James Matthew Wiley was born November 17th, 1974 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Jim Wiley and June Wiley are his parents.  He has two younger brothers, Mitch and David.  After graduating from Broken Arrow High School, He attended Oklahoma State University.  He received his bachelor of arts in Sociology with an emphasis in juvenile corrections.  While at OSU, he was involved with the navigators, a campus ministry, and he met his wife Amy. 
Matt became a proud uncle this past summer when his brother David and his wife Shandra gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Shailey. 
Matt's niece Shailey
Matt's Book of the month:
Come Back Barbara
by C. John Miller
Matt's Movie of the month:
Matt's Favorite Things to do:
Spend time with his wife and son.  hang out with students at Pen Tech, go to the beach, read, watch movies and listen to OSU sports (via the internet).