*emphasis or sound effects*

[actions--think stage directions]



fixing a bug


Youji: [Wanders into bathroom, humming and smoking] What the--? [Adjusts sunnies so he can peer over them]  Holy SHIT!!! [Pelts out of bathroom, slamming door behind him and leaning against it]  God!! Someone HELP me!!

Ken: [Comes running up stairs pulling on bugnuk] What is it? Is it schwarz? Are we under Attack? [Looks at Youji pointing at bathroom door and flings it open] Is it an intruder? Is it—Oh my GOD!!

Youji: Just so you know: I’m not going in there.

Ken: Me neither.

Youji: Someone’s gonna have to, you know . . . kill it.

Ken: *I’m* not doing it.

Youji: *If* we ever want to use the bathroom again . . . .

Ken: I’ll wait till it dies of natural causes.

Youji: How long will *that* take? I’ve got a date tonight!

Ken: Then *you* kill it.

Youji: [Makes pleading face] Kenken…onegaiiii?

Ken: Forget it. You do it.

Youji: You’re *armed*! [Nods at Ken’s bugnuk]

Ken: Yeah. For *close* range. I’m not getting that near to that *thing*.

[They look at each other]

Ken & Youji: OMIIIIII!!!!!

[Omi runs up stairs and pushes between them, peering into bathroom]

Omi: W-What is it?

Youji: Geez. Beats the hell outta me.

Ken: *You’re* the genius.

Omi: That’s the grossest bug I’ve ever seen.

Ken: Yeah. Me too.

Omi: It’s huge.

Ken: Tokyo polution. Probably mutated on its way up from the sewers.

Youji: Go get your darts or something.

Omi: Youji-kun, it’s a *bug*

Youji: [looks at bug] Right. Go get your crossbow.

Omi: Why don’t you just bop it or something?

Ken: Yeah, Youji. Why don’t you?

Youji: [glares at them over his shades] Why don’t *you*?

Ken: *You’re* the one that wants to use the bathroom.

Youji: Who said? I just wandered in by chance. You’re lucky I was nice enough to warn you two.

Ken: Fine! [stubbornly crosses arms over chest] I don’t wanna go in there, either.

Youji: Good. Fine. [crosses arms over chest too. Glares at Ken]

Omi: But Ken-kun, Youji-kun, if we don’t kill it, it might get into one of our rooms.

Youji: I don’t care. I’m not bopping it.

Ken: Oh? What *do* you wanna do? Release it back into the wild?

Youji: Does that involve getting close to *it*? [nods at bug]

Omi: Yes.

Youji: Forget it.

Ken: I say live and let live.

[silence. They stare at the bug. Bug scurries an inch forward. Ken, Youji and Omi jump back]

Omi: It *moved*!!!

Ken: Shit!! The damn things hostile!!!

Youji: [whispers] Don’t talk so loud about bopping it. You don’t want to make it mad.

[Omi and Ken stare at him like he’s crazy]

Youji: [still whispering] Well, you’d be mad too if you heard people talking about wanting to mush you.

Ken: [sarcastic whisper] Maybe we should just politely ask it to please leave? [yells] You’re an IDIOT, Youji!!

Youji: [Wails] well, we’ve gotta do *something*!!! I have a da~te!!!

[They all look at each other. At bug. At each other.]

Youji, Ken & Omi: AYAAAAA!!!!!

[Aya pokes head out of room. Raises eyebrow}

Omi: Aya-kun! We need your help.

Aya: [Narrows eyes suspiciously] With what?

Youji: Come here.

[Aya walks over. Blinks at bug]

Aya: What the hell is *that*?

Youji: [shrugs]

Omi: A bug.

Ken: Gross, huh?

Aya: *That’s* what you wanted to show me?

Youji: [nods]

Omi: We need someone to kill it.

Ken: *Youji* needs someone to kill it.

Aya: So?

Omi: [whines] Come on, Aya-kun!! It might get into one of our rooms!

Aya: [looks at Ken, looks at his bugnuk] *You’re* armed.

Ken: I am *not* going *near* that bug!!

Youji: [wails, again] I’m gonna be la~te!!

Aya: [glares at him] *You* kill it, then.

Youji: I *can’t*. It’s too gross!! Bugs are all green and icky inside!!! [shudders]

Omi: [nods in agreement]

Ken: I am *not* going *near* that bug.

Youji: Don’t tell me you’re *scared* of a *bug*, *Abyssinian*?

Aya: [shrugs] Are *you*?

Youji: Um…

Omi: Yes.

Ken: God, yes.

Youji: Only of *that* one.

Aya: [blinks, looks like he’s waiting for something]

Youji: Alright, already!! I’ll *pay* you, for God’s sake!!

Aya: How do you want me to kill it?

Youji: What?

Aya: [looks at Youji like he’s an idiot] Nothing of *mine* is coming into contact with that thing.

Omi: Bop it with a shoe.

Aya: [thinks] Okay. Get me Ken’s cleats.

Ken: Hey!

Youji: [runs off and gets them] Here you go, Aya.

Ken: NNOOOooooo!!!!!

Omi: I can’t watch. [hides face in hands]

Aya: [edges into bathroom with a soccer shoe in either hand]


Omi: [still hiding face in hands] What was *that*?

Youji: Aya’s heavy artillery.

Aya: Fuck!! I missed! [throws other shoe at bug.]


Aya: Damn it, missed again!!

Ken: [squints at bug] No you didn’t. Look, you crippled it!

Omi: [still hiding eyes] EEWwww!!!

Youji: You’re gonna need another shoe to put it out of its misery. Unless you wanna go in there to get one of Ken’s cleats back?

[Aya starts to do that, edging into the bathroom and around the bug, when the bug suddenly lurches forward]

Ken: SHIT!! It MOVED!!!!!

Startled Omi: AaaaaGhhh!!!

Startled Aya: [Leaps back into hall]

Startled Youji: FFFUUUCCKKK!!!!

[They glare at Ken]

Ken: Heheh . . . Sorry?

Aya: I need another shoe.

Omi, Youji & Ken: [Look at Aya’s booted feet]

Aya: [glares] *Not* mine. [looks at their feet--Omi is in socks, Ken is in sneakers, Youji is wearing nice leather boots] Give me your boots.

Youji: What? No!

Aya: Do you want this thing dead?

[Ken and Omi look at each other]

Ken: I’ll hold him down, you get the boots off, Omi.

Omi: Okay, Ken-kun

Youji: Hey, what the--? You bastards!! You can’t *do* this to me!! I’m the *eldest*! You’re supposed to *respect* me, goddammit!!

Omi: Heres the boots, Aya-kun.

Aya: [starts to stalk forward]

[Bug lurches forward on remaining legs, weiss jumps back]

Ken: He’s awfully uppity for someone with three crushed legs.

Youji: You better not get bug gunk on my boots.

Aya: [narrows eyes at bug] I’m not scared of you, motherfucker.

Omi, Ken & Youji: [blink]


Aya: Shi-Ne!! [throws remaining shoe at bug]


Ken: Um . . . .

Omi: [peeks out from behind his hands, looks sick] What a mess…

Ken: Great. Now it’s *all over* the bathroom.

Youji: [sniff] And my boots.

Aya: [looks satisfied and stalks away]

Youji: I can’t go in there with dead bug all over the place.

Ken: I’m not going near *that* [holds his stomach, making a face]

Youji: Well *someones* gonna have to, you know . . . clean up.

Ken: I don’t do disposal.

Omi: I’ll wait until it decomposes.

Youji: [wails] But I have to get ready for a da~te!!!





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