Twin Stars Logo


     Start at the beginning. . . I suppose it's the only way to set things off. Here goes nothing. .
    In the winter of Nineteen Seventy-six, a set of twins were born. Of all the dreams and schemes the two cooked up, over the years, there was one steadfast goal-to be stars!
    Twin Stars is our website. It'll give you an idea of what we do with our spare time. Our inspirations, our art, our words, our history, our present, our future! It won't exactly tell you how we tick, but it'll give you an inkling. Foremost, this site is to get us out here in cyberland. To get our names seen, and our work acknowledged.
     Bios - That'll tell you all about our personal lives. 
     Photos - You'll get to see us, and our pals and just any picture we fancy to show you!
     Stories - Some of the most interesting vampire/immortal tales you'll ever read. There is a whole world trapped in the pages of  stories. Right now there are a handful, here, but more will be added until there is a large variety!
      Artwork - Paintings, sketches, comic books! It's all here for your viewing pleasure!
     The Bands - From Hanoi Rocks to Gene Loves Jezebel, we get a lot of inspiration from these fellows! Check out our favourite Rock and Roll bands!
     Characters - Where would our work be without characters?! We have hundreds, some of which you'll never meet, but we'll introduce you to our very favourites.
     Music - At the moment we can only give you suggestions on some really fab music to get your blood pumping or your own inspirations soaring! And see the discographies of some of our characters' bands or solo works! Album covers too!
      Links - We'd thought you'd enjoy looking at some sites near and dear to us!
      Guestbook - Since you're visiting, drop us a line! We're a vain couple of kids, so boost our egos and fill our book, yeah?
    Sit back and enjoy the Twin Stars site. Look around and come back as much as you like! We'll be updating  now and again, to keep y'all on your toes! Ta, ciao babies!
   The Twins

Go To The Biographies Section
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Go To The Stories Area
Go Look At The Original Artwork
Bands Inspirational To Us
Go See The Characters
Check Out Some Musical Musings
Go Look At The Links
Go Sign Or Look At The Guestbook


7/1 - At long last, the awaited Hanoi Boys article, complete with a whole slew of pictures to go along with it, is available!  The article, which is entitled "Punks Never Die," can be found in the Characters section, just below the Hanoi Boys interview set . . . you may also note the spiffy new Hanoi Boys logo the site's sporting, which was designed by Gypsy, of course, and is based upon a picture found in Hanoi Rocks' Oriental Beat album.

5/14 - A small photo-intensive update this time around, with several new pictures in the Photos section . . . enjoy!  There's also a new Hanoi Boys article on the horizon, so anybody interested in them ought to be finding a good read in their near future!

5/11 - A smorgasbord of stuff for this update . . . there's new pictures in both comics sections, Gypsy has some bunch of new high art to show off, not to mention a new tale to be found in the just-added Nothers section of her story page.  Jezrael has more stuff on the way as well, and she'll be adding a new section for her Entities stories in the near future.  Gypsy's also added some images to the Music section, which are the covers of a few of the albums some of her characters have created . . . more on them in the future, as all of 'em have a history and interesting tidbits to be told.  And as always, there's more on the way!

For more original stories and vampiric mayhem, check out the Realm of the Hollywood Vampires!

This Many Have Entered This Site Thus Far . . .

This page conjured into creation by the combined efforts of Gypsy, Jezrael, & Gutter on June 11, 2000