The Tony Smith Sculpture Project

Learn the FACTS

Be Heard! Sign the Petition!


Project Timeline

News Articles



Misleading Materials




Update as of July 27, 2006


At the Board of Trustees Meeting on July 24, an alternate plan was presented which would move Tau to Meadowlands Park instead of Sloan Street.


However, the taxpayers are still expected to pay $170,000 for this project.


More updates in the next few weeks.





If you found your way to this website chances are you've spoken to the various people gathering signatures on petitions around town, read one of the recent articles in The Star Ledger, The News Record; or The New York Times. Or maybe it was one of the recent blurbs in South Orange's Newsletter The Gaslight. Perhaps one of the letters in The News Record about the Tony Smith Sculpture Tau being installed on Sloan Street, caught your eye. Then, there's always the possibility you've watched in amazement what's taken place at the last few Board of Trustees Meetings. If you haven't been following the sculpture mess on chances are you don't have a clue what is really going on.

Why the Opposition?
One of the things about this project that has upset many South Orange residents is none of us had a chance to ask questions, until it was too late. Up until the past few months there was NO PUBLIC DISCUSSION about what was going to happen. A spokesperson for this project insists there was plenty of information out there for people who wanted to know. We respectfully disagree. At one point there was a 'blurb' in the Gaslight, and a paid lecture at the library, but we can find nothing in our local newspaper informing the residents of a meeting of any kind where our voices could be heard about our tax money paying for a piece of art.

In this day and age, if an organization really wanted to get their information out there, they'd create a website. Right? When this was suggested to a spokesperson for the project at a recent BOT meeting she came up with all kinds of excuses!

Earlier this year, when someone uncovered the truth about the sculpture's funding, people immediately started to express their opposition, not necessarily to the sculpture, but to more then a quarter miillion dollars of taxpayer money paying for it. Despite the outcry and objections our elected officials decided to turn a deaf ear to the steady stream of people who to this day continue to speak out and object to tax money being spent on a sculpture. The BOT could have stopped this; but have instead chosen to sign a contract DESPITE being asked to allow the taxpayers to vote on the project.

We are not against ART.  We are against the fiscal irresponsibility of our Board of Trustees who is faced with a crumbling Village Hall, a Library with a leaking roof and roads with enormous potholes, yet they are spending an enormous amount of YOUR money on a sculpture.  Think about it. If you lived in a house with a roof that leaked and your child needed new shoes, would you buy a piece of art you liked or buy your child shoes and repair the roof to your home?

This site has been created not to trash Tony Smith, but to attempt to make more people aware of what is really going on! It is by no means a professionally created site; but at least it will give those who visit something to chew on. The information on this site has come from newspapers, Board of Trustee Meetings, information put out by The Tony Smith Foundation, MaplewoodOnline, web blogs, and other public documents.

Until recently, the very few articles on Tau coming to South Orange have been very positive. From what was written in these articles one would come to the conclusion Tau was a generous gift to the Village of South Orange from Tony Smith's family. We've also been told we all should feel honored and lucky to have such a special gift. So, what's the problem? One doesn't pay for a gift, do they? That's what we thought. But, no the TSSP once again, along with the Board of Trustees misled the taxpayers! Who in their right mind would accept a gift from someone that came with all kind of conditions and demands made by the gift giver? We can't believe our BOT didn't cut the strings that came with this so called gift and said "Thanks; but no thanks!" Take a look at what our BOT agreed to in March 2005.

Thanks to the diligent work of several South Orange residents it had been discovered the Village was not given the gift of a Tau sculpture. Nope! What we were given is the privilege to have a replica of Tau fabricated. And guess what else? This was going to cost the taxpayers of South Orange in the ballpark of at least $250,000! None of the articles informed the public of this. But, we don't think the blame falls on the newspapers. No. It belongs on the shoulders of those interviewed! Those interviewed failed to disclose valuable - HONEST information! Up until recently, the community was told the sculpture would be a 'gift' from Tony Smith's family to the Village of South Orange.

But wait, there's more! A private Foundation, the same foundation it was later learned, approached Tony Smith's family and convinced them into giving us a sculpture, told the BOT's they would raise the money to cover any expense related to the sculpture. Yes, you read right! A group of people went to Tony Smith's family and talked them into 'giving' South Orange this 'gift.' Funny how up until recently, the articles in the New York Times, The Newark Star Ledger and The News Record it appeared as if Tony Smith's family reached out to someone in the Village.

Well, guess what? There are plenty of people who, now that the truth is know, are not at all happy about the situation. The past few Board of Trustee Meetings have been lots of fun -NOT!!! The Trustees as well as the members of the Tony Smith Foundation are finding themselves being forced to answer questions they thought nobody would ask. They are now being faced with opposition and angry taxpayers that this project was snuck in under the radar with NO PUBLIC DISCUSSION!!!

Geez, there was more discussion about the silly orange a few years back the Trustees wanted to put on a pole in the middle of South Orange Ave by Ridgewood Road.

The BOT and members of the Tony Smith Sculpture Project Foundation have told members of the community we should be "grateful and honored to be given something so valuable." Hmmm, but I'm guessing it's only as valuable as how much we could sell the thing for. That would seem like the solution! Sell Tau to the highest bidder. Not so quick, the problem is that it is stated explicitly in the contract with the Smith family the Village of South Orange can not sell it.

Just to give you an idea of what's happened over the past few years take a look at this timeline of events somebody put together.

Why won't the Board of Trustees listen to the residents?

On July 10, 2006, a petition with the signatures of approximately 1,000 residents of South Orange was presented to the Board of Trustees.  Yet – they refused to budge.  Watch for yourself.

On July 24, 2006, the petition contained approximately 1,700 signatures and the Board of Trustees finally agreed to relocate the sculpture from Sloan Street to Meadowlands Park.  HOWEVER, the taxpayers are still expected to pay $170,000!  Watch for yourself.

These photos showing how some of Mr. Smith's other creations have been displayed in other areas around the country
will show you what an injustice squeezing Tau in the Sloan Street location would have been to his art.



Why isn’t this project being funded 100% privately?
The proponents of this project claim to have already raised $100,000.  Why aren’t they scheduling other fundraisers and using ALL of that money to reimburse the Village taxpayers?



What would Tau have done to Sloan Street?
Look at the two photos below. The one of the left is how the area currently looks.
The picture on the right is what the area will look like if the Tony Smith Sculpture Project and the BOT were successful with their plan to rip out the gazebo (which by the way our taxes are still paying for) and replacing it with Tau.

To give you a better idea of the size of this sculpture, here is a picture of a 6 foot man standing next to the Tau at Hunter College in New York.
This is the same size as the sculpture that was supposed to over shadow the area by the train station.

Which do you prefer? The gazebo on the left? Or Tau on your right?



Be Heard! Sign the Petition!

You Might be wondering what you can do about this? How can YOUR voices be heard?

Here are some suggestions!


Write a Letter to the Editor of the Star Ledger: or


Write a Letter to the Editor of the News Record: (Must be submitted by 9am on Monday for printing in Thursday's edition and must include your real name and phone number )


Write Letters to each member of the Board of Trustees


Talk to everyone you know and let them know the REAL STORY!!! Send them the link to this site


Attend the next BOT Meeting on September 11, 2006 at 8pm and SPEAK UP


Comments on this website?:

Have something to say? We're pretty sure the BOT and TSSP members visit this site!
Feel free to speak your mind by signing our guestbook. We are working on adding a message board as well.