What I Would Do
by Dr. Gordon Pedersen, Ph.D. of Medical Toxicology

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Dr. Gordon Pedersen Ph.D.
Director of The Institute of Alternative Medicine


Fibromyalgia is the diagnosis doctors give when autoimmune symptoms develop at the same time the patient suffers from sore joints, painful muscles, disturbed microcirculation, chronic fatigue, impaired immunity, sleep disorders, and a reduced level of energy. (Lancet, 1992). It is difficult to identify the causes, triggers and origins of Fibromyalgia, and is often misdiagnosed. But make no mistake the disability is progressive and destructive especially to the high proportion of women that develop Fibromyalgia.


Symptoms of Fibromyalgia:
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Abnormally high pain sensitivity especially in the muscles, and joints (arthritis)
  • Insomnia or unrefreshing sleep
  • Chronic stiffness especially in the shoulders, back and neck
  • Reduced levels of Human Growth Hormone
  • Reduced levels of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) resulting in low or no energy
  • Hormone and endocrine imbalances
  • Chronic toxin accumulation from the skin, lungs, intestines, blood stream and brain
  • Depressed immune function and activity
*The above symptoms can decrease immunity and allow or cause fibromyalgia to worsen, producing additional symptoms that include:
  • Depression and personality changes(6)
  • PreMenstrual Syndrome (11,)
  • Tension and migraine headaches (12)
  • Muscle trauma, and deconditioning (16)
  • Anxiety, sleep disorders (62), vertigo, apathy, mood swings and memory loss
  • Autoimmune disorders like chemical hypersensitivity, asthma, lupus and arthritis
  • Irritability
  • Mitral valve prolapse
  • Opportunistic bacterial, viral and parasite infections
  • Chronic fatigue immune deficiency
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and leaky bowel syndrome
  • Myofacial pain syndrome
  • Hypoglycemia and inability to burn fat
  • Intestinal and food allergies
  • Possibly a traumatic emotional or physical shock triggers the manifestation of fibromyalgia.
Causes of Fibromyalgia
The exact cause of fibromyalgia is not known, but there are numerous contributing factors that seem to trigger the onset of debilitating symptoms. Any one of these contributing factors may or may not be able to cause fibromyalgia on its own, but the theory is that there is some factor that causes an autoimmune response and the body’s immune system responds abnormally by attacking normal tissues. In order for this to happen the immune system is not identifying normal tissues properly. This means the immune system or it ability to identify normal tissue has been damaged, or normal tissue has been damaged and no longer function normally. Either way an immune response is mobilized and the normal tissue will be destroyed as if it were a disease.
The results of this continual immune assault begins with pain wherever the body is being attacked. The most common places for autoimmune attacks occur in the muscles, soft tissues, joints or any cell that is identified as a foreigner to the body. This includes brain cells. When the immune system damages these tissues sufficiently, it produces diseases like arthritis, irritable bowel disease and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Because the body is at war with itself, the true cause of fibromyalgia must be something that causes the body’s immune system to attack normal tissues. In order for this to occur one or more of the following must occur:
1. Normal immune cells that identify normal tissue have become damaged
2. Normal immune cells are sending improper messages
3. The receptor sites on normal tissues have been damaged and cannot receive proper messages
4. Normal tissues are not sending or receiving normal messages
5. Immune factors that communicate normal or attack status have been adversely affected
6. Something damaged the immune system, communicating immune factors, or normal tissue receptor sites and is continuing to interfere with normal immunity.


As the number of contributing factors increase, the symptoms of fibromyalgia increase until the body becomes weaker and less able to identify self from non-self. Ultimately, the burden of multiple problems decimate normal immune function, until the body can no longer suppress the symptoms of fibromyalgia. It is interesting to note that wherever the body is weakest the symptoms become strongest. For this reason each fibromyalgia patient suffers in different places. The scientific community will continue to discover more specific causes for auto immune disorders but at present there are four significant factors that have been proven to cause fibromyalgia like symptoms, they are:
1. Viral infections
2. Parasite infestations
3. Bacterial infections
4. Intestinal yeast infections

The viral, parasitic, and bacterial infections can trigger autoimmune and hypersensitive reactions that may lead to auto immune responses, but in most cases the human body is only exposed to that infector a single time. The body can usually defend itself and eliminate the disease or suppress all the symptoms. If there is only one exposure the pathogen will be suppressed or it will mutate and become a different manifestation. This is important because the intestinal yeast infection can cause autoimmune disease that has similar symptoms continuously, indicating that it is probably the primary cause of fibromyalgia. A closer scientific review demonstrates support for this theory.


Intestinal Yeast (candida albicans) produces the following toxins, which could be responsible for the symptoms and causes of Fibromyalgia.
1. Ethanol- an alcohol of intoxication mutates immune cells (165)
2. Acetaldehyde 6 times more potent than ethanol, cell mutation (167)
3. Tyramine interferes with immune function (179)
4. Canditoxin interferes with and reduces immunity (180)
5. Proteinase increases candida potency (187)
6. Glycoprotein toxin interferes with immune function (201)
7. Polysaccharride proteins reduces immunity (178)
8. Histamine reduces immunity (111)

*Cyclosporin is a drug given to patients that have received transplants. It prevents the rejection of the transplant by reducing the function and activity of the immune system. With reduced immunity the transplant is able to live and function within the body. Cyclosporin has numerous adverse side effects including, chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain, opportunistic infections due to lowered immunity, low energy, autoimmunity and a host of others that mimic the definition of fibromyalgia. The important thing is that the source of cyclosporin is a fungus found in Norway that is very similar to candida albicans (yeast). Make no mistake one of the primary causes of autoimmune syndromes like Fibromyalgia comes from fungus cyclosporin or candida albicans (intestinal yeast).


Yeast (candida albicans) is a microscopic fungus that lives in warm moist areas like the skin, intestines, and vagina. It competes for space by secreting toxins; for example penicillin is a fungus that secretes a toxin that kills bacteria. Sugars feed yeast and make it grow, for example bread requires yeast flour and sugar to grow (rise). In the making of bread, if you forget to add sugar, the bread will not grow. As you can see sugar feeds yeast and it grows inside your intestines much like it rises in the mixing bowl. in the process of growing, yeast and sugar produce gases or toxins. Ethanol and acetaldehyde are two of the most toxic gasses produced from candida albicans, and they cause fatigue, drowsiness, depression, tissue damage, and impaired mental function similar to intoxication.


Acetaldehyde and Ethanol have been proven to cause the following:
1. Immune cell membrane defects
resulting in abnormal immune cell shape, thus impairing normal tissue identification. The mutation is passed on through during immune cell reproduction. This interferes with intestinal absorption, excretion and function.
2. Enzyme destruction resulting in impaired detoxification, tissue destruction, impaired digestion, chronic fatigue, and pain.
3. Abnormal hormone response resulting in PMS, inability to loose fat, depression, emotional distress, personality disorders, and mood swings.


Reversing the Cause of Fibromyalgia
Most fibromyalgia treatments merely treat the symptoms and never address the cause.
Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune problem and the cause of the autoimmunity must be stopped and reversed if a cure is to be achieved. Since ethanol and acetaldehyde have been shown to cause autoimmune responses and promote the growth of abnormal immune cells, these toxins must be eliminated.

Note: The following do not heal or cure any type of disease. Only the body can heal itself. However it is a well known fact that when the body is given the proper nutrients to feed, cleanse, and protect itself, it then has the ability to bring itself into balance and combat the cause of autoimmunity and help restore proper immune function and wellness.


The following steps will combat the cause of autoimmunity and help restore proper immune function and wellness.


1. Cleansing Agents
FloraGuard™ contains over ten billion active cultures of the following:
lactobacillus acidophilus, bifodobacterium bifidum, lactobacillus bulgarius, bifidobacterium longum, and streptococcus thermophilus.

These healthy intestinal flora are the primary tools for destroying candida and restoring normal intestinal absorption and immune function. Good flora works by secreting toxins that kill candida albicans. As candida retreats, the good flora re-establishes its intestinal domain. This results in a reduction of the yeast and the toxins it produces, which include ethanol and acetaldehyde. By killing off the yeast and the toxins it produces, the following benefits result:
A reduction in immune cell wall mutation, which reduces autoimmune responses, which results in no more abnormal shaped immune cells being reproduced. As the immune cells take two weeks to reproduce normal cells, the body will cleanse for two weeks and then rebuild steadily. Digestive gas bloating and irritability should subside first, followed by a reduction in muscle and joint pain, followed by a reduction in chemical sensitivities, followed by a continual strengthening of the immune system, followed by improved health and vigor and vitality.

This is the most important step in arresting the production and replication of abnormal immune cells. This stops the cause of the autoimmune response.

FloraGuard™ should be taken on an empty stomach (which is three hours after you eat or one-half hour before you eat) twice a day for the first month, after which it can be taken once a day, or as needed. In severe conditions it can be taken three times a day, and in mild cases it can control symptoms with once a day dosing.


2. Rebuilding Agents
AgeGuard® contains amino acids in their most concentrated and isolated free forms. These amino acids and proteins are beneficial for promoting strong muscles, rejuvenating organs, and normalizing metabolism. AgeGuard® Contains human growth hormone (HGH) releasers. HGH improves immune function, muscle mass, bone density, energy, sleep, mood, vision, and the appearance of hair and skin. Revitalizes body systems to relieve run-down condition and combat symptoms of aging.


3. Antioxidants, Phtonutrients, Daily Vitamins, and Minerals
LiquiGuard™ Contains over 130 nutrients including vitamins, minerals, Phytonutrients, antioxidants, amino acid blend, and an immune enhancing blend that provides the body with the needed nutrients from natural and concentrated sources. Those people who have severe problems would want to start with DailyGuard® for the first month and then switch to the LiquiGuard. This is due to the 12 grms of natural sugars in the LiquiGuard™.


4. Immune Boosting Agents
BioGarlic®  contains garlic which is an antioxidant, anti viral, antibacterial, anti inflammatory and it stimulates the immune system by increasing NK cells, lymphocytes, cytotoxic T cells, and improving cardiovascular and immune function.


5. Behavior Modification
a. Stop eating refined sugars, fruit sugars, and start eating stevia or saccharin.
b. Stop eating milk sugars and dairy products
c. Avoid eating red meats, yeast, and caffeine
d. Avoid taking birth control pills , alcohol, and tobacco
e. Stop taking antibiotics for the problem


6. Follow the ESSENCE of Healthy Living, where each letter in the word ESSENCE stands for a healthy principle to live by
a. Eat correctly
b. Sleep 8 hours nightly
c. Supplement where there is a deficiency
d. Exercise and stretch daily
e. Naturally hydrate with water (8 glasses daily)
f. Cleanse the intestines and restore good flora daily
g. Eliminate harmful behavior (like smoking etc


7. Optional Support
VIVA Green Barley® contains; cold processed green barley that provides natures best nutrients, antioxidants, chlorophyll, and cleanses the intestines and the blood stream.
VIVA Cleanse Tea™ This mild natural laxative softens stool and improves peristalsis, which readily detoxifies the intestines and reduces the burden of constipation and intestinal toxins. It should not be used during times of diarrhea or loose stools.


Optional Drug Therapy Diflucan is an antifungal drug that is prescribed for toenail fungus. It works to kill the intestinal yeast. Even though the drug can be prescribed for 6 - 12 months, it kills the intestinal fungus so well that it only needs to be taken for two weeks. The only patients that need this drug are those that are so fatigued that they are only able to get out of bed and function for three hours a day.


What You Can Expect
Expect a dramatic cleansing of the yeast that usually results in a flu-like illness that lasts about two weeks, after which a steady return to good health begins. This return to good health takes at least one month for mild cases, three to six months for moderate cases and six to nine months for severe cases. Remember you are killing a yeast infection that took years or decades to develop. Because of this it may take months to return to a normal function. Virtually everyone that uses this protocol experiences significant benefit and about half of the patients progress to a point where they function normally without symptoms. At this point it takes small continuous preventive amounts of these behaviors and supplements to keep functioning normally.


1. Lancet, 340(8827), 1992
2. Adv Exp Med Biol, 398, 373-379, 1996
3. Medical Hypothesis 44,369-378, 1995
4. Rheumatic Disease Clinics of NOrth America 22(2), 219-243 1996
5. Current Opinion in Rheumatology 7(2),127-135, 1995
6. Clinical Rheumatology 15(3)283-286, 1996
7. Archives of Phys Med Rehab, 44, 369-378, 1995

Copyright Dr. Gordon Pedersen 2001


There have been so many people who have told us after reading the article and getting on the program that for the first time they understand what is happening to them and what they need to do to bring balance and health back into their lives. The most common description of what these people feel is HOPE! They now have hope for a better life and a brighter future.

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