
The Hardhat (Reno, NV)

This was our very first show and we weren't exactly prepared for it. Thanks to our friends in Indecisive Youth though we were able to embarrase ourselves in a completely different state. We rented a U-Hall van and drove to The Hardhat. It was a cool venue and we got free food. On the way there our old drummer, Brian kept us entertained by flashing cars behind us full of unsuspecting travelers. After reaching the club, Josh enjoyed breakdancing on the dance floor and getting thrown out of the moshpit during Indecisive Youth. That night there was a gathering at a girls house named Mela who was very awesome and everybody played drinking games until they crashed. Josh watched the wedding singer and sipped on wine. The next morning we looked for a place called "Green Eggs & Ham" to eat breakfast. Instead we ate at another breakfast diner that was just as good minus the green eggs and ham and came back home.