Hello to all who view this page, and woe to all who don't.
This page is typically comprised of my political beliefs.  I will start now:
Party I support:

Decrease by a bit

I believe abortion shall not be legal at all costs.  If a woman is raped, etc. she can put it up for adoption.  The only exception of abortion is when it is necessary to save the mother's life.

The government's role in lives should be downsized.  In my opnion, whoever is of age and capable of work should work.

I agree with this program's goals, despite the fact that it is mainly supported by liberal Democrats.

Forgein Affairs:
The United States should never be isolated from forgein affairs.

Country to hate of the day:
France (they didn't send one solider to help the U.S. and Britian in operation Iraqi Freedom, yet now they want to reap the profits).

Death Penalty:
Unlike many, I believe in an "eye for an eye".  If one kills a person with full knowledge of what he/she had done that person should be killed.  Of course, I will now be attacked by Democrats.

Affirmative Action:
Why the hell would I support this?!!
This is no anwser to our contry's race promblem.  I personally don't give a crap on who gets in college, so long as they are fully qualified, even if there are no blacks, hispanics, whites, or asians.

Republican:  You have 2 dollars and your lazy neighbor has none.  So what?
Democrat:  You have 2 dollars and your neighbor has none.  You feel guilty for sucess.  You force others to help your neighbor.  You feel good.

I believe that religion should be a part of America.  After all, I am a Christian.
However, many Democrats would like to see religion banned from the public.  After all, liberals in the supreme Court have already declared God unconstitutional.
And, is it not an coincidence that children in the U.S. have been getting lower and lower scores every since the Supreme court banned prayer in public schools?

Feedback?  Questions?  Please e-mail me and I will anwser as best as I can!  Also, please e-mail me on how i can improve this site!

Somethin about binary code...
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Illegal Immigration in America
As many of us know, millions of illegal immigrants swarm America every year, especially on the Tex-Mex border.  They can be seen in two diffrent ways: 1.) liberal Democrats want to "feel sorry" for these aliens, and big business sees them as cheap labor; 2.)Conservatives see them
as people who pollute America.  Which view do you endorse?
I rather endorse option #2.
Why?  Because illegal immigration does aid in the blood poisoning of America.  Most, if not all, of them simply get a job as a slave to big business, make money, and send lots of it back to where they belong, particulary in Mexico, where a U.S. dollar is equivelent to about 10 pesos.  They spread diesase, and bring TB back into America.  They take away jobs from people who actually need them.
They don't abide by the rules, and as a matter of fact, roughly 25 to 30% of prisoners are illegal slimeballs.
And recently, to my suprise, President Bush, who I once whole-heartedly supported, gives these same slimeballs the opportunity to get a job without fear of being deported.  What the hell was he thinking?  What I think we should do is bulk up our Border Patrol at our borders, and shoo away anyone who wants to get a free ride.
And now....Demoncats.
As any conservative like myself thinks, Democrats only support illegal immigration because they hope they will vote Democratic.  And, they are right; at least 80% of all illegal immigrants vote (via identity theft) Democratic.  After all, that's where the milk is coming from.
What these immigrants should do is to play by the rules, as past generations of immigrants have done.  Instead of getting a free ride, these immigrants worked their way up into sucess.  They came here legally.  And,, they wanted to do more than suck the nipple of Aunt Sam for welfare checks.  These immigrants should be like past generations of immigrants....and not a slave to Democrats and big business.