This site has been up since (I don't want to look up the date) and it's December 12, 2002 now. Since then, I've spent weeks without updating it. This is partly because I wonder whether anyone checks back here at all. It would be so cool to know there are throngs of people who come to this site every day to check for updates. Then I'd post more. But I'm afraid because I don't update every day people just don't visit to check, therefore I don't have a lot of people coming by and I'm not motivated to update. It's a vicious circle.
I had the bright idea of attaching a message board to my site. Not only would this give whoever comes to this site (all two of you) a chance to talk to each other (and to me, of course) it would give you a place to keep coming back to without my direct intervention (not to mention a place to say how great this site is and to beg for updates). Unfortunately, I haven't found a simple, free place for message boards since went under. Foiled yet again by the Internet gods!
It has occured to me that this page doesn't have much of a future, as if I am ever motivated to get over here and update my site, the last thing I'm probably going to update is the stupid site journal. But just to let you know, I've posted new Random Thoughts today, so go check them out!
Wow, I went out and actually found a free message board! I'm on fire today! Well, not literally....
I just checkep up on my site statistics (I have a lot of time today, don't I?). I have 651 total hits and 350 hits on the index. Wow. That means I have only 301 "other" hits. In other words, 49 index hits are not correlated with any other hit on the site. What does this mean? Does this mean 49 people visited my site and didn't bother to actually read anything on it? Does this mean people simply kept using the index page to check to see if I had updated, and saw that I hadn't? I hope the second part is true. I sometimes wonder what percentage of my site hits are hits made by me, and shouldn't be counted. I hope it's less than 50%. It has to be... no way I've viewed some of those pages that are up past 10 hits more than three or four times. So that must mean, unless people are in the habit of reading my rants more than once (which may be required to understand the true genius of my work) at least 5 or 6 people have visited my site. Judging from my guestbook entries, there are at least four people who have visited my site. I wonder how many actually bothered to read anything. Ah, the angst of a website-owner!

December 13, 2002. Ok, so I posted one more random thought seven minutes after midnight. But hey, it's tomorrow, so why not? This way there will be a whole two entries in my sight journal. Not only that, but they're sequential, which will make people marvel at how diligent I am (that is, unless you're reading this on March 4, 2003 or something like that, and there's nothing aftere this entry). I was reflecting on the current layout of my site. The way I have it the most recent things come last, with the latest rants going last in the rants section (it's been forever since I wrote a rant) and the latest movies going last in the movies section (it's also been a while since I wrote a movie review; and yes, I know I should call them films to keep with my suave upper-class appearance). This way, the newest stuff is buried under a heap of old stuff, and you have to scroll down to get to it. Some of the very best stuff on this site (I personally think the Bad Movie is probably the best thing on here) is rather low on the page; probably covered up if your screen size is relatively small. Well, at least this way, the saavy visitor will scroll to the bottom of the page, reviewing at a glance all the good old sections of the site (remember internet.html?) while waiting in giddy anticipation to see if anything new is up. I considered getting tacky "NEW!" tags to attach to the sections I've updated, but I decided taking them down would be too much of a hassle, not to mention timing the take-down right would be too much of a bother. So you'll just have to wait (or check here... there's an idea... but see above note about updating this page) to see if anything new is on the site.

December 19, 2002. Apparently putting a message board on my site was one of the worst things I could have done. I'm very lonely talking to myself in real life, and it's pointless to do it online, too. It only emphasized the lack of participation, if not overall visitorship, regarding my site. Am I really all alone out there? Then again, there's not a whole lot of ways anyone would find me. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS SITE! Like I said, the more people who visit (and post on the message board!) the more I will update the site. I may even start a web comic... but don't hold your breath. Unless you can hold your breath a really, really long time. In which case I guess it's ok for you to hold your breath. But still, don't do it only because I told you not to. That would be silly. Then again, if you do have the ability, why not flaunt it? Ah, whatever. If you can hold your breath that long, you're entitled to make up your own mind about when and where to do it.

February 5, 2002. Not much going on recently... haven't added anything in the longest time. I don't have that much to do any more... I'm sick of all this damn homework! Me eats da homework like deys liddle termites ja....

February 18, 2003. I just noticed that I must have done a time leap or something to post almost a year ago back there. Hmm.... anyhow, I'm back in business, and leading the way is an upgraded Bad Movie (don't expect anything major... I tweaked a scene or two). Would you like to see something changed? Post in my message board! I'm going to take this opportunity to once again shamelessly plug my message board for you to say anything and everything, especially if it's comments, opinions, or suggestions about things on this site. Oh, and a preview of coming attractions... the continuing journey of the SOS Gerbil Dispenser will be appearing soon. I'll put up a special thread in the message board for you to make comments and suggestions! Anything else you'd like to see? Put it in the message board!
Oh, and before I forget... say hi at my message board! Hmm... perhaps I should use subliminal messages... Roast nun pie less itch roared!
Hmm... what else... oh, I put up new Random Thoughts!

March 14, 2003. I've been neglecting the site. This is probably because I was so bummed by the lack of participation in the message board. (sigh) Looks like I'll have to go back to jumping people on the street and tattooing the address of my site on their foreheads. And you thought I was Rabid only in name!

April 4, 2003. Just to prove that I'm still alive and termite-eating, I posted the School Sucks rant. And yes, I know the link didn't work. That's because I incorrectly named the page "schoosucks." I can't figure out a way to change this, so you'll have to live with the somewhat inner-city sound of it. Oh well.

July 8, 2003. What you've all been waiting for! I've put up new rants and stuff. And... ah... stuff. Really though. What else can I write here? Am I supposed to crow every time I put something up? Honestly, people.

September 22, 2003. Sheesh, I haven't the foggiest idea what to rant about. School's sucking up all my brain activity! Perhaps I could write a detailed rant about zombies and brain activity sucking. But I don't know if anyone would be very interested in that. But hey, you never know. Maybe I'll write it later. Until then, peace, my imaginary daily readers!

September 23, 2003. Today is the day after yesterday but the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow, today will be yesterday. Whee! I hope tomorrow I'll be thinking that yesterday (that is, today) was most excellent!

December 1, 2004. Shocking. I haven't updated in what seems like a year. I've become one of those people I warn you about, who never change their website! GAAAAH! But really, it's because everything creative I make either isn't put online or is put on my web journal thing. So huzzah!