24 December
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24 December

Dear Atlantis

I’m sorry I neglected you these days before X-mas. No excuses, but I bet all of you are so busy these days. It’s so nice to make your home cosy, but sometimes I long for the days my mother did all the work, and I had all the time to do the things I liked, like tinkering, write X-mas stories and sitting down to be spoiled with all sorts of sweets and food from which I even didn’t know it existed. I became lots of sweet X-mas wishes from the people around me. From old friends, from family, even from a few internet “fans”. Jee, X-mas didn’t even get started! Guess I enjoy it more then I thought I would. This week had a very special week. I’m sure you know what day I mean: the shortest day of the year. It means the days are growing longer now every day. Very specially this year was the first snow on this day. I found I had to celebrate it. I invited Mark, Amy and her husband Stan to make a long walk in the snow.  I made a backpack with donuts and a few from those tiny little drinks which you usually buy at the airport. I told you before there’s a wood not so far from here. 

Nothing beats a warm bath after
a long "walk" in the snow...
damn curtain... *s*

That’s where went, the 4 of us. We walked and talked. There was so much to enjoy. It was snowing, and walking, we saw the trees getting whiter and whiter. Amy said we should be silent for a moment so we could here the footsteps in the snow. She sounded so serious, that we all looked at each other and had to chortle with glee. But we tried hard to be serious and listened to our footsteps and the rustled sound of the shoes. Then Stan pushed me softly aside and said like this we could make a symphony of it. Like this every footstep can make a different sound, he said. I pushed him back. A snow fight from pushing and pulling started between us, and it didn’t take long before Mark and Amy where part of it too. We threw snow balls at each other. I missed all of them and I collected lots. Then I made a big snow ball and rubbed Stans face with it. He grab me and laughing we tumbled through the snow until we where exhausted from the laughing and the fun. I must admit I couldn’t win the fight. I ended at my back. Stan was pushing my hands over my head in the snow. He laughed and gave me a sweet kiss at my cheek. It made me all warm inside. The cold of the snow disappeared… Then he kissed my other cheek and at last gave a warm wet kiss on my mouth. Amy and Mark where still chasing each other. With them it ended about the same…

‘Time for a drink’, Amy shouted from a distance. We found a sheltered place under a big tree. There we drank the little bottles of cognac and whisky. We fed each other the donuts. We sat close to each other to stay warm. I perfect moment to celebrate the lengthening of the days!


 P.S. Now I have a snow fantasy too…


I love e-mail at  thira60@yahoo.com or sign my guestbook
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