I know some of you are a bit puzzled over this site. What is it for, you ask, and why did I make it? Why don't the link pictures match their targets? Who am I? Why the odd colour scheme and all the other peculiarities? Who is this Dr Morris Cecil Glalet TkD? Who is Eric Sleator McGill? How much of this is real? Why?

Relax. I have answers.

1. Me
     1.1 My identity
     1.2 My physical statistics
     1.3 My personality background
     1.4 Other information

2. My site
     2.1 Its origins and authenticity
     2.2 Its meaning
     2.3 Its content
     2.4 Its layout
     2.5 Other information

1. Me
     1.1 My identity
          My name is Ryan Thompson.
     1.2 My physical statistics
          I am currently 38 years old. I am 185 cm (6 ft 1 in) tall and I weight about 75 kilos (165 pounds). I have light skin (so pale it's almost sickly-looking), light brown hair, and blue eyes.
     1.3 My personality background
          I am fairly outgoing, I guess. Sometimes I get lots of energy. I like to write. I don't paint very well, and music isn't my strong suit either. I guess my main problem is that I have no patience at all.
     1.4 Other information
          I am senior editor at The Eversley Press; before that I managed a restaurant while freelancing for the aforementioned newspaper. I'm rather active in my church, too. In my spare time I write short stories, poetry, plays, and other suchlike things. I also sail boats, too. That's a load of fun.

2. My site
     2.1 Its origins and authenticity
          This site was originally a GeoCities site, containing just the "Shoe" section (except that it was not called "Shoe"). It also contained "Blood". It didn't mention me whatsoever. (By the way, Dr Morris Cecil Glalet TkD [American character, so I put periods in the abbreviations when I write him] is a false name I concocted for this section; he is the "webmaster" of it. Eric Sleator McGill exists: he's my sister's son. He made a few fonts for the site. Bright boy.) In the summer of 2000 I created the "Shower" section, moved "Blood" to it, and set everything up.
     2.2 Its meaning
          Why does it have to have a meaning? I didn't put a meaning into this page. I just made it for the sake of making it.
     2.3 Its content
          This site has a lot of stuff I did. The "Shoe" section has its main index, a biography of this fictional Morris character, a few stories I wrote, a play, and some Secret URL's that are not linked to whatsoever. (For example, I hate Dave.) The "Shower" section has the main index, my biography, my "Blood" story I wrote (it didn't fit in with the wacky feel of "Shoe" [more on that later]), a chat room, transripts of various noteworthy chats, a page where you can ask me questions and I may answer them, a description of Oceanside, CA, which is one of my favourite places to visit, a description of my wonderful girlfriend Alice, a page she made, another story I wrote called "Time", a detailed description of a language I invented, and a page with links to various sites I enjoy. The non-Shoe or Shower portions of this site contain just the main main index and a few fonts you'll need for correct viewing.
     2.4 Its layout
          I tried to make "Shoe" show the more wacky, fun-loving side of my personality. The "Shadow" section, I think, is a bit more serious and thoughtful. It's what I'm like most of the time, sort of laid-back. Basically, the feel of a certain piece of writing determines where it goes.
     2.5 Other information
          The "Shoe" section I wrote with American spelling since, after all, Morris Cecil Glalet is an American.

and don't eat cheese with all the gravy

ain't it a bloomin' shame?

