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How wonderful to know you are interested in learning Chinese! Learning the Chinese language will open up numerous opportunities for you and is easy when you have a goal. I would like to help you to reach that goal!

You've probably heard people say that Chinese is one of the hardest languages to learn - but that is not true. Did you know that verbs are not conjugated in Chinese? This fact alone will save you a lot of energy when you study and learn the language. Chinese is a tonal language and has four tones. While this may be something new for you I guarantee that I will make it an interesting journey!

As you already know Chinese reading and writing are totally different from the Romance languages. But that does not make it a hard language to learn. Like the roots of other languages, Chinese characters have "radicals" that help to indicate their meaning.

Since people from China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan speak Chinese you can hear Chinese being spoken everywhere these days. The importance of Chinese will only increase in the coming years. Chinese is a powerful second language worth learning for your professional advancement, your business development, and your personal enhancement.

Have a successful year of the PIG! Enjoy learning Chinese!
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