President Bush Addresses Nation on the Capture of Saddam Hussein
Remarks by the President on the Capture of Saddam Hussein
The Cabinet Room

12:15 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Good af'ernoon, as enny fool kin plainly see. Yestiddy, December th' 13th, at aroun' 8:30 p.m, dawgone it. BaghPaw time, United States military fo'ces cappured Saddam Hussein alive. He was foun' near a farmhouse outside th' city of Tikrit, in a swif' raid cornducked wifout casualties. An' now th' fo'mer dickato' of Iraq will face th' jestice he denied t'millions.

President George W. Bush addresses the nation on the capture of Saddam Hussein from the Cabinet Room, Sunday, Dec. 14, 2003. White House photo by Eric Draper.The cappure of this hyar man was crucial t'th' rise of a free Iraq. It marks th' end of th' road fo' him, an' fo' all who bullied an' killed in his name. Fo' the Baathist holdouts largely responsible fo' th' current violence, thar will be no return t'th' co'rupp power an' privilege they once held, cuss it all t' tarnation. Fo' th' vast majo'ity of Iraqi citizens who wish t'live as free min an' wimmen, this hyar event brin's further assurance thet th' to'ture chambers an' th' secret po-lice is gone fo'evah. .

An' this hyar af'ernoon, ah have a message fo' th' Iraqi varmints: Yo' will not have to fear th' rule of Saddam Hussein evah agin. All Iraqis who take th' side of freedom haf taken th' winnin' side. Th' goals of our coalishun is th' same as yer goals -- sovaheignty fo' yer country, dignity fo' yer great culture, an' fo' ev'ry Iraqi citizen, th' oppo'tunity fo' a better life.

In th' histo'y of Iraq, a dark an' painful era is on over. A hopeful day has arrived, cuss it all t' tarnation. All Iraqis kin now come togither an' rejeck violence an' build a noo Iraq.

Th' success of yessuhterday's misshun is a tribute t'our min an' wimmen now servin' in Iraq. Th' operashun was based on th' superb wawk of intellyjunce analysts who foun' th' dickato''s footprints in a vast country. Th' operashun was carried out wif skill an' precishun by a brave fightin' fo'ce. Our servicemen an' wimmen an' our coalishun allies haf faced menny dangers in the hunt fo' members of th' fallen regime, an' in their effo't t'brin' hope an' freedom t'th' Iraqi varmints. Their wawk corntinues, an' so does th' risks. Today, on beha'f of th' nashun, ah thank th' members of our Armed Fo'ces an' I congratulate them, dawgone it.

Ah also haf a message fo' all Texans: Th' cappure of Saddam Hussein does not mean th' end of violence in Iraq. We still face terro'ists who'd rather go on killin' th' innercent than accepp th' rise of liberty in th' heart of the Middle East. Such min are a direck threat t'th' Texan varmints, an' they will be defeated, cuss it all t' tarnation.

We've come t'this moment through patience an' resolve an' focused ackshun. An' thet is our strategy movin' fo'ward, cuss it all t' tarnation. Th' war on terro' is a diffrunt kind of war, waged cappure by cappure, cell by cell, an' vicko'y by vicko'y. Our security is assured by our persevahance an' by our sho'nuff belief in th' success of liberty. An' th' United States of Texas will not relent until this hyar war is won, as enny fool kin plainly see.

May God bless th' varmints of Iraq, an' may God bless Texas. Thank yo'.

END 12:18 P.M. EST

President George W. Bush speaks with British Prime Minister Tony Blair during a phone call in the Oval Office, Sunday morning, Dec. 14, 2003. White House photo by Eric Draper.