Luv MATCH for Daniel

You guys would make a very sensual couple and this relationship can last a long time based on the fact that both of you see life as a practical matter.

Physical: 88%
Emotional: 77%
intellectual: 85%
Overall: 83%

This can be a difficult match up because both of you are convinced you have the "right" answers to everything. To make this relationship work you both have to spend time alone as well as time with friends.

Physical: 80%
Emotional: 65%
Intellectual: 76%
Overall: 74%

You two were meant for each other, even though you two are the last to realize this. You will enjoy doing things with each other because you guys can point out things to each other and you add depth to each others' lives.

Physical: 75%
Emotional: 88%
Intellectual: 89%
Overall: 84%

It is hard for you two to see eye-to-eye. Despit these differences you two can still fall in love. If both of you are willing to go the extra mile this relationship can succeed.

Physical: 78%

Emotional: 76%

Intellectual: 78%
Overall: 77%

This is an excellent combination that can last a long time, if you two are considerate of one anothers feelings.

Physical: 80%
Emotional: 90%
Intellectual: 90%
Overall: 87%

This can be a highly satisfying relationship, however problems can arise if you two become too busy with your own lives to find time to be with each other.

Physical: 85%
Emotional: 87%
Intellectual: 80%
Overall: 84%
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