Ted E.'s Page

There is a third member of our family that is very important to us.
His name is Ted E. Ribbing

Our Beloved Tede passed from this life on Oct. 23, 2007.
He is much missed and we will never forget the joy,
love and memories he left with us.

Ted E. came to us after much deliberation and soul searching. Following the
death of our precious Joey, we made a vow to never own another dog.
Time passed and we realized that the void in our world was to big,
after all, "Dog people are dog people".

So we began searching for that perfect pup that would choose us.
One evening we went to "see" some Brittany Spaniels that were advertised
in the newspaper, with no real intention of picking a hunting dog.
However, fate stepped in, as such, because when Judy placed her purse
on the ground to pick up and play with the puppies - Ted E. climbed into it
and went to sleep. So, Ted E. Ribbing picked us.

Since that day we have had numermous days of "why did we do this?"
We are discovering that training such a hyperactive dog is a whole new ballgame.
Right now he is all puppy and has been nicknamed "the TAZ"
because most days he can put a good old Kansas twister to shame but that's okay.
We will all learn to live together and will share the same unconditional
love as we have shared with our other companions.

He is such a funny little guy most of the time
Recently I bought a book on training "out of control dogs" called
"Smarter Than You think." It's a great book and the title is absolutely right!
You see, Ted E. has hidden it somewhere and we haven't a clue where!
I'm sure that he will soon calm down and be the kind of pet that we want.
Of course, I'm positive that I will either be
totally grey or totally bald by that time.

We will keep you updated on the
"Saga of Ted E."

Jan. 25, 2002
Ted will soon be 5 years old.
He's turned into the most wonderful, loving companion
anyone could ask for. Although, he does suffer from major
seperation anxiety - we barely have a moment that isn't "the 3 of us".
He has gained a lot of excess weight and so the entire family is
on a diet and exercise program.

Wanna see some of the pictures that show you my days.
Momma and I spend all of our time together - I take good care of her!
She loves to plant flowers and digs lots of holes.
I dig lots of holes too - just in case she needs one someday!
It's really HARD work some days!

Everyone says that I'm a Papa puppy and I guess they're right.
He works 12 hour shifts, they're so long, I'm sure he really misses me.

The above photos were taken about 2 years ago.

Over the 30 years of their marriage my "Folks"
have had two other special companions in their lives
and I would like to tell you about them.

These companions were loving and devoted pets.
God did not give them the blessing of being parents but they believe
that he gave them these companions and our unconditional love
in place of children.

Here are the stories of the puppies
that my people loved before I came along
....signed Ted E.

Rib's Little Beggar Sweet Baby Joey Rainbow Bridge

Dog Biscuits

1/2 cup cornmeal
1 3/4 cups whole-wheat flour
2 tablespoons garlic powder
2 tablespoons Knorr intant beef,vegetable or chicken stock mix.
2 tablespoons bacon bits
6 tablespoons oil
2/3 cup water (approx)

Mix together well. Roll out to approx 1/4 inch thick, using a dog biscuit cutter.
Bake at 350 degrees for approx 35 - 45 minutes,
basting with broth, meat drippings or bacon fat.

Wilton makes a perfect sized dog bone cookie cutter
which is available at most Wal-Mart stores for approximately 50 cents.

These make a wonderful Christmas gifts for your pets and their friends!
By using Christmas cookies cutters, even our pets can enjoy the hoilday season!

We would like to ask a very special favor of all of you that visit my page.
If and when you make these treats for your puppies or even if you buy
a box of milk bones, would you please make an extra batch or buy an
extra box and take them to your local animal shelter?
Everyone need to know that some one CARES.... Thank you!

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