Paths of Destiny©

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Paths of Destiny©

The Original Works of "The Rose"

Some have asked: "Why "The Rose"? There just seems to be something about poetry and roses that brings it all together. Call it visual perspective.

What does it take to inspire me? All the beauty in nature, a woman's affection, the curiosity of a child, the wonderment that goes along with new experiences, the excitement and fear generated by expectation, and even the sadness borne of disappointment......

One can only follow what is in his heart and soul. These pages reflect only one life, and those moments of clarity borne of experience......

Within these pages I hope that you will find insight, and inspiration.
"The mark of a true poet is not in the words he writes, but in the meaning they convey".
Come back often.

All Content found within the pages of this site are the sole works and property of Virgil G. Richards. All works are the original writings of the author. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited without express written consent of the author.
Copyright 2000 Virgil G. Richards AKA:
"The Rose"









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