"For The Smiling People"

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Issue 25 /

 / Relativity Online / Since 1999 / Editor: Anton Kruining


MKZ-Computervirus slaat toe in Nederland

Vanmorgen bereikte onze redactie het bericht dat het beruchte MKZ-virus zijn rampgebied heeft vergroot. Niet slechts de dierenwereld wordt geteisterd door het gevreesde virus maar ook computers vallen ten slachtoffer aan de gruwelijke ziekte. Uit Amsterdam berichtte onze speciale correspondent dat talloze computer-gebruikers volledig lamgeslagen achter hun bureau zitten en ten einde raad zijn, nu de gevreesde ziekte ook hun computers heeft aangetast. De overheid heeft drastische maatregelen genomen.



Looking for Something?

Check out the 325 Pigeon Links. Our staff linked the best and most interesting sites on the Web. More smiles? Going out? Travel? Hobby? Sex? Tips? Festivals?



Top 10 things that sound dirty in golf but aren't

If misunderstanding would be money everybody was a millionaire by now. You know what golf is of course. But you would be surprised to hear the dirty talk on the greens. At least, when you don't know what's going on...






Humor on the Road

Trafic signs are found all over the world. But some are really strange and put there by people with a lot of humor. Our readers took pictures of signs they saw during their travels.



Pigeon Email Humor

We get hundreds of emails every month. Among them are several ones which tell about what our readers experienced and made them laugh. We like to share some of those emails with you. When you read these emails you know: humor is just around the corner. Is it your corner? Please let us know. The rest of the world may laugh about it too.



How to liven up the Office

We don't know where you are working. It could be rush hour every hour of the day. Maybe it's as dull as a cemetery. If that's the case, here are some tips to make your office the vibrating place to be.



Become the World's Richest Person!

The month is always to long for your salary? Find out what you can do about it. And not just something! No, you will be the richest person in the world! Without much effort.



Wat vrouwen denken over mannen

Mannen zijn niet wat ze denken dat ze zijn. Vrouwen hebben daar een eigen specifieke mening over. In dit artikel leest u wat nu het werkelijke beeld is dat een vrouw van een man heeft. En onthoud: Glimlachen is herkennen!



When you are reading TPP in the office and your boss comes, press panic button.



             Paco's wisecracks...




" Life sucks! 

I lent a guy ten grand to get plastic surgery and now I don't know what he looks like..."




Seen on Signs:


Lady's shop:

Love is blind. Lingerie is braille. 


Reception desk:

I like to help you out. Which way did you came in? 



You can't scare us - we have children. 



Where there's a will, there's an attorney.



Not all men are fools... some are bachelors. 





Today's Quote:

"Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer..."


(Britney Spears)





Join The Pigeon Lottery

and win

$ 1,000,000

$ 1 for one million years !!!



Het laatste nieuws online


Kranten Nederland


Kranten Buitenland



The Fucking Errors

You are working on your computer. Suddenly you see ERROR on your screen. Most of the time it's for a good reason. But sometimes there's no reason at all. Your computer seems to live a life of it's own. For all those occasions Microsoft has a special update. So even the dumbest user doesn't have to be frightened anymore.


  Why Gulliver never came back 

For years this material was hidden in the secret archives of a Scandinavian state. No one knew about it. Recently one of The Post Pigeon's reporters discovered it and brought it to our HQ. Now you will know for the first time what Gulliver never did tell and why he never came back to the normal world again!

(If you feel you could be offended do not look at this!)







Painful Pictures in Sports 

Here are some pictures taken on different sports occasions. In a split second the photographer saw that special moment and took a picture. It shows you things you normally never would have seen.  



Recipes for the Young Bachelor

We all have been bachelors sometime in our lives. Mostly we had a good beer. Not a good meal. Pigeon's "Chef de Cuisine" made a perfect combination. So the young (or old) bachelor can have his fun and enough healthy time to enjoy it. And.. if you have any good suggestions? Let everybody know.



I look like my Dog 

Some people look like a dog. It's a pity but not everbody's father is a sculptor. But some people look like the dog they own. Year after year the resemblance grows and grows. One day a creative mind decided to hold a contest who looks most like his dog. See the winners and ask yourself if you could be one...




  Seen a funny TV-Commercial?

They are all around on tv. And on the internet too. Our staff is searching the tv-channels and webpages for the best ones. Every issue we make a selection. Also this time. See for yourself how advertising can make you smile:

The Stripper.



En natuurlijk onze columns...

Kees Kessel, Sprinter, Victor Vogelvlucht,

Wet & Net

Op hun eigen onnavolgbare wijze weten Kees, Sprinter en Victor te vertellen over de meest uiteenlopende zaken. Rijkelijk gelardeerd met humor en zelfspot. Wet & Net belicht haarscherp tal van juridische zaken. U mag ze niet missen!







With many thanks for this issue to: Marianne, Victor, Kees, Sprinter, Martine, Christel, Remko, Paco, Hans Otto, Christian, Kim, Britney, Anastacia, Webgids Nijmegen, Redhot, Bravenet 

and many others.

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