to connect to him. She placed her other hand on top of his hand on her stomach. They gazed into each others eyes for a few minutes.



"I need to get go to the outhouse....."

"Okay." Sully helped her to the outhouse and back again. "Wanna lay down?"

"No. Just stand here for a minute."

"" he said as he stood behind her and put his arms around her, under her breasts, over her stomach. "Now lean back against me if ya need to." They stood there and then Michaela started to sway a little, taking Sully with her. "You okay?"

"Yes. It feels good."

The door opened and Colleen and Andrew walked in. "Ma? You alright?"

"Yes....just needed to get up....had to make a trip to the outhouse......this feels good...."

"It might feel good to walk around a little," Andrew said.

Michaela nodded her head. "Okay....Sully?"

Sully removed his arms, put one arm around her waist and took her hand. They started walking around the clinic. Colleen started getting towels and supplies ready, while Andrew watched Michaela's face. Michaela stopped suddenly, then she said "Oops."

"Michaela?" Sully said.

"My water just broke." They looked down on the floor to see the pool of fluid. "I should have been....."

"Right where you are, Michaela. You know there's no warning when the water breaks." Andrew said. He picked up some towels and came over to them. Sully moved Michaela out of the way.

As Andrew started to stoop down to clean up the fluid, Colleen stopped him. "I'll clean up, Andrew. You concentrate on ma."

"Colleen, it'll still be awhile. I can help you....."

"No. Gives me something to do," she said as she took the towels and cleaned up the floor.

"Do ya wanna lay down now," Sully asked.

"Not nightgown.....wet......ohhh....." she said as another contraction started. Sully picked her up and put her back on the table.

"Breathe....Michaela....breathe...." Sully said, panting with her again. Andrew stood on the other side of the table with his hand on her stomach to feel the contraction. Soon it was over.

"Please, my nightgown is uncomfortable. I want a clean one."

"I'll get one, ma," Colleen said. Colleen went into the closet to the supply of extra nightgowns and pulled one out. She hurried back to her mother.

"That's not one of mine. I want mine!"

"Michaela, we didn't bring any others."

"Why not?! I want mine! Why didn't you bring others, Sully?!"

"I was worried about getting you, Katie and Brian into town, love," Sully said in a soothing voice, tenderly touching her cheek. "I'll ask Matthew to go get yours. Please use this one for now....Colleen got it for you......"

Michaela looked at him for a minute. "Okay."

Andrew turned his back so Colleen and Sully could take off her soiled nightgown and put on the clean one.

"Okay, Andrew," Colleen said.

"Michaela, I'm going to go ask Matthew....."

"NO! Don't leave me! I can't.....I won't do this without you!!!" she yelled, holding tight to his hand.

"Honey, he's just in Colleen's living room."


"It's okay, Pa. I'll go."

"Thanks, Colleen." Sully said gratefully, smiling at his daughter.

Sully glanced back down at Michaela. Her eyes were closed, but she still clutched his hand. He kept his eyes on her face. A few minutes later, Colleen came back into the room. Michaela opened her eyes to see those blue eyes on her. She smiled then glanced at Colleen. "I'm sorry......I didn't mean...."

"It's okay, Michaela," Sully said.

"Yeah, Ma. I didn't mind.....we understand."

Sully was still standing and the chair he had been using was too far away for him. Andrew got the chair and brought it to him.

"Thanks, Andrew."

"Welcome. We're going back to the living room now. Call if you need me."

Sully nodded. Andrew and Colleen left. Sully looked back at Michaela and saw tears running down her cheeks. "Michaela, what's wrong?'

"I shouldn't have yelled. You're only trying to help me...."

"Ah, honey, it's okay.....shhh....." Sully said. He remembered these mood swings from her labor with Katie. He leaned down and kissed her. "Don't worry about it.....I ain't....I love ya....."

"I love you, too," she said and then hiccuped. "Sing to me?"

"I ain't good at singin' How 'bout if I hum?"


Sully leaned in to her ear and began humming. Michaela knew it was one of the songs they had danced to, in Denver, during their honeymoon. A waltz she had always liked.

A few minutes later, Colleen came back. Sully glanced up and saw her carrying some of Michaela's nightgowns. He shook his head and was able to indicate Michaela had fallen asleep. Colleen nodded, laid the nightgowns on the desk and left. Michaela slept about 10 minutes, until the next contraction began. Again, Sully helped her breathe through it.



"I forgot to ask Andrew about the circumcision."

"That's okay, You said it wasn't done at birth. We can ask him later."

"Now, please."

"Okay. Just let me go to the door and call him. I promise not to leave the room."


Sully opened the door to the hallway and called for Andrew, who was there is an instant. "What's wrong?"

"Nuthin'. Michaela just wanted to ask you somethin'" Sully said, raising his eyebrows.

Andrew understood. He came in the room and over to Michaela. "What can I do for you?"

"Sully and I have agreed that if we have a son, we want him circumcised. I told Sully I couldn't do it since you were here and that we'd use the new topical salve. And don't tell mother. Okay?"

"Yes, of course. That's not a problem."

"See, Sully, Andrew didn't mind me asking now!"

"I see...." he said, glancing up at Andrew, as he was leaving the room.

The hours passed, filled with remembrances and contractions. Each contraction a little worse and a little closer to the last. Between contractions, they watched the sun come up. Michaela's mood swings got worse and she would get angry at Sully, only to apologize a few minutes later. There were times when she wanted him close and touching her, and times when she pushed him away and told him to leave. Throughout, Sully spoke in a tender voice, massaged her exposed stomach and hummed to her. Andrew made numerous trips in to check on Michaela, with Colleen showing up every now and then.

Close to noon, Andrew came in. "I'm going to examine you again now, Michaela." Andrew went to the foot of the table and checked her again. "Not too much longer...."

"You're just saying that! You know it's going to be forever!"

"Michaela, hush. Andrew's just helping," Sully said, kissing her hand. He started massaging her again. "Just take it easy, love."

"I'm sorry, Andrew....." Michaela said with a sob.

"It's nothing, Michaela. I just want to help in any way I can."

"I know," she whispered. Then another contraction started. As it ended, Michaela finally remembered the nightgown. "Sully, is Matthew back? I hate this nightgown."

"Yeah. Here," he said, picking up one from the desk.

"I'll go get Colleen," Andrew said.

Colleen came in a few minutes later and they helped Michaela change.

"Is that better?"

"Yes. Much...."

A few minutes later another contraction started and Colleen called for Andrew, knowing it wouldn't be much longer based on the spacing of the contractions. Andrew examined her again. "The end is in sight, Michaela. Sully, when I start having her push, I need you to help her sit up, it'll be easier on her. Come on, Michaela, get ready to push!"

April 2, 1874, 1:32 PM:

"Push again, Michaela. The head and shoulders are out. Push, Michaela..." said Andrew.

"Come on, honey, you can do it," said Sully as he helped her sit up again. Michaela put her hands on her knees and gave a strong push.

"The baby's out!" Andrew cut the umbilical cord, started clearing out the baby's mouth and wiping the baby dry. He looked up at Colleen and smiled.

"Ma, Pa, it's a boy! A handsome boy!" she said, with tears in her eyes.

At that moment, Benjamin Josef Sully chose to make his presence known.

"Well," said Andrew, "he certainly has powerful lungs!" Andrew wrapped Benjamin in a blanket and handed him to Sully, who put him in Michaela's arms.

After cleaning up the afterbirth and other fluids, Andrew and Colleen left the room to give Michaela and Sully time alone with their new son. They walked outside the clinic to waiting family and friends. "Michaela and Sully have a son," Andrew said.

Colleen turned to Brian and Matthew, "We have a brother, Benjamin Josef." She reached out to hug her brothers.

"Oh, Sully, look at him. So much different from Katie! He's beautiful."

"Yep, he is that, a handsome son," Sully kissed Michaela on the forehead. "Thank did a good job, love, bringing our son into the world. You are an amazing woman!"

Michaela smiled happily up at Sully, "Only because I have an amazing husband. I can't believe we did this again. I'm so happy...."

Tears of joy started coursing down her cheeks. Sully's tears joined hers. He put his arms around Michaela, encompassing their new son. They spent a quiet half-hour, the three of them, then Sully noticed Michaela was asleep. He took Benjamin out of her arms and put him in Katie's old crib. He went to the clinic door and opened it. The family was still waiting, except for Katie.

"Where's Katie?"

"Grace took her to the cafe, Pa," Brian said. "She was getting bad. Couldn't understand why she couldn't see you or ma. How's ma?"

"She's fine. She's asleep. Andrew, can I carry her up to a better bed?"


"I'll carry her up. Can you bring the baby?"


Sully carried the sleeping Michaela up to a recovery room, with Andrew following them with Benjamin. Sully went back down to bring the crib up, putting it near the bed. Andrew placed Benjamin in it and left. Sully sat in a chair, next to Michaela, with his new son in reach. Sully picked up Michaela's hand, then leaned back and closed his eyes.


Sully sat up with a jolt. "Michaela? You okay?"

"Yes. The baby's whimpering. How long have I been asleep?"

"'Bout as long as I have, maybe an hour." Sully picked up the baby and handed him to Michaela. The minute his mother took him, he quieted down.

"The family?"

"They’re waitin’ and Katie’s asking for ya."

"Please have them come up and bring Katie."

Sully went out to the stairs, "Andrew?" Andrew came out. "Michaela's awake and would like to see everyone, including Katie."

Katie came into the room first, "Papa!" Sully lifted her up and took her over to the bed. "Mama!"

Michaela smiled, "Hello, my precious. Here's your new brother." She held Benjamin up to her.

Katie reached out a hand and softly touch the baby's head. She broke out into a smile, "My baby," she whispered. She hugged Sully as he set her down on the floor.

The rest of the family came in to make sure Michaela was all right and toe the baby.

"Ma?" asked Brian. "Don't ya think a good nickname for him is Benje?"

Michaela smiled and looked at Sully, who was nodding. "Benje it is, Brian. Would you like to hold him?"

"You bet!" Brian took Benje from Michaela. As he held him, he smiled and said "I can teach you to fish and play baseball....." He kissed the baby's forehead and then handed him to Matthew.

"Hello, Benje. I'm your big brother. Brian and me will teach you all sorts of things." Matthew kissed him and handed him to Colleen.

Colleen smiled and rocked him a little bit. "We love you." Then she handed him to Amanda and the rest of the family took turns holding Benje. Finally he ended up in his grandmother's arms.

Elizabeth smoothed his hair and kissed him. Welcome to the family, Benjamin." She said as she handed him to Sully.

Michaela gazed at her husband and son. Sully was holding the baby close to him, tracing Benje's face with his fingers. Benje stretched in his father's arms. Sully looked up at Michaela to see her watching him. He grinned. The rest of the family had stood there, quiet, watching mother, father and baby.

Katie broke the silence. "Mama, me get in bed with you?"

"Katie," said Elizabeth, "come here, your mother's tired."

"No, mother, it's okay. Come on, Katie."

Brian helped Katie up on the bed. She snuggled next to Michaela. "Me love you, mama."

"I love you, too. Are you going to help me take care of the baby?"

"Yep! Me hold baby?"

"Sure. But ya need to be on this side of the bed. Matthew, help her please," asked Sully.

Matthew picked her up, carrying her around the bed and placing her against the headboard.

"Sit up straight, Katie. Now you can only hold Benje if your ma or me are with you. Okay?"

"'Kay, Pa."

"Put your arms like I have mine."

Katie moved her arms to a cradle position and Sully put the baby in her arms, moving her one arm enough to support the baby's head. Katie gazed at her baby brother with look of ecstasy on her face. It was wonderful to watch

"Andrew," said Michaela, "I want to go home tonight. I can lay down in the wagon to travel home and I will walk slowly. I feel fine, but want to be in my own bed. I promise to limit my activities."

"Michaela, I don't think....." said Elizabeth.

"Mother, This is for Andrew to decide….Andrew?"

"I want to check you out before I give you my answer. I think it's time for everyone to leave."

"Mama, Papa, me stay?"

"No, Katie. You go with grandma for now. Andrew needs to do an examination and you know you can't be here for that. Papa will come see you in a little while," said Michaela.


"I promise, Kates. You be good for grandma, okay?" Sully said.


Everyone left except Andrew and Sully, and, of course, Michaela and Benje. Andrew did his examination. "Everything looks fine. I will let you go home in a couple of hours if you promise to stay in bed for a few days, getting up only to go to the outhouse. I want you to rest, Michaela, something you are not use to doing."

"I promise she'll rest, Andrew. I'm staying home with her." Sully said.

"And I promise, Dr. Cook, to be good."

Andrew laughed. "Okay, Mother, you can go home after dinner tonight."

Sully left the room to go find Katie. She was outside with Elizabeth. "Katie." Katie turned, saw Sully and scampered into his arms.

"We going home, Pa?"

"Yes, Kates. After dinner tonight, we'll take mama and Benje home. But you gotta be real careful. Mama's tired and sore from having the baby. She needs a lot of rest. Ya can't come running in and jumping on our bed like you're use ta doing. And ya gotta remember that the baby needs sleep. It's gonna take mama awhile to get better, so ya gotta be patient. Me and Brian will help ya and play with ya. When mama's feeling okay, you can be in with her and sit on the bed as long as you don't move around a lot. Okay?"

"'Kay, Pa. Me take care of baby and mama."

"You're my sweet, good girl. I know you'll help with mama and Benje."

"Sully, I wonder if taking Michaela home tonight is a good idea. New mothers should stay in the hospital for at least a week," Elizabeth said.

"Andrew said it was okay. And if you remember from Katie's birth, Michaela not only was at home that night, we had ridden home from the woods. If Andrew had the slightest doubt, I wouldn't take her home. But he doesn't and Michaela wants to be home. I figger she'll rest easier at home."

Elizabeth started to respond, but then decided against it. She knew how stubborn her daughter and son-in-law could be. She had to keep reminding herself not to demand their adherence to what she believed.

"Brian," Sully called as he saw Brian leaving the store. Brian came running over. "We're taking your ma and brother home after dinner. I'm gonna eat with your ma. Will you bring the wagon around? You and Katie can eat at Grace's with your grandma and aunt. Is that okay with you, Elizabeth?"

"Of course," Elizabeth replied.

"I'll go get the wagon, Pa. Katie, wanna come?"


Sully handed Katie over to Brian.

"Sully, may I bring dinner to you and Michaela?" Elizabeth asked.

"We'd like that....thanks." Sully went back up to be with Michaela and Benje.

After dinner, Sully carried Michaela down to the wagon and settled her in the back, with Benje in her arms. It had been agreed that tonight, just Brian and Katie would accompany them home. The rest of the family would come the next day for lunch. Once home, Sully carried Michaela up to their room. Brian followed with Benje and Katie. Then Brian went down to unhitch the wagon. Sully got Michaela settled in their bed, with Benje beside her, close to the edge of the bed so that Katie could stand near them. Brian came back into the room.

Katie took Benje's hand in hers. "Look, Mama, I bigger than baby."

"Yes, you are dear. You're his big sister."

Katie glowed, "Big sisser!"

"Katie, mama and Benje need to sleep now. You go downstairs with Brian and I'll be down soon."

"'Kay. 'Night Ma. Night my baby."

"Night my sweet girl. Give me a kiss."

Sully held Katie up to Michaela for a kiss. When he set her down, she gave Benje a kiss, then she took Brian's hand. Brian kissed his ma and brother and took Katie down.

Benje had started to whimper, then his cried got louder. Michaela unbutton her nightgown to expose her breast, picked him up and guided him to her nipple. Benje found it with no trouble and started sucking. Sully sat on the edge of the bed to watch this most cherished scene.

"I forgot how very beautiful this is," he said. He moved his finger up to outline his son's lips against his wife's breast. Sully looked up at Michaela to find her watching him, her eye misty. He moved up to capture her lips in a long kiss, which she returned. Sully waited until Benje was done, then he carried the baby to the crib. When he turned around, Michaela had already fallen asleep. He carefully closed her nightgown and pulled the covers up. After turning down the lamp, he went down to be with Katie and Brian.

Michaela woke up a few hours later. Sully was in bed with her, but he had given her all the room he could. He was laying on his side on the edge of the bed. She reached out her hand to him. He woke immediately.

"You okay?"

"Yes. I just want you closer to me." Sully moved over to lay, on his back, next to Michaela. She turned slightly so she could lay in his arms and put her hand on his bare chest, over his heart. "I haven't been able to do this in awhile. I miss your arms around me like this. I missed feeling your heartbeat."

"I missed it, too," he whispered as he kissed the top of her head. They lay like this for a while, then their son decided he was hungry again. Sully got up and brought the baby to Michaela. He again watched as his son got his nourishment. "Michaela, Elizabeth said she and Rebecca are leaving in three days. I think she feels she ain't needed anymore. I figger we can have Benje circumcised after she leaves."

"I agree. Will you tell Andrew? And let him know we don't want mother to know."

"Yeah, but you already told Andrew not to tell Elizabeth."

"When? I don't remember that."

"When you were in labor……Ah, Michaela? I'd like to be there for the surgery. Is that okay?"

"More than okay. I love that you want to share these experiences with me. I must warn you that we have to hold him down and he won't like it if he's awake. And he will bleed a little. But with the topical salve, pain, if any, will be minimal. I want him to be asleep and he might just go through the whole thing without waking up."

Michaela, with Andrew's permission, rode into town to see her mother and sister off. "Goodbye, Mother. Thank you for coming," she said as she hugged and kissed Elizabeth. Then she did the same to her sister. "Rebecca, thank you."

"It was good to be here, Michaela. Sully, please watch out for my daughter? I will miss her so much, but I am glad she seems to have found some happiness out here."

"Don't worry. We’ll make sure she’s okay."

Elizabeth took Michaela aside, "Michaela, I was very happy to be here. I know I am still saying the wrong things, but I really am trying. I do love you and your family and I know in my heart that you really are where you should be. I know I don't always express it, but I do like your husband. He is a good man."

"Thank you, Mother. We love you too and we do miss all of you. Maybe when Benjamin is older, we can make a trip back to Boston."

"Please do."

Clara kissed and hugged her mother and grandmother goodbye. The rest of the family said their goodbyes. Elizabeth and Rebecca boarded the train and they all waved as the train left.

"Let's all go have lunch," Sully said, "before I take Michaela home."

They went to the cafe for lunch. It was the first time most of the townspeople had seen the new baby. Grace, Robert E, Dorothy and Cloud Dancing had been to the homestead to see, but no one else. In small groups, their friends came over to the Sully table to meet the new addition. Jake, Teresa and their son came over.

"Dr. Mike, he is handsome," said Teresa.

"Thank you."

"Now that's a lot of hair!" Jake said. "More like his parents than Katie's. Teresa, Katie had practically no hair and it sure took along time for her to grow some."

There was laughter at Jake's comments.

"He will probably lose some of it, Jake. Remember how much hair Jacob had when he was born, and he's lost some of that." Teresa said.

Jake laughed, "Yes, that's true."

Michaela was back in their bed, nursing Benje. She was tired after her first outing since the baby was born. Sully came in from putting Katie to bed.

"Brian's reading Katie a story. She's real droopy eyed. It won't be long before she's asleep. How are you feelin'?"

"Tired. It's been a long day."

"Yeah. Andrew said day after tomorrow for the surgery. You can rest all day tomorrow." Sully took off his clothes and got into bed with Michaela. He lay on his side, watching his son nurse.

"I think Mother is slowly accepting our life. She told me at the station. She said she really did like you and thought we had a good life here."

"I'm glad. Mostly for you. We do got a good life, Michaela. You and me and the kids. Colleen and Andrew are doing good. Matthew is really happy with Amanda. Brian sure cares about Sarah. Katie and Benje are terrific. When Katie kissed me goodnight, she thanked me for her baby. Told me to tell you too."

"I'm so glad she's accepted the baby this way....just like Brian, Colleen and Matthew did, but they were older."

"It's cuz we involved her with the whole pregnancy and made sure she knew she was loved. Same as with the others. Brian did have doubts after Katie, but we handled that. And I think we learned from it how to act with Katie."

"I agree. It helps to have a father like're such a good father, to all five of our children."

"Five," he repeated, smiling. "We got us a big family. You're a good ma. Charlotte would be very happy, the way you raised the kids."

Michaela's eyes teared up. "We raised….I think about her and hope she approves."

"I'm sure she does. Benje done?"


"Here, I'll put him to bed." Sully carried Benje to his crib, kissed him and tucked him in, then returned to Michaela. They snuggled up together. Sully gave her a kiss and began massaging her abdomen. "By the way, I got a letter from Welland today and he gave me a raise."

"That's wonderful! You deserve it." Michaela closed her eyes, enjoying his ministrations. "That feels so good. It also helps regain my former shape."

"I know. I 'member from Katie. I know it feels good to ya, but I didn't mind the way you were when ya had Benje….or Katie …."

"That's one of the reasons you're such a wonderful husband. Thank you, Byron, my Byron….."

"No, thank you. For everything......."

They fell asleep in each other's arms.

the Lifeness of the Cycles
the tearness of the departures
the tenderness of the hugs
the fullness of the lungs

the quickness of the thoughts
the gatherness of the spirits
the exciteness of the daydreams
the sensualness of the nightdreams

the lightness of the beats
the giddiness of the meets
the tastiness of the kisses
the tingleness of the touches

the lovingness of the eyes
the warmness of the hearts
the essenseness of the lifes
the Lifeness of the Cycles
----Chan Heawak

The End

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