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The Pagan Online Campus

Welcome to The Pagan Online Campus. We are an online pagan school offering a large amount of free diverse classes in magickal education. Whether you are a beginner or a highly advanced we will have something for  you. Amoung the spiritual paths represented(but not all taught) in this community are Wicca, Satanism, Druidry, Thelema, Isiac, Shamanism, Rainbow, and Asatru. No matter  what religion you are, you are welcome here.

Disclaimer: This is a pagan run pagan community. If you do not agree with the material that is being taught, please leave. If you do not wish  your child to view this, pay better attention. This is a  child friendly site, based on opinion.

Please visit our sister sites. a library and tutorial and Seasoned Pagans is a community for the artistic pagan.

Copyright © November, 2002. The Pagan Online Campus.