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The Underground Education


Welcome to The Underground Education. Our goal is to educate the counter culture, help to organize and mobilize the none voting masses against this Bush administration, expose social and political injustice and unite fans of music from punk rock to hip hop who are bound by these common goals. Together we are strong.

The Patriot Act

The Bush Administration is putting the screws to the American people more than the average Joe knows. With the passing of the Patriot Act government and local law enforcement can snatch you up and totally screw your world under "suspicion" alone. They say this is a much needed tool to chase down terrorist from abroad and locals like Timothy McVeigh inside our homeland. I call BS, this bill was passes to harass you, me, and oh yes, the occasional terrorist. This bill was passes by many who didn't even read it, people we elect and pay to read things like this, and in a casual manner they gave up many of our rights that where constitutionally guaranteed to us. It was printed in the middle of the night and snuck upon America as it slept. So now, Ashcroft and his cronies are looking into what books you buy or check out, your credit history (damn, I still owe the I.R.$. ,oh well), they even know when the last time your doctor used more fingers than necessary to check your prostate. Illegal (well, what was illegal) search and seizure has become the main tool of this administration.(UE)

Feldmann Personal Encounter With Ashcroft's FBI - By Goldfingers John Feldmann
PETA believes that animals have rights and deserve to have their best interests taken into consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to humans. Like you, they are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives; therefore, they are not ours to use—for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation, or any other reason.
(NOFX)Fat Mikes inteview w/ Peta.(Vid)

AngelWear Help Anthony Kiedis and Flea support their charities (MusiCares MAP Fund, Silverlake Conservatory of Music).
Flea (RHCP) Anthony Kiedis (RHCP)
Red Hot Chili Peppers Official Site

Wild AidWildAid's driving goal is simple and specific: to decimate the illegal wildlife trade within our lifetimes, allowing threatened species to recover to safe levels.