Q: Would the world really be a better place if everyone had your playlist?
A: No, but I'd be famous, and that would be pretty cool.

On a more serious note, the reason I like my playlist is it has perspective, and most people
lack perspective. People who look to other people to find happiness are forever going to be
unhappy...people who don't look to other people to find happiness will also be unhappy. So if you're looking for happiness here, you're looking in the wrong place, but it might lead you to the right place. I'll try to make it an interesting ride by pointing out a few of the songs on my playlist.

Right now, I'm listening to Sultans of Swing...about a smalltime band that really enjoys playing even if nobody else cares. I have Mirror in the Bathroom...a song that can't be taken too seriously to remind you not to take life too seriously either. She's like the wind, to remind you that women
are wonderful. Romeo and Juliet to remind you that women suck. Ballad of the MTA to remind you that the world is absurd, especially when you let politicians involve themselves in it.
Eye of the Hurricane, to remind us that "When you lay your dreams to rest, you can get what's second best, but it's hard to get enough." Hooked on a Feeling, just to prove that adding "OOga OOga OOga Chaka" to a song is a good idea. Long December because this year
can always be better than the last. You May Be Right isn't on there, but it should be to
remind me that I may be wrong. Mr. Jones to remind us that "We all want to be big big stars." We all have dreams. Some of us reach them, some of us don't and that's ok.
What's important is that we have them. And then there's: The Greatest, a song that says defeat and failure is all about perspective. I think the world could use a little perspective, and my playlist is too simple an answer, but when I listen to my playlist I know that life sucks and life is wonderful and time passes. You can hold on to some of it and some of it will hold on to you, but all you can do is listen to Joni Mitchell when she says "We can't return, we can only look behind from where we came and go round and round and round in the circle game."

So, what if my playlist really is the answer? It's still not, but if it were it'd be a shame 'cause I have no intention of giving you my playlist. Everyone has their own perspective and your playlist should reflect that.

And one more thing....play it on shuffle...the world isn't orderly; and if you don't like surprise, you're not going to like perspective either.