Introducing: Gabriel James Wiley
Amy was induced at 8:00 a.m. on April 26th.  Lots of family and friends joined us at the hospital to welcome our baby into the world.  We played games and watched the last episode of survivor (I hate to admit that).  After 13 hours of labor, Gabe still didn't want to come out.  Matt got suited up and joined Amy in the operating room.  Gabriel was delivered through casearean section a short while later.
Mama:  Amy Wiley
Matt Wiley
Born on:
April26, 2001, at 9:09 p.m.
Stillwater Medical Center
8 lbs., 3oz.   Height: 20.5"
Hair Color:
Mama:  I can't believe he's so big!
That's my boy!
Granny Wiley:
He looks just like his daddy!
Aunt Christi
: He's so perfect!