The Burial Procession

One day, a great aunt of mine (who lived a long time ago), felt that the foundation of her house needed fixing up, so she called her sons to do it.

They started looking for suitable stones with which to do the repairs. They looked for quite a while and still couldn't find any stones to suit the job. My aunt suggested that they go down to the old graveyard and use the old headstones from there. So that is what they did.

In the next few nights, my aunt was awakened by the sound of many people passing by the house chanting. She got up each time and went the window to see what was happening. It happened the same way every time, there was a ghostly burial procession marching across the yard bearing a coffin, and they were chanting.

Three nights in a row this happened.

On the fourth day, weary and exasperated, my aunt told her sons to "take up those stones and put them right back!"

After that, it never happened again.

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