August 21

updating this site really sucks, there's soo many buttons you have to press before you finally get to this one editing section. Okay most of you already know cuz you've heard it through the grapevine or you've actually have gone to our MYSPACE account and read the bulletins or blogs. theory of us has merged with hearts between war. new members, new and old songs, lots of two step and breakdowns. now if you want to be further updated you will have to travel all the way to our myspace, add us and read our bulletins. that's all for now.


June 28, 2k5

a friend of mine asked, "why don't you guys update your website anymore?" well this is why. myspace has made it easier to update, it has made having a website obsolete. so if you want to know what the hell is going on with us like shows, news and all that other stuff, go to


march 18, 2k5

go to our and look up the shows there, we have three shows in april. i'll transfer the dates to this site sometime soon when i'm not feeling lazy!


feb 27, 2k5

free show this friday, head on over to the shows page for info.

feb 23, 2k5

show went well sunday, thanks to anyone who came out and danced. we're putting a video up real soon, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, or even the day after. but it will be up this week. we have, shirts, buttons, and other stuff coming in by the end of the month. so if you want merch, save up some $ and buy everything :). also, were recording three new tracks this month, hopefully they will be up by next month. we're also planning a tour for june 17-26. the first two dates are June 17 in GA and June 18 in NC, all that information is slowly coming through. if you're on the east coast and want us to play a show around that time, let us know, email us at, or message us on myspace, just head on over to that's all the news for now, keep checking back and keep telling your friends about us.


Feb 4, 2k5

another show for this saturday in Ft Lauderdale, go to the shows section asap.

<3theory of us

Jan 27, 2k5

first and foremost, we'd like to announce that our guitarist search is over, Alex and Derrek will be joining the tofu crew. Now, there's a show, head on over to the shows page and update yourself on this. Bring your friends, bring your siblings, bring whatever you want, but be there.

<3theory of us

Jan 1, 2k5

Happy New YEARS!! we're still alive! keep checking back for news.

Dec 3, 2k4

No updates in what? 3 months, nice, ok, here we go.

Dec 11
Rick James Fest
Cruisers Tavern
$10 bux

Vision of the Blind
On watership Down
Theory of Us
From a Fallen Empire
Know the Enemy
Rot Gut

more bands tba

we play around 8pm, but be there early and enjoy the 12 bands that are playing!

also check out the 4 songs we have on

<3theory of us

