What is a
European Style Riding Pony???

Thistle Farms
European Style Riding Ponies

Have you ever looked at those ponies books your children are always getting from the library - wish you could have a pony that looked like that?  Well, most of those ponies are British or Australian Riding Ponies - a mixed breed of Welsh, Arab and Thoroughbred.  Ever wonder how you got one here - first win the lottery then ask! 
At Thistle Farms, we decided to bred our own version of this gorgeous riding pony hence the name -
European Style Riding Pony.

Using a foundation of Saddlebred and Arab cross broodmares and breeding them to certain Welsh ponies of both sections A,B And C, we hope to develope a pony of conformation, ability, disposition and athletic ability with grace and style to compete in todays tough showring.  Not being of great wealth ourselves, we also hope to be able to market these ponies at an affordable price!
Our first foal crop is due in April of 2001 with 4 mares being covered by welsh stallions for a larger crop of ponies due in 2002.
In order to allow us the time to truely develope these new hybrd of ponies, we will not be putting any of them up for sale - rather, promoting them through showing - watch for us at both hunter shows and welsh shows.

Our newest additions - Ardmore Bounce and her 2000 foal "Snuggles" (next one is dubed Fleecy)

Arab, Saddlebred and Welsh?????
Allow us to clarify what you must be thinking.  Yes the Saddlebred has a reputation for the peacock of the showring with high stepping motion - but did you also know that Europeans have been importing them for use on their Hannoverians??
Arabs - aren't they crazy?  Well, some think so but when crossed on the Saddlebred, we have found the result to be an impressive animal with superior jumping ability.  We hope to refine the size of these mares by using Welsh ponies plus the reputation of a welsh pony as a child's mount is unbeatable!
The end result should be a pony from 12.3 - 14 h.h., with beauty, grace, excellent movement - both front and back, and outstanding jumping ability, combined with the brains and personality suitable for children - we want a pony that can equal that of a horse BUT be handled TOTALLY by a child - or small adult for that matter.
Not limiting ourselves to just hunter style ponies, we also hope to produce a superior Western Pleasure pony and an excellent driving pony.
All our ponies will be registered with the Welsh Pony and Cob Association to allow preservation of their pedigree and when eligible, also for the Half Arabian Horse Registry.
Handled from birth and raised in a family atmosphere, we expect these ponies to be highly sought after - keeping ourbroodmare band to a limited number of quality animals will allows us to produce the best ponies we can.  Utalizing outside stallions plus our own will also allow us to find the "perfect" cross for each mare.
Watch us grow - you will be impressed and get ready to reserve that perfect pony - it will be coming sooner than you think!
Until then, pay close attention to the show ring - you will see some sneek previews of what these ponies are and you will see what they will grow into!