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Welcome to
Last updated 3/17/07
What's up with that?
I've changed a lot of stuff.
Disclaimer: If foul language offends you, please do not read any further. You may exit the same way you came in.
Top Ten Pet-Peeves
Driving Pet Peeves
You might notice that this and all pages on this site load quickly. That would be because I don't use flashy animations or pictures or backgrounds (ok, one animation). They aren't needed. If you want those things, you are in the wrong place.
Political Correctness
Discipline in Today's Society
This is a site dedicated to examing things that, in my humble opinion, are just plain WEIRD! Although I won't be updating very regularly, I just wanted a place where I could just say 'What's up with that?' It will include some current news stories, and some personal pet-peeves. I welcome comments and contributions, but I can't promise I will post, acknowledge, or comment on, anything submitted. This is just my personal outlet for my views. I hope it is entertaining and possibly thought provoking.

10/12/03: There are more things than I first realized, apparantly.Today I started a
'Top Ten Pet-Peeves' page. It will include suggestions from you, but only if you submit them, as well as my own.
Since pet-peeves are up to the individual, the order they are in, and who they are from,
are not important.

The War on Drugs
The Dumbing Down of America
Advertising Idiots
Mail-in Rebates
NFL Refs
NBA Refs
Average IQ?
Kerry (or Hillary) for Prez?
4/11/04: There are a couple of things I want to talk about today. First, I am fed up with politicians running negative ads. I think that if they have nothing to say about their platform or views, they should just say nothing at all. Therefore, I will not vote for a candidate that uses negative ads. (Can you say JOHN KERRY?) And if you are going to say Dubya does it too, those are not negative, they are the truth!

Second, I think there are way too many ads on TV, especially during sporting events, and in particular, the green screen behind home plate during baseball games! I say TAKE THEM DOWN! And let's not forget the ones that make us out to be idiots: 'The blah, blah is brought to you by... blah, blah, blah.' (for example: 'The Nextel* Halftime Show is brought to you by Nextel*.  DUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!)
WE ARE NOT IDIOTS! I think I pay enough for cable that I shouldn't have to put up with all those ads! (CBS IS THE WORST!!!!!!!!!!)

SPEAKING OF NEXTEL, I heard a rumour that they asked Nascar to tone down their patriotic displays! DON'T YOU DARE, NASCAR! I think you (Nascar) should look for a new sponsor if that is how they (Nextel) are going to act.

Oh yeah, one more thing... are we going to lose historic venues' names? Will Wrigley Field become Sprint* Stadium or something? Don't the corporations make enough money just owning the thing without using it as another advertisement?

* By the way, I am not picking on cellular phone companies, the names are just examples of what I am talking about.
If you have comments or suggestions, keep them to yourself! Hehe... just kidding... go a little further down to leave  your comments or suggestions..
Nascar, Nextel and any other corporate names used on these pages are copyrighted blah blah blah.
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Gimme a break! (The New Orleans levee fiasco)
Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance
Smoking or non-smoking
My band, 'The Mixx'