Brand new EP Likely Stories
available now!

Listen to The Silent Treatment! Songs with
clever lyrics, catchy melodies and inspired
instrumentation. Music that overcomes the
redundant mediocrity of the that
is worth listening to. With the release of a
brand new 5 song EP titled Likely Stories,
and the recording of a full length CD planned
for Summer 2001, The Silent Treatment will
be unavoidable this year. We will be
shows locally in Vancouver, as well as
planning a tour of the West Coast in 2002
to promote our new CD. Do yourself some good...
...listen to The Silent Treatment


Got some shows coming up, come back soon for more info!

To contact The Silent Treatment:
phone: 604.984.3686       email:
mail: 1395 Evelyn Street, North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7K 1T6
PICS (coming soon!) REVIEWS