Merry Meet and Welcome to the NEW home of The Sacred Ring of the Shadowy Path.  I am Silver Serpent, the WebMistress of this site and the High Priestess of The Sacred Ring.
The old site is still up and running, and is linked up with this one, for a more grand experience.

Whether you are a member of The Sacred Ring; a solitary practitioner of the Craft or with another group; beginner to advanced; follow any specific trads; or are just curious, I do hope you'll find some useful pages within this domain.

Brightest Blessings to all who cross this path.  May illumination always come through the darkest shadows.
The UPDATE page... updated (at least bi-weekly) with the latest info on coven meetings, initiations, rituals, member status, and so on...Keep checking back!
To the original site...>>>
^^^ The icon above will take you to the new index.
The lady shall lead you to my myspace page, with blogs, spells, and bric-a-brac.. >>>.