(Itinerary and agenda summation)

(updated May 24 1997)

E-MAIL ME!!! Kirk Fontenot

In the old days of Mid-South wrestling they use to say "No DQ" (no disqualification) and "Ya going down!"

My mission nutshell has been orientation, initial tactics, long term tactics, implemented tactics, allied association, enemy confrontation, and now this...

I had no idea that simple struggles on the playgrounds of Sacred Heart Elementary were the tip of the iceberg of th pop culture and teen sex wars going on today. I never could have dreamed that the moral and sexual struggles were this complicated and high staked. I never thought that I could feel God in the way in which I feel Him today. In my effort to give regards and prayer to Christ directly (as the Son) in my thoughts and actions, and keep in mind the role and mystery of the Holy Spirit, I must prepare myself for which all of what I believe Christ has equipped me. This world IS coming to an end; and a new Beginning is at hand. This is NOT an excuse to toss all to the wind and say that nothing matters anymore! HEAVENS no! By this very decree, ALL matters just as much. Under God, there is never a time where Truth changes! There is never a time where Truth is less true...

If judgement day is before you finish this sentence OR if it is 3,000 years from now, what you do every day and think every microsecond matters all the same. Do no use today's miserable society as an excuse for spiritual laziness; rejoice for the End is at Hand!

You might say "Kirk, what's the point in going for a 8 year college curriculum or trying to raise kids if this world is clearly ending soon? Is it not better to not build as if the future is secure?"


The essence and root of your goals IS what matters! The zest in your soul and love for others mandates your resulting actions! The pursuit of a college degree or planning and mulling over of what kind of spouse you are going to be is inseperable from when or if you do it! If you die before you get your BS, your efforts will not be in vain. The pursuit itself IS a prize! Look at how much work I put into thinking and adjusting myself and life according to moral issue of sex, virginity, marriage and love! I don't have a girlfriend and often debate if I will be alone forever! BUT the struggle with all of these things has brought my eyes open to so much, and resulted in me using these same morals for other applications! Politics, every day life, career goals... Absolute Truth is NEVER in vain when implemented! You do something out of that sentiment and you are ALWAYS right! You do something against it; you are always wrong.

The hour is dark and the end is near!

People have from time to time people have asked me...

Kirk, what if you're wrong? What if you're just WAY off?

Then I'll be happy!

The struggle will be over and it's out of my hands. I can prop my feet up against my old computer desk, now at my grandmother's, kick back with my barrel of Doritos, Ice Box of Dr. Pepper, playing Fort Apocalypse on my Commodore 64 and listening to Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth...

aaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllll day and just laugh looking at this world going to hell and not feel the least bit guilty about not doing anything. Why? Because I was wrong...

But if I'm not...

I hereby swear that I will be the baddest, hardcore cybersoldier moral freedom fighter for the 21st century and American this screwed up world has ever seen! An empire organized through telecommunications and mega media technology. Me sitting on a throne with miniature screens all aligned on the arm console rotating while I monitor all politcal and social struggles, instructing my legions through the system of three dimensional graphical interface systems. An all out war for the future of this nation; and this world! Preparing for the Reign of the Anti-Christ. Preparing for the second coming!

I've been suicidal four major times in my life and I recently (June 1997) thought of what has kept me alive. Why I didn't go through with it: The very notion that I feel so backed into a corner and in this world with so much is so wrong, PROVES that there is a fight to be fought and that there IS something in life! So, I HAVE purpose in a life SEEMING to have no purpose!

So, to all of those who are part of the teen sex, abortion, Big Government, Pro Porn, liberals direction this country is taking, you had all better hope that I really am a kook instead of God's Dark Prophet. Because if I am, my reign, saga and legacy will one for the books!

RETURN to head page

The lines in the sand have been drawn! As this nation continues to fragment, it is more and more obvious that we will tear each other apart unless we have a miraculous revelation of who is right. Even the "bipartisan" liberals assert and know that we can't both be right. It is killing us; our social problems have advanced to such a degree so that there is no more room for anything other than nation world-wide conflict...