Quotes From Assembler

Dr. Dana Lasher is an awesome teacher, who always had an interesting way of making a point. I believe these quotes speak for themselves.

"It is not the function of a university to teach practical skills."
--Dr. Lasher
"Six months ago I told you this was not a good design and you pushed it up my damn ass."
--Dr. Lasher on program specifications
"The registers are your friends."
--Dr. Lasher
"It becomes a bitch at the assembler level."
--Dr. Lasher
"They put a little six sided figure on the floor, and they summoned the Devil. He looked into the future and said 'I know how to make people miserable for generations to come.'"
--Dr. Lasher, on segmentation
"Don't put bugs in your programs. I give this advice to all my students and, virtually, they all ignore me."
--Dr. Lasher
"Not my problem. You know why? Because I make the assignments up and you code them. You will have this problem. I will not have this problem."
--Dr. Lasher
"If you did this in C, they would come along and cut your... I take that back. They might possibly turn you into a eunich."
--Dr. Lasher
"This is not a condom."
--Dr. Lasher
"Forget this computer science crap."
--Dr. Lasher on the last day of class