17 August
Home Up Pure

17 August

Hi Atlantis

Today I would like to talk with you about my homepage. It's a strange thing. You know it started because I felt like talking to someone about things that happen in my life, but that are difficult to talk about in 'normal life'. My diary is sharing a part of my life, sharing emotions.
Sometimes I chat with readers of my diary. Not so often, simply because I don't have the time for it. I receive e-mail with questions, some are nice and friendly, others are not so nice, even rude sometimes.
One of the questions that people ask is if I'm lesbian. Well, I'm not, at least not that I know. I'm happily married. My marriage is very important to me. I wouldn't do anything to hurt my husband. But from the beginning on we had a life in wich we respected each others feelings. I know for a lot of people outside Atlantis it's a strange thing to understand. I guess it has a lot to do with not being jaleous and with knowing how much you love each other. Love can be so much more. Life can be so exciting and fun, without loosing your sense of feeling and without loosing respect for others and for values.
Amy crossed my life unexpected, very unexpected. For me this is new, and exiting. Something I never experienced before. It feels good, but also safe, because everyone involved is open in this. It's an art to take life as it comes. Not that it's always easy, but I think it brings the most for everybody when you are able to live life for the moment.






I love e-mail at  thira60@yahoo.com or sign my guestbook
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