Cave Date

Situation: Tacy and Jeff (both late teens) are out on a date when Jeff's true nature comes out.

Setting: Classy sit-down restaurant. Tracy and Jeff walk toward a table.

Tracy (as they walk): Wow Jeff, this is a nice place. (Jeff pulls out one of the chairs for her and she sits)

Jeff: Well, I believe in treating my women well Tracy. (Jeff sits down in the other chair)

Tracy: YOUR women?

Jeff: You know, the girls I take out on dates.

Tracy: Well, you're not exactly taking me anywhere. I got my own ride here and I'm paying for my meal.

Jeff: You are most certainly NOT paying for your meal. Guys take girls out. That's the way it goes.

Tracy: Uh, let's just drop it for now. (pause) So you said you're applying to university?

Jeff: Yup, I'm gonna be a doctor. I want to be a good provider for my wife.

Tracy: What if your wife doesn't need providing for?

Jeff: No wife of mine is going to work outside the home. A woman's place is in the kitchen, making a home-cooked meal that will be ready for me when I get home from work.

Tracy: You seriously think women should be confined to the kitchen?!

Jeff: No, no, don't get me wrong. Women should be all over the house. Vacuuming, dusting, you know.

Tracy: I can't believe what I'm hearing! You're straight out of the dark ages! (Tracy starts to get up to leave, but Jeff pulls her back down gently but quickly, then looks around nervously)

Jeff: Shhh, Tracy, no man wants to marry a girl with a big mouth. You learn to hold your tongue and you'll find someone nice, someone to take care of you.

Tracy: I don't need to be taken care of! I'm going to university too, you know. I'm going to get my own job and make my own money. I don't even know if I ever want to get married!

Jeff: Oh, come on! Every nice girl wants to get married. Sure the whole independence thing sounds nice, but the world's a scary place. Better leave it to the men to handle it.

Tracy: Unbelievable! I'm on a date with a cave man.

Jeff: Whoa, Tracy, you seem stressed out. You should relax more often, go shopping or something.

Tracy: You know what Jeff, I think I will. I'm going to go shop around for another guy. See ya. (Tracy exits the same place they came in)

Jeff: But...what did I say? Hey Tracy! Wait! (Jeff exits, running after her)


Jacqueline Matthews

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