[The Members of The Table]
[Photo Gallery]
[Stories and Such]
[WCS Football 2000]
[WCS Class of 2001]
[The Allies of The Table]
Hey everyone!  Welcome to the Table...  This is a zany and wacky place, and if you stick around long enough you might never want to leave.  During my junior and senior years of high school, I sat with the same group of people every day at lunch.  Ok, not every day, sometimes a choice few of us would hide in the dark room or the library working on that dreaded stuff called work and sometimes we would have a few extras join in the fun, but for the most part, the seven of us ate together every day in the Commons of Wichita Collegiate School.  Most people might think that sitting with the same bunch of people would get boring, but, believe me, there was never a dull moment.  I can now consider these people to be some of the greatest friends I've ever had, because of the adventures we had at the actual lunch table and those adventures that took place far from it.  Of course, we have all graduated high school and escaped the bubble we fondly call Collegiate, and we are off conquering the world of college, but we still like to return to remember and even have new adventures.  Welcome to our online haven.  Feel free to roam about aimlessly.
Look, the very beginnings of The Table captured in a Kodak moment.