Sunday, December 21st, 2003

Well, we were all really tired from the day before, so nobody really got up in time to make it to Church… We all tried to get up and ready by 12, ‘cause we had stuff to do. I got up and showered and got ready, and then we went to Quizno’s to get somethin’ to eat. After that, we left for San Antonio, Texas, to go and see the Alamo. It was about a 3 hour drive, I think, so I slept about an hour of it. Once we got there, we looked around at the Alamo, and then we went over to this awesome mall called Riverfront mall. On the bottom level, there was like, an open place, and you stepped out into the outside and you walked around on this huge path with bridges over these streams. It was huge. There were boats to take you to the different parts of the mall that you wanted to go, and there were restaurants there that had patio dining, which was really nice, ‘cause they were close to the river, and they were outside in the sun. We took lots and lots of pictures, so once I get back, I’ll get some of them developed and scan them and post them on this site. (that is, if I ever get around to it. You guys know how I am…) We ate at this great place called…. Darn, I can’t remember what it was called…. It was really good though, and we had a really fun time there. Some of the stores they have there are ones that I’d never heard of or been to. The mall there was huge. They had just about every store you could imagine. After that, I rode home in the car with my Uncles Matt and Joel, along with my cousin, Brandon. We got in sometime around 12:30 or so. That was about all that happened that day, so I guess I’ll wrap this one up now… More tomorrow!