Hobbies/Interests: ST, X-Men, ER, Women's Soccer

Favorite P/T episode: 'Blood Fever'

Favorite P/T quote: "Be careful what you wish for." --B'Elanna, 'Blood Fever'

Other Parisites met: Eggy and Epsilon (former)

Favorite Links:

Short bio: Kritter is a typical hyperactive teenage girl who is proud of her numerous obsessions which include the X-Men, Star Trek, and the US Women's National Soccer Team. She writes fanfic, but most of it was lost when she had to reformat her harddrive. She loves to sing and, though a current resident of Boston, she will always be a Texan at heart. She is also a member of OTL (a comic fanfic list) and several soccer related message boards as well as the Parisites. Finally, she wishes to pass these words of wisdom along from her friend Avery. "Smile, say cheese, and face the day!"

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