Novermber 25, 2001

Many people who are over very over weight like myself know that just about every day you wake up with some sort of ache or pain. I have nick name mine "The Pain of the Day" oddly enough that reminds me of another "bad luck"  day. Today it was my feet and my calves. I really wanted to get some work done around the house but everytime I would stand up to do some work it felt like somebody was driving nails into the back of my legs and into my feet.  So for most of the day I was forced to sit in my apartment side lined which is something that I hate to do. Eventually it let up enough so that I could get a little work done but not too much. This is a lousy way to spend your day off.
I got a wonderful surprise in my guest book today. The person that gave me the idea to do this page Kim just signed. Kim has been an Angel on my shoulder for God knows how long. I love her to death.  Her story has inspired me to fight this condition that I have and not accept fate as the only option. If any of you get the chance you should go check out her web site it is on my links page. You can get to it by clicking on the button at the bottom of this page. Kim has had the operation that I am about to have in April of 2001. I am happy to say that she is doing very well to this date she has lost about 103 pounds and is looking very good.
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March 16, 2002